The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3107: Heavenly Shrine

"Are you really dead? No, how could you die!"

Chi Yu kept shaking his head, apparently unable to believe this fact.

"I will definitely wait for you to come back!"

Chi Yu said with a firm look.

Apparently she has a deep feeling for Xiao Yifeng now.

And at Fenghuang Mountain, next to a stream, Lin Feng sat here panning with a hot flame energy.

Then all the hot energy dissipated, Lin Feng's eyes opened, and there was a fascinating light in his eyes.

Today, Lin Feng's strength has also stepped into the **** of Yae, only one step away from the title.


At this time, a clear and sweet voice sounded behind Lin Feng, and she got up and turned back.

I saw a woman wearing a long red dress, with a lively and lovely face, exuding a touch of aura. It was the daughter of the patriarch of the Phoenix family, Phoenix Ling.

"Why are you here, Phoenix Spirit?"

Lin Feng smiled at Huang Ling.

"Sir, you are cultivating everyday, don't you feel bored?"

Feng Ling came to Lin Feng and said.

"Work hard to become stronger, maybe I can see him!"

Lin Feng murmured to himself, and there was a thick thought in his eyes.

"Sir, is that the man you said the one you like?"

Phoenix Ling curiously.


Lin Feng nodded.

"Then where is he now? Is it in the outside world?"

Phoenix Spirit continued.

"No, in another world, so I have to work hard to get back in that world!"

Lin Feng groaned.

"Yes, my dear maiden, the people I just heard from outside say that there seems to be a peerless genius among the ancient people."

"At the young age, he beheaded and killed countless powerful men, and also destroyed many ancient gates in the ancient world, which was called the **** of evil!"

Phoenix Ling said with interest.

"Is it!"

Lin Feng looked very calm about this.

"What is that man named Xiao Yifeng? It is said that it was the first genius of the Dragon List of the ancient world, but I heard that he has lost his vitality and died, unfortunately!"

Phoenix Ling sighed.

"What did you say that person was?"

Lin Feng's look was changed, watching Huang Ling say suddenly.

"It seems to be called Xiao Yifeng, what's wrong?"

Feng Ling looked at Lin Feng with a puzzled look.

"Xiao Yifeng, is it really you?"

Lin Feng said at this moment with great excitement that the heartbeat of the whole person has accelerated.

"Yes, what did you say about him just now?"

Suddenly Lin Feng thought of something, her face changed and looked at Huang Ling.

"According to the people from the outside, he seems to be exhausted!"

Phoenix Ling said.

boom! !! !!

Hearing Feng Ling's words, Lin Feng suddenly felt as if the whole person was thundering.

A heart sank directly to the bottom of the valley, his face suddenly looked extremely ugly.

"How is that possible? How could he die?"

Lin Feng muttered to himself, his expression seemed very incredible.

"What's wrong with you, maiden?"

Feng Ling looked at Lin Feng with a puzzled look.

"what happened?"

At that moment, Feng Yu, the elder brother of Feng Ling, came here and looked at Lin Feng, looking surprised.

"I don't know, the maiden is suddenly like this!"

Phoenix Ling's expression was blinded.

Huh! !! !!

Suddenly Lin Feng's eyes condensed, and she got up and left.

"Sir, what are you going to do?"

Feng Yu looked at Lin Feng and said.

"I'm leaving Phoenix Mountain!"

Lin Feng said directly.

"Without Nirvana success, you must not leave Phoenix Mountain!"

Then the icy voice of the ancestor of the Phoenix clan suddenly sounded.

"My ancestor ..."

Lin Feng said what she wanted to say.

Suddenly a powerful force appeared, and Lin Feng disappeared in place.

"What's wrong, maiden?"

Feng Yu asked while looking at Huang Ling.

"I don't know. I just told her about the human genius Xiao Yifeng, and then the maiden got out of control. Does the maiden know that human genius!"

Phoenix Ling said curiously.

"What's wrong with the Terran Genius?"

Feng Yu asked.

Then Huang Ling said something about Xiao Yifeng.

"Xiao Yifeng!"

Feng Yu's eyes flashed with light.

"Yes, brother, how are you preparing for the battle of dragons and phoenixes? I heard that the genius of the dragon family, Dragon Sky, has advanced to the eight-claw golden dragon."

"It is very powerful, and it is known as the strongest genius in the Dragon family for thousands of years. You must be careful!"

Feng Ling said looking at Feng Yu.

"Rest assured, I will win Long Fei this time. By then I will be able to baptize the bloodline and break through to become a colorful phoenix, matching the Virgin!"

Feng Yu's eyes flickered with fascination, and she exclaimed.

In a mysterious palace in the ancient world, the two mysterious strong men who had previously tried to **** the two sisters Chu Yu and their self-proclaimed temples stood here.

"I didn't expect him to fall!"

"Yeah, but this time the stars have faded. It seems that his vitality is indeed exhausted. Even if he does not die, I am afraid that he has encountered great trouble."

The two mysterious powerhouses talked to each other.

"That being the case, take this opportunity to take the sisters and brothers of Chu together with those gods, or wait until the owner arrives in the ancient world, we can not make a difference!"

One of them said directly.

"Well, that's a good idea, otherwise it won't be so easy to take away those people when the starry sky emperor really recovers his strength!"

The other nodded.


One of the five sacred places in the ancient world is the sacred place.

"Holy Lord, the situation of the Nanhuang has been basically investigated, and now the entire Nanhuang is unified by one force!"

In a large hall of this temple, a man knelt on the ground and said to a man who was carrying him.

And this man carrying him is the Lord of the Holy Land.

"Oh, what forces can dominate the southern desert!"

The Lord is surprised.

"This force is called Fengmeng ~ ~ It is said that the leader is a young man named Xiao Yifeng, whose strength is very terrible. There is a group of powerful men around him, which wiped out all the major forces in the Southern Famine."

"Even the major gates in the South Wilderness Realm were destroyed by their destruction. The whole South Wilderness Realm was also completely controlled by Fengmeng!"

Said the man kneeling on the ground.

"Interesting, a young man can unify the South Famine and the South Famine secret territory. It seems that the ancient world is really a genius!"

The Lord of this heavenly holy land smiled slightly.

"Sir Lord, would you like to destroy this alliance?"

Said the man kneeling on the ground.

"Don't worry, the Holy Land has not yet fully recovered, and the major powers are not all awake."

"Go and check the situation in the ancient continents, East Island, West Region, and Beihai, and see how the remaining four holy places are now?"

The Lord of the Holy Land sank in a deep voice.

"Yes, Lord!"

The man kneeling on the ground said.

And in a cave in the South Wild Black Forest.

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