The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 3000: Taixumen perishes

This formation is to protect the existence of too virtual gates, but this formation is too powerful.

Today, the virtual door has no one to activate, so it will be activated by this virtual person.

And this formation has passed for so many years, once it was activated, it still exploded with terror.

A series of terrible swords rose into the sky, forming the Taixu Sword Formation directly, trapping Xiao Yifeng in it.

"Today let you taste the power of this too virtual sword formation!"

This too real person looked coldly at Xiao Yifeng and others yelled.

Taixu real people waved his hands constantly, urging the Taixu Sword Formation to explode the strongest power of the Taixu Sword Formation.

At this moment, swords are rising up into the sky.

The horror of swordsmanship permeated Xiao Yifeng and others, giving them a feeling that they were all swords and were in the sea of ​​swords.

The power of this virtual sword array is extremely horrible, and it is not as strong as that of the virtual sword array originally played by the sword virtual boy.

Rumble! !! !!

Eighteen dazzling sword lights burst out from this sword array, and the power and sword meaning released by these eighteen sword lights is comparable to the full blow of a half-step reincarnation power.

In this horrible momentum, even a half-step repatriation powerhouse can hardly resist.

"This sword array is pretty good!"

Tiansha spat coldly.

"Smash it together!"

Xiao Xiu shouted directly.

"Let me do it myself!"

At this time Xiao Yifeng was talking, his eyes flashed with cold chills.

Tian Sha and others glanced at Xiao Yifeng, without saying anything, and set aside, they believed in Xiao Yifeng.

"Since it is a sword array, then I will use a sword to break it!"

Xiao Yi spit coldly.

"Sword of the Excalibur, I haven't used you in such a long time, you should shoot!"

Xiao Yifeng summoned one of the five artifacts directly and said softly.

"Relax, master!"

Yuan Ling, the **** sword, answered directly.

boom! !! !!

Xiao Yifeng waved his hands, urging this sacred sword, and all the strength in his body broke out.

The power of the stars in the three stars in Dantian and the power of the stars in the eight points in his body are pouring out wildly.

With the improvement of his strength, he also has more and more control over the Divine Excalibur. He can better display the power of the Lingtian Lingbao. With the cooperation of this spirit, the Excalibur also broke out Terrible momentum.

At this time, among the excited seeds in Xiao Yifeng's body, a mysterious force was released into the sacred sword.

Rumble! !! !!

Suddenly, this sacred sword was completely activated, and a series of roars broke out, soaring directly into the sky.

A dazzling Jianmang erupted in this sword array.

Over a period of nine days, the majestic Sword of the Mighty Wildness erupted from the Divine Excalibur.

The sword meaning erupted from this sacred sword is ten times more terrifying than the sword meaning in this too virtual sword formation.

Tiansha them all have a heart in their hearts, and they have an inexplicable fear in the face of this **** sword.

The eighteen sword lights in this sword array are trembling, as if they are about to break.


Xiao Yifeng sang aloud, consuming the power of the whole body, inspiring all the power in this sacred sword.

A terrible sword blasted away towards this sword array, and a mighty power that wiped out nine days and ten gods swept across.

Boom boom! !! !!

The entire sword array was suddenly shrouded in glare, and a series of deafening roar continued.

At this time, in the eyes of the people who were too virtual and the people who were too real, I saw a dazzling Jianmang from this too virtual sword array burst into the sky, straight into the sky.

The might of annihilating the gods swept out of this sword array, and the entire Taixu sword array was completely shattered under the sword of the sword, which was destroyed by the powerful force.

The terrible sword spread toward the entire crowd of too empty doors, letting them spit in their hearts and spit out blood in each mouth.

As for that too real person, Heng's strength was exploded by the power of this sacred sword. In addition, the large array was broken, and he was backswept.

He spit out blood, his face was pale, his body was wounded, and he looked at Xiao Yifeng and others with an unbelievable look in his eyes.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng was holding the Divine Excalibur, and released the supreme might on his body. All the power in his body was exhausted, his face was pale, and he began to run endlessly.

The sequelae caused by spurring the Excalibur is also quickly recovered. With this endless technique, he does not have to worry about the sequelae caused by forcing these treasures.

"Are you really going to be my enemy in the sky?"

Too real people looked at Xiao Yi Feng Shen Chen.

"What about the sacred place in the sky? Make me do him the same!"

Xiao Yifeng snorted coldly, a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

This too real person's eyes kept flashing, and then he took out a jade card and crushed it directly.

The jade brand shone with a light covering this too real person, and instantly the figure of the too real person disappeared before his eyes.

"I didn't expect a teleportation team!"

Xiao Yi spit out coldly, his eyes flashed with cold coldness.

Then Xiao Yifeng's eyes glanced at everyone who was too virtual.

"All gone!"

Xiao Yifeng's voice was cold, and he drank directly, a flash of cold killing in his eyes.

Suddenly, they began to kill this too empty door.

Although the Taixumen is an extremely powerful ancient gate, it is completely weak in the face of Xiao Yifeng's horrible men, and it has no resistance at all.

In the end, the Taixumen Gate was destroyed ~ ~ The entire Zongmen Gate was completely reduced to ashes by a fire from Xiao Yifeng.

Following Cangzong, the second largest ancient gate in Dongzhou was destroyed in the hands of Xiao Yifeng.

Soon the news spread, the rest of the masters of the ancient gates were shocked, their hearts seemed extremely shocked, and their eyes were full of fear.

puff! !! !!

At this time, the figure of the real person appeared directly somewhere in Dongzhou, a spit of blood spewed, his face pale, his eyes flashed with cold coldness and thick anger.

"Damn boy, you wait for me, this revenge will not be reported, I am too real to swear!"

This too real person made an angry roar, and then his figure quickly hurried to the virtual heaven holy place.

After the extinction, Xiao Yifeng and his party returned to the holy city, and Xiao Yifeng gave the third immortal refined elixir of his body to Xiao Xiu.

Now Xiao Xiu Xiu ’s strength has reached the eighth level of his dominance, and he is almost about to break through the title. With the help of this elixir, his strength should soon be improved.

Xiao Yifeng also asked Wuliang before. The medicine needed for this elixir is too precious, and it is very difficult to refine it. Otherwise, he must let Wuliang refining a few more elixir.

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