The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2692: Goodbye 9 Dragon Seal

"And my ruthless father, not him, my mother won't die, and I will never let him get better. I want him to see for himself how the Demon Hall was destroyed in my hands!"

Xiantian's fist clenched, his eyes filled with cold cold mang yelled.

"Relax, you can do it!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Chen Tian and said in a loud voice.

"Well, thank you for your help!"

Xi Tian looked at Xiao Yifeng solemnly thanked,

"We've all had drinks together, so there's no need to say such kind words!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

"By the way, I have heard about you. Now you have been chased and paid attention by the entire Shura Purgatory strongman, how about it?"

Wu Tian looked at Xiao Yifeng and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. They want to deal with me. It's not that easy."

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"What are you going to do next?"

Xi Tian said.

"I'm planning a trip to Shura City!"

"Then I'll follow you!"

Xi Tian said directly.

"Following me is very dangerous!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Li Tian and smiled slightly.

"If it weren't for you, I would have died, what a danger!"

Xi Tian shook his head.

Then the following day joined Xiao Yifeng's team, they shuttled through the mountains.

Huh! !!

At this moment, the Jiulongyin in Xiao Yifeng's body suddenly made a snoring noise, which caused a change, and the Jiulongyin was full of light.

"Uh? What's going on? Is there another Kowloon Seal here?"

Xiao Yifeng could not help guessing.

Xiao Yifeng took this Kowloon Seal out.

Now that the Nine Dragon Seal has gathered five pieces, the remaining four pieces can be turned into the real Nine Dragon Seal, which is the existence of the best artifact on the list.

As soon as the Jiulong seal came out, it shone in a direction directly. Xiao Yifeng followed the rays of the Jiulong seal and rushed forward, and the others followed behind him.

Through a mountain peak and a canyon, Xiao Yifeng came to a chaotic forest, and there was a cave in this chaotic forest, and it was this cave where the Nine Dragon Seal guided.

Looking at this cave, Xiao Yifeng suddenly understood that there might be a sixth piece of Kowloon Seal in this cave.

But just as he was about to enter the cave, another woman, wearing a strong black suit, with hair, had a delicate and cold face, and a heroic woman appeared here.

Holding a long sword in his hand, his eyes were cold and ruthless, and his strength reached the seventh level of life and death.

At this moment, the woman's eyes also saw Xiao Yifeng, with an indifferent look in her eyes, she was about to enter the cave.


Xiao Yifeng yelled suddenly, blocking his body in front of the other person.

"Step aside!"

The woman slammed her sword at Xiao Yifeng and sang coldly.

"There is something I need in this cave, so this girl will not enter."

Xiao Yifeng looked at the woman and said directly.

"What if I have to go in?"

The woman said coldly.

"I'm sorry, you can't get in with me."

Xiao Yifeng hugged with both hands, and talked at ease.

call out!

The woman said nothing, the sharp sword in her hand burst into a sharp and terrible swordman attacking Xiao Yifeng.

And she took the key to Xiao Yifeng with a sword, she was very fierce and decisive, without any hesitation, she was trying to take human life.

Watching this woman's shot, Xiao Yifeng did not have a backhand, but just fluttered to avoid the attack of the other party:

"I don't hit women in general. You are not my opponent. It's better not to force me to do it."

"You have too much nonsense, so hurry up!"

The woman shouted politely, holding a long sword and attacking Xiao Yifeng again. The strength of the sevenfold life and death was fully exploded, no less inferior to the attack of the ninefold strongman.


Xiao Yifeng saw that the other party had said so, naturally without any hesitation, his shot was a fierce bombardment.

On the spot, they collided with each other's sword, making a dull sound.

The sword of the best holy class in this woman's hand trembled fiercely, and the terrible power was passed to the woman's hand through this sword.

Immediately, the woman's palms were numb, and the long sword in her hand flew out. She was a dozen meters away, her feet stepping on the ground and backing.

Stepping out of the ground with deep footprints, she finally stabilized her body, her body trembled, and a corner of her mouth spilled blood.

A shocked look flashed through the woman's eyes and looked at Xiao Yifeng.

She didn't expect that this guy who looked like his age was so terrible that she was wounded with just one punch.

"I said that I didn't want to do anything with you, but to force me, why?"

Xiao Yifeng shook his head.

"Well, an old monster who has practiced for thousands of years turned out to be a boy in his twenties. You are really shameless!"

The woman looked at Xiao Yifeng coldly and vomited, apparently determined that Xiao Yifeng was an old monster who had practiced for thousands of years, but she was deliberately so young.

"Hey, I don't like to hear you. When did I become an old monster? Brother Fang Twenty-three, very young, is not an old monster who has cultivated for thousands of years!"

Xiao Yifeng poked his lips and snorted suddenly.

"You are twenty-three? How is that possible? It is absolutely impossible for your strength to be reached at twenty-three!"

The woman said in disbelief that she was hailed as the first genius of the family for thousands of years and spent the family's full training.

It was only twenty-four years old to cultivate to the seventh level of life and death. It is an extremely rare genius in Shura Purgatory. This guy is smaller than her. How could she be so much stronger than her!

"How? Twenty-three can't have this strength ~ ~ Brother talent is not the same? Can't you be so young and reach the seventh level of life and death?

Xiao Yifeng said in disapproval.

When this guy uttered his own state, the woman frowned again, her eyes condensed, and she looked at the guy with a strange light.

"Okay, I remember you!"

The woman said coldly, turned away and quickly left, very clean and not dragging.

"This woman has a personality!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly, and then he entered the cave.

"Kowloon Seal!"

Sure enough, Xiao Yifeng found another Kowloon Seal in this cave.

The most important thing is that this time is the four seals of Jiulong that have been fused together.

At this time, the nine seals of Jiulong were all gathered.

However, he wanted to get the Kowloon Seal, which was not easy, because the four Kowloon Seals had owners.

This master is a powerful man who dominates the territories. He is absorbing and refining the energy in the Kowloon Seal.

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