The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2676: Thunder sea toss

When all this energy had dissipated, a shocked look flashed through everyone's eyes and looked at the scene.

I saw that most of the Lu family and the Fan family were killed, and the rest of them were all pale and disorderly, and were severely damaged.

And if it wasn't for the Lu family and Fan family owners who had fought out most of the forces that had hit the blow.

The members of both of their families are to be killed except for the two of them.

At this time, the heads of the two families looked at Xiao Yifeng with a fearful and solemn look.

"Don't you want to explain? How about this explanation? Satisfied?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at them coldly.


The owners of these two families looked at Xiao Yifeng with an angry look, but did not know how to speak.

Boom boom! !! !!

At this time, the thunder robbery above the void was still coming, all blasted on Xiao Yifeng.

This time Xiao Yidu was the six thunder robberies in Nirvana, a total of 54 thunder robberies.

In a blink of an eye, Xiao Yifeng spent more than 40 thunder robberies, and the power of this thunder robber has reached the point where even the three or four strong men who dominate the realm can directly kill.

The terrible atmosphere suppressed the audience. Everyone looked at this scene with their eyes wide open. The shock in their hearts could hardly be described in words.


Xiao Yifeng watched the people in these two families scream and scream, and then his fists blasted out again.

The power of thunder and calamity that had just been accumulated in the body erupted again, bombarding and killing the rest of the two big families.

Rumble! !! !!

There were thunders throughout the sky, followed by Xiao Yifeng's fists.

A horrendous thunder force came directly to the two family members, and the two homeowners sank, quickly urging all the forces that dominated the Seven Realms to resist.

But the power of this thunderstorm is indeed horrible. The main thing is that it also contains all the power of Xiao Yifeng.

Just when the two masters fully resisted Xiao Yifeng's fist power, the remaining ten horrific thunderstorms in the sixth stage of Nirvana were all on Xiao Yifeng.

He also once again led all these thunderous forces to kill the people of these two families.

Faced with so many thundering forces, the strength of these two masters is also constantly being consumed, and their faces are beginning to pale.


At this time, Xiao Yifeng once again wielded the Excalibur sword, urging the power in the Excalibur sword, plus all the power of its own and its avatars, and a sword blasted out fiercely.

On the spot, a mighty power to annihilate the God of God broke out from this God of God sword.

The terrible Jianmang repressed towards the people of this Lu family and Fan family again, as if the last straw of a camel was crushed.

The defensive power of these two masters was completely broken, and this terrifying power fell.

Both the Lu family and the Fan family were physically injured, and their bodies retreated tens of meters.

As for the rest of the Lu family and Fan family, all fell under these attacking energies and were completely killed.

Seeing this, the powerful people around us were shocked and unable to speak.

The inner shock was beyond words, and all eyes focused on Xiao Yifeng's body.

"Is this accountable sincere?"

Xiao Yifeng withdrew the Excalibur sword, watching the Lu family and Fan family owners drink indifferently.

Horror and powerful power broke out from Xiao Yifeng.

The power of Xiao Yifeng suppressed the audience, leaving everyone silent.

Looking at Xiao Yifeng one by one is like looking at the gods. This Xiao Yifeng shocked them too much.

As for the Lu family and Fan family, the look of the two was extremely ugly, with a gloomy expression.

Luo Yongcheng was humiliated in the face of Xiao Yifeng before, and they were gloated.

Unexpectedly, it was their turn to be beaten so soon, and they suffered more losses than Luo's.

All the family elites brought here died this time, plus the people who died in Tianluo Mountain.

They did not get any benefit this time, and they lost the wife and lost their troops.

Most importantly, they dare not say anything.

The power of Xiao Yifeng's outburst alone made them a little hard to resist, not to mention that there are also powerful men who dominate the realm around the other side.

It was just a moment when their minds became hot, so they forgot that Xiao Yifeng was not an ordinary person, and they asked Xiao Yifeng to explain.

Otherwise, I know that there is a strong man who dominates the realm of the other side, and they will definitely not come forward to Xiao Yifeng to explain.

As for Luo Yongcheng, he looked at Xiao Yifeng in shock.

Boom boom! !! !!

At this moment, the thundercloud that had just dissipated gathered again, and a larger thundercloud converged on the sky, like a huge grinding disc, covering the sky.

The terrible thunderous force that oppressed everyone present was a shudder inside, with an inexplicable sense of fear.

Everyone present was shocked to see a thundercloud appearing more horrible than before.



boom! !! !!

This thundercloud has no nonsense, just formed.

The strength of thunder and thunder that was as strong as a dragon blasted down Xiao Yifeng on a sunny day.

The entire void is filled with the power of this horrific thunder and lightning, like a sea of ​​thunder.

All the people in the surrounding area receded and did not dare to approach this thunder sea, all eyes were frightened.

And Xiao Yifeng is in this thunderous sea, letting the power of this devastating thunderstorm fall on him ~ ~ countless thunder and lightning flashes around him, making a crackling sound, as if to be Explode his body.

However, Xiao Yifeng's physical body is like a copper wall and iron wall. He is not harmed by the force of thunder and robbery. Instead, under the control of Xiao Yifeng, the force of thunder and robbery begins to continuously refine the body of Xiao Yifeng.

A horrible thundering force tore the sky and split it on Xiao Yifeng's body, shivering and shivering his body, but could not damage his physical body, but made his physical body stronger.

This physical potential is constantly being stimulated, and the whole body's cells and bones are glowing with thunder and lightning, full of terrible breath.

Countless lightning strikes killed Xiao Yifeng and completely swallowed it.

People can only see the lightning, but they can't see Xiao Yifeng.

"Who the **** is this man? How could he trigger such a terrible thunderstorm?"

Luo Yongcheng, Fan's family owner, Lu's family owner, the Six Hall's owner, and other people of the major gate forces were all shocked expressions.

They have never seen a single person crossing a robbery can lead to such a terrible thunder robbery.

I am afraid that Nirvana ’s nine strong powers do not have this one-percent power terror.

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