The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3401: Star Temple was born

I saw a huge palace emerged above this void.

The palace is full of blue stars, blooming with stars.

It seems to be formed by the confluence of countless stars, and looks beautiful, like a fairy palace above nine days.

When one glances away, he cannot move his eyes.

This palace exudes a terrible power, giving people a sacred and unattainable momentum.

Suspended high above the sky, it seems to make people worship on their knees.

More like a **** looking down at them, these ants.

On top of this palace, the three dazzling large characters of the Star Hall emerged, and people from the entire ancient world saw it.

Obviously this palace is the Star Hall.

The three words in the Star Palace do not just represent the names of Xiao Yifeng's previous forces.

It represents a palace.

And this palace is the star hall in front of you.

With the birth of the Star Hall.

The entire ancient world was deeply shocked.

"The Star Hall was born and the Lord of the Starry Sky is back !!!"

In the ancient world, some super powerfuls with a strength of more than half a round of returning home watched the birth of the Star Hall, and said one after another.

Apparently, the birth of the Star Hall meant that the Lord of the Starry Sky had completely returned.

The Star Hall is suspended in the air.

It exudes supreme brightness and might, suppressing the entire ancient world.


Above this sacred mountain, the ancestor of the Demon Race outside the area stared intently and drank violently, intending to retreat.

Now the Lord of the Starry Sky breaks through the dominating realm and evokes the terrible light of the ninety-nine laws.

This Star Hall was born. Obviously, once the Lord of the Starry Sky returns, its strength will be very terrible.

Coupled with the Elder Star of the Star Hall.

The ten strong men in the pseudo-reincarnation alone couldn't handle it at all.

Do not withdraw now, they will all be finished by then.

"Want to leave !!!"

Watching this group of people outside the area want to withdraw, the seven-star elder gave a cold drink.

They have shot towards this group of extraterrestrial powerhouses.

At the same time this prison strange, Tianmo and Luo Qianyu all four of them shot together.

Boom boom! !! !!

A series of roaring explosions sounded.

There was a series of roaring explosions all over the holy mountain, and terrible energy burst out.

In the end, ten ancestors of the pseudo-reincarnation outside the territory and thousands of extraterritorial powerhouses fled only a third.

The remaining two-thirds died in the hands of Elder Seven Stars and Tianmo.

The ten foreign ancestors of the pseudo-reincarnation all died directly and tragically.

Only four of them have fled, which is a heavy loss.

This extraterrestrial siege sacred mountain twice.

In the end, they almost came to an end.

As the Lord of the Starry Sky stepped into his dominion, the Star Temple was born.

This extraterritorial army also stopped killing and aggression, and all gathered.

They started hoarding together and no longer slaughtered and invaded other forces in the ancient world.

"The Star Hall is finally born, and we can follow the master to fight the Quartet again!"

Everyone in the Star Hall stared at the Star Hall in the sky with a look of excitement.

At the same time as Xiao Yifeng broke through the dominating realm, he was on the earth in China.

In the Xiao's Villa in Tianhai.

Women like Hongmei are playing around Xiao Xiao and Xiao Yaochen.

Now Xiao Xiao and Xiao Yaochen are two or three years old.

And they look just like children five or six years old.

Can walk and jump, and can say a lot of words.

It's not like a two or three year old child at all.

The main thing is that their realm is even more terrifying.

This Xiao Yaochen has now stepped into life and death.

A life and death under the age of three.

The strong man in the whole world of the stars must be shocked to death.

After all, the state of life and death was reached before the age of three.

This is simply the evil in the evil, the abnormal in the abnormal.

If this is enough, countless evil geniuses will be ashamed and want to be killed.

As for Xiao Xiao's realm, it is impossible to see through.

There seemed to be a mysterious power over her, making it impossible to detect everything she had.



At this moment Xiao Xiao, Xiao Yaochen screamed suddenly.

And hearing these two little guys suddenly called dad.

The eyes of women like Hongmei showed a look of wonder.

"Why did these two little guys suddenly call dad !!!"

Lu Xueqing looked at Xiao Xiao and Xiao Yaochen with a surprised look.

"Dad is worse than that !!!"

Xiao Xiao said milkily, his voice was very immature.


Hearing Xiao Xiao's words, the daughters of Hongmei are all a bit unknown, so I don't know what this means.

"Xiao Xiao, can you still sense your father?"

Hongmei looked at Xiao Xiao and said.

"Mom, aunt, don't worry about Dad, Dad is fine !!!"

Xiao Xiao waved his little hand and said milkily.

The pink face and long eyelashes look lovely.

"It seems this little girl can sense the presence of Xiaofeng !!!"

Hongmei sighed.

"This little girl is extraordinary from an early age."

"Perhaps it is not impossible that she can really detect the small wind !!!"

Ji Ruxue said lightly.

"Hey, it's been two or three years, and that guy doesn't know when to return !!!"

Lu Xueqing resentfully said.

"Why, Xue Qing, do you miss that guy, still empty and lonely !!!"

Mo Shumei laughed softly.

"Dead girl, what are you talking about?"

Lu Xueqing blushed and gave Mo Shumei a glance.

"That guy, I think he was enjoying himself in another world, and found another group of beauties, forget to come back!"

Ji Ruxue said with a smile.

"I have a feeling that he won't be back soon !!!!"

Hongmei's eyes glowed softly.

In a remote mountain village in Huaxia, in the small courtyard of the house where Su Yan lives.

Su Yan was washing her clothes in a civilian dress.

On the one side, it seems that a four- or five-year-old child is playing with a wooden Trojan ~ ~ This child is exactly Xiao Fan, whose actual age is only two years old.

But Xiao Fan grew up fast and looked like a four- or five-year-old child.

"Xiaoyan is doing laundry again !!!"

At that moment, Xiaolei went into the courtyard with a bag and looked at Su Yan and said.

"Well, what are you carrying, Brother Lei?"

Su Yan said looking at the man.

"I just went up the hill and hit a tiger. I'll roast tiger meat for you later."

"And this tiger skin will also be able to make tiger skin clothes for you, very beautiful !!!"

Xiaolei said with a smile.

"You are so amazing that even big tigers can be killed !!!"

Su Yan smiled slightly.

"Haha, it's just a tiger. Even ten can be easily killed !!!"

Xiao Lei laughed and said, his speech was full of pride.

Looking at Su Yan with a look of obsession.

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