The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3417: Slaughter of Extraterrestrial Army

As for the Necromancer, all the forces that urged him acted on the black chain in his hands, swept directly towards Xiao Yifeng.

"Let's show you what a true strong man is today !!!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes were frozen, and his eyes shot a cold cold mang.

Might of Galaxy! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng directly urged the Xinghe Power under his control.

Suddenly, a hundred-foot-long galaxy emerged above the void, emitting a bright light.

A terrible galaxy of might is released.

Xiao Yifeng then waved his hands.

The hundred-foot-long Xinghe blasted directly towards the ancient Demon Emperor and the undead servant.

The terrible galaxy force erupted.

All three attacking forces erupted.

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

boom! !! !!

A series of roaring explosions erupted throughout the sky, and the horrible energy swept away.

The power of terror swept away and suppressed towards Wangjiang City.

In a moment, a large number of people outside the territory were killed by this terrible aftermath and might.

One by one can't die anymore.

Under the aftermath of this blow, more than 100,000 people outside the country directly killed a third of them.

The entire Wangjiang City was destroyed more than half.

It can be seen how terrible the power of this blow is.

The strength of this ancient demon emperor and the necromancer of the deadly people who gathered the entire Dongzhou million people are terrible.

But facing the galaxy force from the cosmic starry sky.

They still couldn't resist.

Even though Xiao Yifeng only realized that he had control of the strength of Baizhang's long galaxy, it was still terrifying.

These two attacking forces were completely destroyed by the forces of the Galaxy.

The two of them were also completely cleaned up by the power of the Galaxy.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng discovered that this galaxy force had the ability to purify things.

This terrible death gas and magical energy were all purified by this galaxy force.

In a blink of an eye, the terrible attack that erupted from the demon ancestors and necrotic ancestors outside this domain was easily resolved by Xiao Yifeng.

The two of them were pale, weak, and their eyes widened.

There was an incredible look.

They did not expect that their terrible blow was destroyed by Xiao Yifeng.

"Evil eyes swallow the sky !!!"

At this time, the ultimate attack of the evil eye ancestors also broke out.

As he waved his hands, he burst into a drink.

A terrible evil light burst out from the third eye where his brows were.

This evil light turned into a huge eyeball in the void, like a black hole, releasing the power that devoured heaven and earth.

Directly blasting towards Xiao Yifeng, the monstrous evil spirit erupted.

As if to completely swallow Xiao Yifeng.

Rumble! !! !!

The blow erupted, and the blood of the ancestor of the evil eye tribe spewed out.

The whole person's blood and strength were exhausted, staring at Xiao Yifeng.

Want to see Xiao Yifeng killed by this blow, then his efforts and sacrifice are not in vain.

But after all, the imagination is full, but the reality is very skinny.

Although the evil power of this evil eye tribe ancestor is terrible, it is not even weaker than that of the two just now.

But wanting to deal with today's Xiao Yifeng is a little worse.

Sen Luo Vientiane Boxing! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng directly urged this Sen Luo Vientiane fist, and the horrific punch broke out.

Instantly banged on the eyes like a black hole.

boom! !! !!

On the spot, the eyeball transformed by evil light was blasted by Xiao Yifeng with a punch.

what! !! !!

And the third eye of this evil eye tribe ancestor burst open, a blood arrow shot out.

His eyes were bursting and blood spilled.

The whole man uttered a scream of utter screaming.


Destroy the three forged taboo blows.

Xiao Yifeng stepped out directly, spit out a cold word in his mouth, and waved with one palm.

The Great Wilderness! !! !!

Prompting this blow, a huge palm directly appeared in the void, exuding supreme coercion.

All the aura and the power of the stars poured into this palm.

Then this palm repressed towards these three foreign ancestors,

Now they are dead soon, and their power is exhausted.

In the face of Xiao Yifeng's blow, there was no resistance at all.

"Boy, my lord will help us with revenge !!!"

At this time, the ancestors of the demons outside the domain roared at Xiao Yifeng.

Then he and the other two were wiped out by this terrible palm, and they couldn't die anymore.

The four ancestors of the extra-terrestrial race all died in the hands of Xiao Yifeng.

It can be seen that Xiao Yifeng is now strong.

With the death of these four foreign ancestors.

The rest of the people outside Wangjiang City looked pale.

They had a look of fear in their eyes, and they began to tremble inside.


Xiao Yifeng's face was cold, and his eyes were ruthlessly staring at this group of people outside, making a cold drink.

Immediately, the strong man in the Temple of Stars rushed towards the people outside this group.

They launched a terrible **** killing.

After an hour.

The entire city of Wangjiang was shrouded in terrible blood, and the thick smell of blood swept away.

The whole space is full of acrid blood.

All these 100,000 extra-territorial armies were slaughtered by the people in the Star Hall.

No one left, all died.

Most people are destroyed by terrible energy and even the corpses are gone.

After solving this wave of people, Xiao Yifeng took the people of the Star Hall to walk through the ancient world.

Eliminate all remaining forces outside the domain.

At the same time, he sealed those extraterritorial channels again.

It can be ensured that people outside the realm will not be able to come to the ancient world for a while.

When he comes back from Tianmo World ~ ~ he will have to solve things outside the domain again.

He will also take the magic girl to a demon outside the territory to rescue her father.

And he also wanted to see what the world was like outside this domain.

Even if he had not stepped outside the domain in the last life, he did not know much about it.

In addition, he also wanted to see the sacredness of the adult said before the death of the ancestor of the demon tribe outside the domain.

But all of this will not be possible until after he comes out of the world of demon.

The next day.

Xiao Yifeng, Jian Yun and others all returned to the World of Demon.

Returning to this demon world again, Xiao Yifeng was a little bit emotional.

He has been here for two years.

And now his strength is very different from when he entered here two years ago.

Today he doesn't have any opponents here.

Even Tianyang of the Tian tribe or Qi Tiandao of the Tianji xuan tribe is nothing to him.

It's totally an existence that can be destroyed by waving.

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