The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2561: 1 refers to defeated genius!

"To shut up!"

Jiang Fangtian's eyes were cold, and a strong glance glanced at the king city, whose lips moved slightly and did not speak.

"it is good!"

At this moment Xiao Yifeng promised, his gaze glanced at the young man in the void, and he went straight away.

"Can he really do it?"

Jiang Mengyuan said skeptically.

"Young Master is invincible!"

Jian Yun's deep-voiced expression was extremely confident about Xiao Yifeng.

At this point Xiao Yifeng had come to the young man of Holy Blade Peak.

"Boy, it's not worthy of you to play against my elder brother!"

The Holy Lady Jianfeng looked at Xiao Yifeng sarcasticly.

"Don't think you're a woman, I won't dare hit you, I'll just gag your mouth again!"

Xiao Yifeng glared coldly at the holy maiden of Saint Jianfeng, and the latter was dull and angry.

The young man stared at Xiao Yifeng, but his expression was a little dignified.

"Give you a shot, otherwise I'm afraid you won't even get a shot!"

Xiao Yifeng looked indifferently at the young man, with his hands on his backs, and an adult beating a child.

When everyone at the scene heard Xiao Yifeng's words, they were almost shocked and their tongues were bitten off.

This guy can pretend to be B, so dare to say such a thing!

You must know that he is not a cat and a dog, but a super-genius master who can defeat the six strengths of life and death.

Such existence, even if the first day of Shenjianshan faced all efforts, dare not say such a big word.

For a while, the disciple of Shenjian Mountain looked at this Xiao Yifeng and felt that this guy was a guy who had no ability to pretend.

Everyone is totally hopeless about this guy.

Most people think that Xiao Yifeng can't even support each other's moves.

At this moment, the young man frowned slightly when he heard what Xiao Yifeng said, "You seem very conceited?"

"No, this is not conceit, but confidence!"

Xiao Yifeng put out a finger and swayed, a confident smile on his face.

"Hope you won't let me down!"

The young man said, holding the sword in one hand again, his eyes condensed, and a breath of terror was flowing all over him.

"A sword is like a tide, and one sword cuts off the water!"

The young man screamed and waved his sword violently, gathering his horrible swords and blasting towards Xiao Yifeng.

The sword was waving, as if the rivers and seas could be split in half.

The horrible sword air completely wiped out the void around Xiao Yifeng.

The void in front of Xiao Yifeng was split in half, and a huge space appeared.

This mouth spread toward Xiao Yifeng, as if Xiao Yifeng's body would be split in half in the next second.

Xiao Yifeng was motionless, no dodge, no defense.

Everyone at the scene felt that Xiao Yifeng was frightened and shook his head.

Then Liu Jian and Wang Haoran looked at Xiao Yifeng with sneer, hoping that he would be killed.

"Dare to dare to fight heroes without strength!"

Kuangtian looked at Xiao Yifeng disdainfully, that dust and Xinyan didn't speak, but obviously thought the same as this Kuangtian.

As for Jiang Fangtian's eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng, his eyes flickered.

As for the Saint Jianfeng, the girl looked at Xiao Yifeng with a mocking look of coldness, waiting for Xiao Yifeng to be split in half.

I saw that the young man's horror sword fell directly on Xiao Yifeng, and the horrible swordman consumed it.

Seeing this, everyone thought that Xiao Yifeng was dead, and there was no **** left.

But wait until all this Jianmang energy has dissipated.

The eyes of everyone present were stunned, their eyes widened, showing an incredible look.

I saw that above this void, Xiao Yifeng was not destroyed by the sword of the Holy Sword Peak Youth.

The whole person was still standing there intact, without any damage, as if nothing had happened just now.

Seeing this, the audience was silent and silent.

The eyes of both the person of Divine Sword Mountain and the person of Divine Sword Peak were widened, revealing an unbelievable look.

They didn't expect that under the sword of this young man's horror, the boy had nothing at all.

Just the sword of youth terror just now, even if the seven strong men in the scene of life and death made all their efforts, they dare not say that they can resist it.

But this Xiao Yifeng is completely resisted, and there is no resistance.

With only one flesh, he resisted the terrible sword of the opponent, and the result was shocking and thrilling.

At this moment, the eyes of all the disciples and elder sword masters in Shenjian Mountain looked at Xiao Yifeng completely.

The genius disciples of Liu Jian, Wang Haoran, Hao Jun, Mad Sky, and Dust Sealing Shenjian Mountain all looked at Xiao Yifeng with shocking eyes.

As for that Xinyan, her lips were slightly open, and there was an incredible look in her cold eyes.

Gao Leng's expression ceased to exist, thinking of her expression when Jiang Mengyuan introduced her to Xiao Yifeng just now.

Now Xinxin has a feeling of being severely beaten.

Not only her, everyone on the scene felt a severe face.

Before they looked down on Xiao Yifeng so much, now the other side gave them a loud slap.

"how can that be?"

That Saint Jianfeng maiden was also staring at Xiao Yifeng with her eyes widening, and she was very unbelievable.

"You are strong!"

The young man who shot Xiao Yifeng held a sword in his hand, stared at Xiao Yifeng with a somber expression, and spit out three words in a heavy tone.

"Thank you for the compliment, I have always been so strong, it's my turn now!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the young man with a smile in his mouth.

"Although I know that I am not your opponent, I will not lose without a fight, come on!"

The young man holds the sword in both hands ~ ~ The gaze of Xiao Yifeng is condensed, and a horrible sword intention is flowing again.

Ling Xu God refers!

Xiao Yifeng directly showed the third finger to the young man in front of the young man.

One finger swept out, the void torn, and the air annihilated!


In a blink of an eye, the finger fell on the young man's sword, bursting out of terror.

The young man was shaken back by dozens of meters on the spot, his body trembled, and a blood spurted out.

He was half-knelt in the air, his face pale, his sword-shaking hands shaking violently.


Seeing this, the maiden of Holy Sword Peak screamed and rushed forward to support the other side.

Watching this Xiao Yifeng casually blew the sacred sword peak genius with the six superpowers of life and death.

Everyone at the scene was shocked again.

However, thinking of Xiao Yifeng's physical strength to resist the opponent's full blow, the result of this finger seems to have been doomed.

The strength of this Xiao Yifeng is terrifying! Very strong! very scary!

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