The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2515: Absorb the power of the bright moon

This naturally shocked everyone in Dongzhou, and a large number of people began to send people to investigate.

Want to know who this breakthrough dominates.


But at this moment, there was a roar again in the void, followed by a white glow.

That is, the so-called light of law came down again and fell directly into Ye Yaxin's body.

With the advent of the light of this eighth rule, Ye Yaxin's body burst into a terrible momentum.

His strength struck from the dominating realm to the dominating fivefold, exuding the power of a terrible and sacred rule.

The terrible rule of coercion was released, and the people in the entire lunar palace shivered. Even the five old women who were stronger than Ye Yaxin felt a huge coercion at this moment.

But at the moment they looked with a stunned look.

Light of the Eight Laws!

Ye Yaxin broke through the dominating realm and dropped the light of eight laws.

This made the five old women completely stunned, obviously beyond their expectations.

The light of the Seven Laws had shocked them before.

But now that the light of the eighth law has come, it has left them wondering how to express it for a while.

After all, the moon god's break through the dominion at the beginning did not lower the light of the seven laws.

And Ye Yaxin broke through the rule of the ruler and dropped more light than the original moon god.

Doesn't this prove that Ye Yaxin's potential is stronger than the original moon god.

At the beginning, the light of the Seven Laws of Luna made him the superpower of the world, known as Luna, and made the Luna Palace a superpower that no one dares to mess with.

Today, the light of the eight rules of Ye Yaxin, how strong the future strength will be, even the ancestors of the five-month shrine can no longer imagine.

But they knew that Luna Temple was about to rise completely this time, even far beyond the might of ancient times.

This made the expression of the five of them seem extremely excited, one more smile appeared on their faces than they knew that Ye Yaxin existed.

"The Moon God's Palace is about to rise again and fight for the ancient world!"

The five old ladies looked excited and muttered to themselves.

"This time, maybe the Luna Shrine will become the master of the ancient world!"

The head of the old lady blinked.

At this moment, the whole of Dongzhou and even the ancient world was shocked by the coming of the light of the eighth rule.

The lowering of the Seven Principles has been extremely shocking, but the lowering of the Light of the Eight Principles is absolutely sensational.

Because even in ancient times, there were few warriors who broke through the dominion and could drop the light of the eight rules.

The light of the law is divided into nine ways, and the more the light that breaks through the rule of the rule, the stronger the potential.

It is very likely that the light that lowered the Seven Laws will dominate the title.

And the advent of the Light of the Eight Laws means that the minimum will also be the existence of half-step reincarnation, which may even surpass it.

As for breaking through and dominating the light of the Nine Laws, the entire ancient world has been basically absent since its inception.

There are not even many lights that can lower the eight laws, and after the end of the ancient times, the light that can lower the eight laws does not exist.

I did not expect that today, someone who broke through the **** could lead to the light of the eight rules, which is naturally a big thing that has stirred the ancient world.

This represents the birth of a strong man who is at least a half step reincarnation.

A half-step reincarnation powerhouse will be able to change the existence of the ancient world pattern, which naturally caused the entire Dongzhou and even the ancient world powerhouse's attention.

The Dongzong ancestral gates and the ancient ancestral gates were shocked. They sent people to find out who this person was.

Even Xiao Yifeng and others were startled when they saw this scene.

"It was able to bring out the light of the Eight Principles. Is this Tianjiao breakthrough master?"

Yan Bin said a shocked look in his eyes.

Han Qianluo's eyes flashed with a touch of surprise, and his eyes were slightly frozen.

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered, and he naturally knew what it means to lower the light of the eight rules.

It means that a peerless powerhouse beyond the title is about to be born, and he is more curious about this person.

It can bring out the light of the eight rules, which is also extremely rare in ancient times.


At this moment, the vision reappeared, and I saw that the sun was empty.

Suddenly the sun was dim, and a bright moon emerged directly.

At this time in the daytime, the moon appeared, and this vision shocked all the people in the ancient world.


Xiao Yifeng was shocked at this moment and didn't know what to say.

Then from this bright moon, the strength of each moon landed directly on Ye Yaxin.

Ye Yaxin is surging the light of the moon, absorbing the power of the moon.

At this moment, Ye Yaxin seems to be a true **** of the moon, controlling the power of the moon!

The five old ladies were startled again at this moment, looking at Ye Yaxin with a dull look. The second Xuanyue body had already brought them too much shock.

"Suddenly absorbing the power of the moon, is it the person who just drew the power of the eight rules? Who is it?"

Xiao Yifeng couldn't help guessing when he saw this scene.

"The person who can absorb the power of the moon is only one person as far as I know!"

Han Qianlu said.


Xiao Yifeng asked.

"Luna in ancient times!"

The cold chirped.


Xiao Yifeng's eyes narrowed.

"In ancient times, only the moon **** could use the power of this moon to cultivate, and the master and you use the power of the stars to cultivate the same magic."

"It was just that the moon **** was also breaking through the title and was able to absorb the power of the moon to cultivate ~ ~ and finally broke into the title and dominated.

"Now that this person can absorb the power of the moon even if he breaks through the dominating realm, it is really impossible to imagine!"

Han Qianluo said lightly.

At this time, Xiao Yifeng's face was changing constantly, Han Qianluo said so.

He had already faintly guessed that this breakthrough dominates the realm, leading to eight rules, who is absorbing the power of the bright moon!

In all likelihood, this person is his fiancée Ye Yaxin!

Ye Yaxin's physique is exactly the same as that of the moon god, and her counterpart inherits the inheritance of the moon god.

Now she can absorb the power of the moon.

Unexpectedly, now that Ya Xin has broken through the dominion, and she has also lowered the light of the eight rules, this is what Xiao Yifeng did not expect.

This also makes Xiao Yifeng miss Ye Yaxin more, and he can't wait to see each other immediately.

"Ya Xin, don't worry, it won't be long, I will definitely go to the Moon God Palace to find you, and I will bring you back in person!"

Xiao Yifeng's fists squeezed tightly, his eyes were flashing with firm coldness, and the whole person's mood became different.

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