The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2646: Power of Curse

Blood Eater Curse! !! !!

Xiao Yi sighed coldly, his hands constantly twitching Yin Jue, and then he directly made a scarlet mark in the void.

This scarlet mark looks like a scarlet devil's pattern, and it is very scary.

"go with!"

Xiao Yifeng drank again. This blood-colored mark burst out towards Qiu Qianblade. At this moment, the opponent's body was injured, and the power of the Excalibur remained in the body.

One's strength cannot be mobilized at all, and in the face of this scarlet mark, it cannot be resisted, and it is directly allowed to enter his own body.


As soon as the Scarlet Mark entered the body of Qiu Qiandao, his body trembled, and the blood in the body suddenly boiled, as if boiled, so that his whole body felt a terrible burning sensation.

what! !! !!

The Qiu Qianbian issued a scream of screaming, and then his blood continued to flow away from his body, turning into a blood line into Xiao Yifeng's body.

This blood line entered Xiao Yifeng's body and even allowed him to quickly recover the power consumed by the sacred sword.

After a while, Xiao Yifeng's strength was fully restored.

As far as this Qiu Qianbiao was panting, no matter how many ways he used, he still couldn't stop the blood in his body.

This is the power and horror of the blood-swallowing curse. Once it penetrates into the human body, unless it has a great magic power or the strength reaches the point of being dominated by the title or has other mysterious and powerful forces.

Otherwise, the blood-swallowing curse cannot be lifted at all, but only by watching his own blood flow away.


"I fight with you!"

Seeing that the blood-swallowing curse could not be lifted, this Qiu Qian blade was completely crazy.

There was a flicker of anger in his eyes, staring at Xiao Yifeng. When he moved, he rushed towards Xiao Yifeng, apparently to kill Xiao Yifeng.

"Out of your own power!"

Xiao Yifeng watched Qiu Qiandao rushing over and sneered.

"Bloodbitting curse, burst!"

Xiao Yi took a cold drink and waved his hands.


The blood in Qiu Qiandao's body boiled quickly, and then exploded completely.

His entire body exploded directly, the spirits and spirits disappeared, the flesh turned into nothingness, and the rain of blood fell down.

It was amazing and shocking that a powerful man who dominated the Seventh Kingdom was annihilated in Xiao Yifeng's hands!

"I wanted you to live a few more seconds. Now that you are dying, don't blame me!"

Xiao Yifeng hummed coldly, hitting the blood-swallowing curse, his life and death were under the control of the caster.

Once activated, the blood in the body will explode like boiling water.

At this moment, the severe earthquake and the rest of the Blood Liantang and the 10,000 people in the whole city saw the scene in front of them, their eyes widened, showing an incredible look.

"They all killed!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes glanced at the remaining masters of the Lianxuetang.


The strong earthquake shouted loudly, and when he moved, he came to this group of people, and the force of the horrible laws urged them to kill all of them.

In the face of a master who dominates the seven major realms, this group of masters of blood refining church has no ability to resist at all.

After solving the people in the Blood Refining Church, Xiao Yifeng looked at the people in this city.

"Thank you for your help!"

Immediately, all 10,000 soldiers in the city kneeled on the ground and shouted to Xiao Yi.

His eyes were filled with gratitude.

"Let's all get up!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

Then all of them stood up.

"Okay, you are all right!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly, and he was about to leave here after speaking.

"Sir, wait a minute!"

At this time, the powerful men with a heavy life and death came to Xiao Yifeng suddenly.

"What else is happening?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at them and said.

"Sir, you saved all our lives, you are our benefactor, we want to follow you!"

These people looked at Xiao Yifeng and said one after another.

"follow me?"

"There is no need, I just don't want to see so many people strangled innocently, and I haven't shown you anything in return!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently.

"Sir, the Lord of the Blood Refining Church died here. The Blood Refining Church will never give up. When they are angry, they will definitely start with us."

"At that time, we still had to die tragically in their hands, so we can only survive if we follow the adult, and ask the adult to accept us!"

These strong men in life and death watched Xiao Yifeng respectfully.

"Please accept us!"

For a while, all the 10,000 people in the entire city were half-knelt on the ground and said.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Yifeng didn't know what to do.

"Master, accept them. They are all martial arts practitioners of this Shura purgatory. They have no background and dominate the realm, and now the blood-making master is dead."

"They are afraid of being implicated in the Blood Refining Church, so they want to find a backing, and the master you killed the Blood Refining Church master with your own strength, so they want to follow your master to find shelter.

Lie Zhentian said.

"Boy, this group of people can accept it. By then, a good team will be a strong team."

Long Gan also spoke.

"Okay, you guys can follow me!"

Xiao Yifeng glanced at these people and said.

"Thank you, Lord!"

The crowd shouted, with a look of joy in their eyes.

They were indeed afraid of being implicated in the Blood-Lining Hall, and they saw Xiao Yifeng show such powerful strength.

Even the fire wolf grandfather called his master, and felt that Xiao Yifeng must be a superpower.

That's why they want to follow Xiao Yifeng ~ ~ to find an asylum.

"But you can follow me, but everyone must obey my order and not kill innocent people."

"If anyone dares to violate my rules, I promise that he will die even more miserably than the Lord of the Blood Concentration, just now?"

Xiao Yifeng watched this group of people drinking.

"Yes, sir!"

The people shouted in unison, the sound of thunder was so loud, the momentum was very magnificent and extremely shocking.

Xiao Yifeng let all the 10,000 people follow him back to Red Flame City, and then let Lie Zhentian settle them.

And formulated a series of rules, at the same time, Xiao Yifeng of all these strong and dead in the life of all the soul contract.

Take complete control of them and let them take charge of others.

In Shura Purgatory, people's hearts are sinister, and naturally he cannot completely believe in the loyalty of these people.

Therefore, he will contract all the souls of those who are strong in life and death. As long as he controls these people, the rest are naturally in his control.

The news that the Lord of the Blood Purification Church was killed was also spread throughout the Shura Purgatory within a very short period of time.

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