The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2650: Golden Gun Heritage

The Chijintangtang did his best to avenge his son and show his power.

All kinds of powerful secret tricks and rules have been exerted, and the powerful earthquake is naturally not to be outdone.

The battle between the two men collapsed, and the entire sky was completely broken.

Endless ripples of energy destroyed everything within a mile, and the momentum of the two men's battle was terrifying.

And in this mysterious mountain, Xiao Yifeng continuously absorbed and refined the mysterious golden pith, and then tempered his physical body.

This black gold marrow does have a strong effect on the physical body quenching. Xiao Yifeng only felt that his physical body was torn apart by cutting and then healed again.

And his physical strength is also constantly improving, and his whole body skin and cells and bones are glowing with golden light.

At this time, there was a roar of sound in Jin Zhifen's body, and he had refined all the mycelium.

His strength directly hit the ninefold of Nirvana, only one step away from life and death.

He leaped sharply and rushed straight out.

At this moment, the fierce tremor and the master of Chijintangtang are still at war, and then the avatar of gold rushes over.

Boom boom! !! !!

At this time, a cloud of thunderclouds gathered above the void, and a sound of thunder sounded, which shocked the powerful Zhentian and Chijintang.

All their eyes swept away, and they saw the avatar of Jin standing on the thundercloud.

"the host!"

"It's him!"

The horrible quake and the Chijintangtang shouted one after another.


At that moment, a terrible thunderbolt among the thunderclouds blasted directly towards Jin Zhi's avatar, but the latter did not resist at all, and let the force of the thunder rush into his body.

At this moment, the golden avatar was permeated with golden light, exuding an indomitable momentum.

It feels like there is no power to destroy it.

Boom ...

The next series of thunderstorms fell on this gold avatar.

But it did not cause any harm to Jin Zhi's physical body, and the golden light on his body became more and more dazzling.

Soon the heavy thunder of Nirvana was passed by him easily.

This scene saw Lie Zhentian and the Chijintangtang masters gazing at each other.

This is the first time they have seen someone cross the robbery and they have not resisted at all. The flesh alone has so easily resisted the thunder robbery.

Next, what shocked them was still behind.

Nirvana Double Thunderstorm!

Nirvana Triple Thunderstorm!

This series of gold avatars all appeared from Nirvana Realm to Nirvana Realm.

Everyone else crosses the robbery once and for all, this gold's avatar is nine thunder robberies at one time.

The scene seemed extremely shocking.

The most important thing is that in the face of these nine terrible thunderstorms, the gold avatar has no fear, has no resistance at all, and has completely resisted by virtue of the physical and gold power.

In the end, Jin Zhi's success survived these nine thunder disasters.

Immediately afterwards, this avatar of gold was sitting in the void, and the gold gun dominated by the gold gun was suspended in front of him.

A mysterious force shot into the body of Jin Zhi's body from this golden gun, as if he was receiving some kind of inheritance.

And this heritage is the legacy that the Golden Gun dominated in his weapons.

In order to be inherited by future generations, it is now acquired by Jin Zhi.

As the avatar of gold continued to accept the inheritance, the golden light on his body became more and more dazzling.

Like a sun, the light shines on the ground, making people feel like they can't open their eyes.

This golden light grew stronger and stronger, and finally covered the entire hundred miles around Xuanjin Mountain.

These areas are completely in this golden light.

After a long time, a horrible breath erupted in the body of this gold.

A terrible prestige of life and death broke out from the body of Jin Zhifen, and its strength broke through directly to life and death.

And he has just stepped into life and death, and the momentum emanating from him is stronger than the five strongest in life and death.


Jin Zhi's eyes opened sharply, and one pair of eyes burst out two Jinmangs, extremely dazzling, making people dare not look directly.

The Jin Zhicheng directly held the gold gun in one hand, and was covered with a layer of golden armor, which was the artifact-level defensive armor worn by the gold gun to dominate the body.

Wearing armor and holding a gold gun, Jin Zhi's avatar at this time was like a gold armored **** of war, exuding an imposing momentum on his body, as if the sky could not cover his edge.

The eyes of Lie Zhentian and the Chijintangtang looked at this Jin Zhi with a shocked look.

"The lord, it's him, he hurt the young master!"

At this moment, the strong man in life and death who was thrown out by Xiao Yifeng hurriedly pointed at Jin Zhi's avatar.


Jin Zhi's sharp eyes swept towards the strong man in life and death, and the gold gun in his hand waved.


On the spot, the man with heavy life and death fell directly under the golden gun.


Seeing Jin Zhi's clone kill one of his men directly, there was a thick anger glaring at Jin Zhi's clone in his eyes.

"I want you to die!"

Chi Jintangtang watched Xiao Yi storm and sang, and he immediately came to Jin Zhi's avatar, and the spear in his hand waved directly, and the terrible Jin power broke out.

"Master, be careful!"

Seeing this, Lie Zhen shouted suddenly, it was too late to rush through.

Watching Chi Jintangtang's long gun coming and killing him, Jin Zhi's face was indifferent, with no fear in his eyes, and the gold gun in his hand also waved.

boom! !! !!

The two spears collided together, and the power of two golds was also bombarded together.

As a result, what the Chi Jintang master did not expect is that the power of Jin erupted by this boy has completely abused his power of Jin.

The two seem to be the gap between adults and children, of course, not the gap between powerful forces ~ ~ but the difference in quality between the two.

boom! !! !! !!

In one shot, Jin Zhi's avatar retreated dozens of steps, looking indifferent.

As for the spear in the hands of the Chijintangtang master, it was completely shattered, and the divine artifact was scrapped.

"Why is your power of gold so strong?"

Chijintangtang's eyes stared at Jin Zhi's clone, his eyes were full of surprise.

The quality of the opponent's Golden Strength rank is much higher than his strength.

If they are in the same realm, I am afraid he will be crushed directly by Jin Zhi's avatar.

"Dare to fight against the master, you are looking for death!"

At this time, Lie Zhentian rushed to Jin Zhi's avatar and watched the Chi Jintang lord coldly.

"You get out!"

At this time, the avatar of Jin Zhi Xiao Xiaofeng looked at Lie Zhentian and said.

Lie Zhentian glanced at 'Xiao Yifeng' and set aside.

"You want to kill me?"

‘Xiao Yifeng’ looked at this Chijintangtang master and vomited coldly.

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