The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2580: Goodbye yang qingyi

Out of curiosity, Xiao Yifeng took them to this city, but he wanted to see what the **** was going on.

When he came to the center of the city, Xiao Yifeng saw thousands of people kneeling and worshiping at one place.

The object of their worship was a woman sitting on a white stone, wearing white clothes and a white veil.

"Yang Qingyi!"

Xiao Yifeng saw the woman with a look of surprise in his eyes.

This woman is no one else. It was because of a contest to recruit relatives that she had been clamoring to make him her husband-in-law Yang Qingyi.

At first, the other person was favored by the person in the Heavenly Virgin Palace, and the other person wanted to take him back to practice.

As a result, Yang Qingyi went back with the people in Heaven's Palace in order not to let Xiao Yifeng be harmed.

Xiao Yifeng almost forgot about this woman, but did not expect to meet here today.

Now that Yang Qingyi's strength has reached the triple life and death, the breakthrough speed is fast enough.

Moreover, Xiao Yifeng found that the other person's entire person seemed to have undergone some kind of power washing, and had undergone an essential transformation. His body also contained a mysterious force.

Ten minutes later, those who bowed down were scattered, and Xiao Yifeng walked directly.

"Yang Qingyi!"

Xiao Yifeng shouted at this Yang Qingyi.

"It's you!"

When Yang Qingyi saw Xiao Yifeng appear, a flash of joy flashed in his eyes, he quickly walked over.

"Why are you guys here? I plan to go to you in a while."

"I heard that you are now the No. 1 master in the Long Bang, yes, so that you are more qualified to be my husband of Yang Qingyi."

Yang Qingyi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said excitedly.

Xiao Yifeng heard this Yang Qingyi was still thinking of making him her husband, but he was speechless and vomited:

"You woman, it's been so long, even thinking about letting me be your husband, do you really lack a husband?"

"You have to marry me by martial arts, you must marry me. This can't be changed no matter how long in the past, don't try to escape.

Yang Qingyi looked at Xiao Yifeng and hummed.

"Brother Xiao, who is this?"

Luo Yan looked at Yang Qingyi and looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"You guys have changed women again, it's really enough!"

Yang Qingyi glanced at Luo Yan, then looked at Xiao Yifeng not to be stubborn.

"Yeah, I'm so fancy, so you should find another man to be your husband!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"It's okay, even if you care about it now, after you marry me, I will take good care of you and make you become loyal to me!"

Yang Qingyi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said directly.

"It's impossible!"

Xiao Yifeng immediately shook his head.


Yang Qingyi stared at Xiao Yifeng with dissatisfaction.

"My God!"

Then two deep voices sounded.

The two old women came to Yang Qingyi and looked at her with a somber expression.

At the same time, he looked at Xiao Yifeng with a touch of cold mang, and both of them had the strength of life and death.

"By the way, I'll introduce to you, these two are the elders of the Celestial Palace, and I am now the Celestial Daughter of the Celestial Palace, which is the next heir to Celestial Palace!"

Yang Qingyi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"That's right, they have all become celestial ladies, and they accept so many people kneeling and admiring them. Great!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yang Qingyi and smiled slightly.

"This is the rule of Heaven's Palace, and I can't help it. If it weren't for this, I would have been looking for you, but since you have appeared this time, I can't let you run like this!"

Yang Qingyi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"I'm just passing by. I'm going back to the holy city!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"No, you have to stay by my side for a few days, you and me go back to Heaven's Palace now!"

Yang Qingyi said holding Xiao Yifeng's hand.

"Heavenly Lady, Heavenly Lady Palace does not allow outsiders to enter casually, especially men!"

One of the elders of the Celestial Palace said in a deep voice.

"I'm a maiden of Heaven's Goddess. Can't I take a few friends to live in Heaven's Goddess for a few days?"

"If you don't agree, I won't be the goddess. Let anyone be the one you love to be!"

Yang Qingyi snorted hard.

The elders of the two heavenly ladies flashed their eyes and finally agreed to Yang Qingyi's request.

Xiao Yifeng was dragged and dragged to the Heavenly Palace by Yang Qingyi. As for Luo Luo, several of them were naturally followers.

That day the maiden's palace was built on a mountain peak, all white, exuding a sacred breath.

In front of the Women's Palace on this day, a huge female statue was erected. This female statue was fluttering in white and looked lifelike.

Although it is a statue, it gives a kind of invisible Tianwei, as if the heavenly pride girl, overlooking sentient beings.

"This is the statue of the ancestral daughter of my celestial maiden!"

Yang Qingyi looked at the statue and introduced it.

"Ancestral Goddess?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed with different colors.

"This day girl is a martial arts super strong. It is said that she has reached the title of master, but she is a god-given person who controls the power of heaven and earth. Therefore, she is called the sky girl and is very powerful."

Yang Qingyi said.

"Then you are the new Heavenly Girl?"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Well, because I inspired Tian Nu Shi and got the inheritance of Tian Nu, I became the new Tian Nu!"

Yang Qingyi nodded, and then they entered the women's palace of the day.

In that day's palace, all the female disciples with good looks were staring at them.

"I'm entering my daughter's country!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at this scene and said helplessly.

"You must not think about them."

Yang Qingyi glanced at Xiao Yifeng.

"My God!"

At this time a group of people came towards Yang Qingyi.

Headed by a middle-aged woman in a palace dress, with a somber and sturdy face, she exudes a mighty power of domination, and she is also followed by a number of old ladies ~ ~ the palace master! "

Yang Qingyi watched the woman bow down, and the other party was Mu Qing, the host of the Heavenly Palace.

"Tiannv, you should know that Tiannv Palace does not allow outsiders to enter casually, especially men!"

This Muqing looked at Yang Qingyi and said in a deep voice, with a majestic expression on her face.

"The palace master, they are my friends. I met them this time, and I want them to stay here for a few days, which will not affect Tiannv's palace!"

Yang Qingyi said.

"This son is the one who prevented you from joining my Heavenly Ghost Palace before, what you call her husband!"

This Muqing eyes looked at Xiao Yi Feng Shen channel.


Yang Qingyi nodded.

"He doesn't deserve to be with you, he can't be with you, come, and let them leave the heavenly palace immediately. In this life, you must not step into the heavenly palace, or kill!"

This Muqing sighed coldly and rigidly.

"Master, how can you do that?"

Yang Qingyi's face suddenly became extremely ugly, his eyes stared at Mu Qing.

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