The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2661: Dominate the 8th, so scary!

"Bold, dare to speak to my Master Skeleton Hall like this, you **** it!"

A strong man who dominated the triple room in this skeleton hall watched Xiao Yifeng yell.

"What kind of spring onion do you go?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes squinted at the person, disdainful.

Watching Xiao Yifeng's so arrogant and arrogant gesture towards the strong man in the skeleton hall.

The look of those powerful people around was shocked, and their eyes were full of shock.

This Skull Hall is not comparable to the Luo family, but it is the superpower standing at the top of Shura Purgatory.

The Shura Hall, second only to the place where King Shura is located, is a king-like existence throughout Shura Purgatory.

With the exception of the Temple of Nether and Temple of Shura, no one dared to provoke this Skeleton Hall.

Now this Xiao Yifeng has done it, facing the Skull Hall so arrogantly.

At this time, Luo Yongcheng on the side saw that Xiao Yifeng had offended the Skeleton Hall, and his angry soul was submerged slightly. He stared at Xiao Yifeng with cold eyes, and his heart was cold:

"Damn boy, you dare to offend even the Skeleton Hall. This time you are dead."

This Luo Yongcheng is already waiting for the scene where Skull Palace shattered Xiao Yifeng's dead body.

Although he could not avenge his son himself, as long as the boy died, the anger in his heart could be vented.

"Boy, you look for death!"

The Skull Palace strongman who dominated the triple world looked at Xiao Yifeng so arrogantly and scornfully.

Suddenly there was a rage in my heart. After all, those who could reach the dominion were the arrogant beings.

How can he tolerate others so disdain and disdain, and he did not hear the words of the skull star and the two elders just now.

So he just thought that Xiao Yifeng was a hairy kid, and he didn't know how strong Xiao Yifeng was.

Boom! !!

The master of the Triple Skull Hall, the master of the territories, shot with a horrifying punch towards Xiao Yifeng.

The three forces that dominated the realm broke out completely, and wanted to completely kill Xiao Yifeng in one fell swoop.


Only in the face of the blow from the three powerful men who dominated the realm, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a look of disdain.

He waved with one hand, and smashed the opponent's fist shadow containing the power of dominance.

"Be careful!"

At this time, the skull star who knew Xiao Yifeng's powerfulness reacted violently, but it was too late.

The skull star just spoke, and as a result, Xiao Yifeng's figure appeared in front of this powerful triple dominator.

A punch of lightning flashed out, and the horrifying physical power burst out, banging on the opponent's chest on the spot.

With a bang, the physical body of the Skull Dominator, who dominated the triple territory, exploded directly.

call out!

The opponent's spirit burst out, floating in the void, looking at Xiao Yifeng with a look of fear and shock.

Soul Eater!

Xiao Yifeng summoned the Soul Devourer again, urging the Soul Devourer to immediately devour the soul of this guy into the Soul Devourer.

It all took less than three seconds from start to finish.

Many people at the scene did not respond at all, and a strong man who dominated the triple world was completely killed.

The strong men in the crowd who watched the scene couldn't help but take a breath, totally did not expect Xiao Yifeng's strength would be so terrible, and it was so simple to kill a strong man who dominated the realm.

The main thing is that he killed or the strong of the Skeleton Hall, which is totally a provocation to the Skeleton Hall.


Seeing Xiao Yifeng so recklessly destroying his own skeleton hall once again and killing a strong man in the realm.

Skull staring at Xiao Yifeng looked very gloomy and ugly.


At this time, the two elders and three elders of the Skeleton Hall began to yell, staring at Xiao Yifeng, exuding terrifying power to dominate the realm.

The mighty dominion of the realm has oppressed the entire void flow.

Everyone's breathing was stagnant, and his expression seemed very ugly.

"Boy, you must die today!"

Skull stared at Xiao Yifeng and drank coldly.

"If you want me to die, then you have to see if you have the ability."

Xiao Yifeng dismissed.

"People who dare to challenge the Skeleton Hall have no choice but to die!"

The three elders looked at Xiao Yifeng and yelled, and waved sharply at Xiao Yifeng.

Suddenly a sky of flames appeared like a sea of ​​fire. Obviously, the three elders practiced the law of fire.

Soon the flames of the sky turned into a skull, and the flame skull blasted away towards Xiao Yifeng. The flame skeleton seemed to swallow Xiao Yifeng.

The power of this strike is terrifying, and it is impossible to resist the power of the Supreme Master.

However, Xiao Yifeng did not intend to resist at all, and saw the dynasty wave his hand to urge the law of water.

The water mist was born, and the water mist turned into a sharp arrow of water, and then blasted towards the flame skeleton.

boom! !! !!

An earth-shaking roar rang directly, and the water arrows penetrated the flame skeleton directly.

Immediately the flame skull exploded, and the arrow of water continued to blast towards the three elders of the skull temple.

The flame skull shattered, and the three elders' face changed, his body trembled, and he moaned, his face paled.

Then he saw that the sharp arrow of water continued to burst out, his face changed, his brows frowned, and the power of the endless flame rule erupted in front of him.

These flame laws turned into a wall of flames in front of the three elders, blocking the penetration of the water arrows.

Rumble ...

The power of both laws erupted, water and fire were incompatible, and the two launched the fiercest impact.

However, the result is naturally that the three elders of the Skeleton Hall's Law of Fire power has been retired across the board ~ ~ After all, the power of the law realized by the two is not on one level.


The three elders spewed blood on the spot, his face was pale, and his expression looked extremely ugly.

"Are you the one who dominates Yae?"

The three elders stared at the dynasty, and vomited solemnly.

"Hum, do you know?"

A look of disdain flashed in the eyes of the dynasty, looking at the three elders, a look of pride.

As a former martial arts defense law, the superpower who dominated the territory was one step away from the title master.

Even if he became Xiao Yifeng's subordinate, he still had extremely powerful pride in the face of others.

And hearing the words of this dynasty, the face of the Skull Star and that of the two elders and other Skull Halls are all changed. Even the people who look around are full of shock.

Dominate the realm of Yae, this is arguably the strongest realm under the title.

Few Shura Purgatory has reached this level, and few can be seen.

Even if there are still cultivating in the secret realm of various Midi sects, they will not appear in the sight of outsiders.

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