The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2695: Cold front's firmness

"I do know him better than you, but that's why I know he can't die."

"No one in this world can let him die unless he wants to die. He just can't come back temporarily, but he will definitely come back."

Lanyi said confidently.

"Is Brother Xiao really okay?"

Liu Xuan'er's eyes were crying a little.

"Relax, he must not die!"

The Lanyi people solemnly said, "Now what you are going to do is not grief, but to work up your spirit and work hard to cultivate."

"The only way to help him in the future, I think you don't want to just make a vase beside him!"

Hearing the words of the Lanyi people, everyone's eyes flickered and they nodded.

Then the girls left, and the Ranyi muttered to themselves:

"You guys come back quickly, otherwise I really can't help shooting at those big gates."

"These **** ancestors dare to shoot at you, and I will never let them go."

"It seems that we should restore our strength to the peak as soon as possible!"

The Lanyi people frowned secretly.

After hearing the words of the Lanyi people, the girls returned to their rooms and tried to cultivate.

This blue Linger lingered in colorful light, and was constantly absorbing various elixir resources.

His strength is also rapidly improving, and soon a ray of light burst out from Lan Linger, soaring into the sky, straight into the sky.

At the same time, two other gods, Ling Yun and Chu Yu, burst into the sky and rushed into the sky, their strengths are rapidly improving.

In another room of this spiritual gate, the wild beast sat here, the blood in his body was boiling like hot water, and his body was glowing with blood.

Just as blood spewed from his body, the blood of the mad **** in his body was once again excited, helping the mad beast to quickly improve its strength.

Now the strength of this mad beast has already stepped into life and death, and the blood of the mad **** in his body has been stimulated by more than half.

Somewhere in this holy city, a dim place, two figures stood here.

One person's face was faintly visible through the little moonlight, but it was a woman.

It was the woman named Lihua that Jin Hao rescued before.

At this moment Lihua stood respectfully in front of another person and bowed:

"Master, I have completely trusted in Jin Hao. He loves me so much now."

"Very good, well done, continue to work hard to completely control him, and pay attention to his grandfather's daily killing."

"At the same time, try to find a way out of his mouth about the tomb of the half-step reincarnation strongman, and wait for me at any time."

The other figure spat coldly.

"Yes, Master, disciple understand!"

Li Hua nodded respectfully, and then she left from here and returned to the Spirit Gate. No one noticed it.

In the small courtyard in the holy city, the small poisonous body broke out again.

Without Xiao Yifeng's help in absorbing this poisonous gas, Tian Di could only forcibly seal all the energy erupted from the poisonous body by himself.

It's just that this little thought is suffering tremendous pain.

After a bit of trouble, the poisonous body of this little thought was temporarily controlled.

"Damn gates, you wait for me!"

On this day, his face shivered coldly, because several major gates of Jian Zong's attack on Xiao Yifeng led to Xiao Yifeng's death. No one helped Xiao Si to control the poisonous body in his body.

This made Tianzhao full of hatred and hatred for those gates, and he could not kill them.

However, even if this is not the case, it is impossible to restore Xiao Yifeng, and once this little thought is out of poisonous body next time, I am afraid that it is even difficult for him to control.


Teana could not help but sigh.

In this Ninth Heaven Supreme League.

In the room where Leng Feng was located, the Leng Feng who had previously gone into flames due to the news of Xiao Yifeng's death was also awake.

"Woke up!"

The middle-aged man who came to the Supreme League with the cold front stood in front of him and said indifferently.

"Little Lord!"

When the cold front woke up, the first sentence was still remembering Xiao Yifeng.

"Did you know that you almost got into trouble and were completely done!"

This middle-aged man looked at Leng Feng and said directly.

"If the lord is dead, what if I go into trouble?"

Leng Feng said with a somber expression, eyes full of pain.

"It turns out that the young master in your mouth is the kid named Xiao Yifeng who let the six major gates join forces to send five titles to kill. It is no wonder that you can be your young master. There are indeed some skills that allow them to send five masters to kill . "

"But since he is dead, you can't go wrong, don't you want to avenge your young master?"

The middle-aged man looked at Leng Feng and cried.

"Revenge, I must avenge the young master!"

Leng Feng shook his fist violently, his eyes filled with cold and firm look.

"Since you want revenge, then improve your strength so that you have the opportunity to avenge your young master!"

The middle-aged man shouted in a deep voice.

"I know, I will control my emotions and strive to improve my strength!"

Leng Feng said.

"It's time for the new Supreme Ranking. Immediately, the entire Ninetimes will re-rank the current twenty Supreme Ranking Tianjiao."

"At that time, those who are not selected to the Supreme List will also have the opportunity to be listed on the Supreme List, and this is your chance. Once you are listed on the Supreme List, you can enter the pool for cultivation that day."

"At that time, you can improve your strength in the shortest time ~ ~ and you can also hit the dominion in the shortest time. You must seize this opportunity."

The middle-aged man asked.


Leng Feng nodded,

"A lot of Tianjiao will compete for the position of the Supreme List this time. Just in this Supreme League, there are several Tianjiao who want to enter the Supreme List."

"And I heard that this flower **** palace has also newly born a heavenly girl who has been inherited by the flower god. She is very strong and has been fully cultivated by the flower **** palace. This is a popular player on the Supreme List. Your The pressure will be great and we must go all out. "

The middle-aged man shouted with a somber expression.

"I will definitely enter the Supreme List and step into Tianchi. The enmity of the young master, I will also report that none of these people can escape."

Leng Feng spat out word by word.

In Shenjian Mountain, at this time, the night was quiet and the whole Shenjian Mountain was in a quiet place.

I don't know when, from a courtyard, a horrible sword air soared into the sky, and immediately destroyed this small courtyard.

The horrific sword qi spreads in all directions, spreading in all directions, and it is Jianyun that caused all these changes.

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