The beginning of the end of the world fusion black light

Chapter 73: Even if you beat a dog, you must look at its owner.

Stretching out his right hand to block Ye Xinyan's body, Su Ming kept stepping back.

The vicious dog struggled to stand up, staring at Su Ming with its red eyes, and then opened its long and narrow mouth forcefully.

Amidst a burst of ear-piercing sounds, the vicious dog's mouth continued to extend back along its edge, almost splitting to the neck.

In the gaping maw, sharp teeth stood next to each other.

Turbid green mucus continued to fall down along the edges of its teeth.


Drops of green slime fell to the ground, immediately corroding the ground into small holes.

The armor that originally only existed on the back has spread to the entire body.

"What the hell?"

Passerby A exclaimed.

"This seems to be Xu Yidao's pet?"

Passerby Yi said uncertainly.

"What nonsense are you talking about? How can any pet look like this? Even if you tell me now that this is a zombie dog, I will believe it."

"Okay, you have a lot to say, and you are right!"

The conversations of the melon-eating people around him could not affect Su Ming's thoughts.

Just as Su Ming was getting into his stance, the vicious dog that had changed its shape kicked back hard with its hind legs, and then its entire body instantly broke through the distance between the two and arrived in front of Su Ming.

"So fast!"

"With such a fast speed, even a second-level speed awakener cannot achieve this level!"

"No! That young man is in danger, everyone be prepared for rescue!"

Facing the ugly vicious dog, Su Ming showed no fear and directly stretched out his left hand and grabbed one of its forelimbs.

Amidst the screams of the passers-by around him, the vicious dog caught in Su Ming's hand was tossed around on the ground like a baggage.

Cracks slowly appeared on the hard ground, and the vicious dog pulled by Su Ming's hand had no way of resisting and could only become a plaything in Su Ming's hands.

"How is it possible that he actually treats such a ferocious monster as a plaything? Is he the legendary third-level ability user?"

"Nonsense, if I'm not mistaken, he must be a level 4 ability user!"

A passerby looked at Su Ming excitedly.

"After all, he is as handsome as me, how can he be a weakling!"

Hearing the boast of a shameless person, Su Ming was distracted and the vicious dog found the opportunity.

I saw the vicious dog being tossed around in the air by Su Ming. Suddenly, Su Ming grabbed his right forelimb and bit him hard.

With a "click" sound, the vicious dog with a broken leg immediately broke away from Su Ming's control and fell to the ground.

Looking at the stump in his hand, Su Ming couldn't help but admire this vicious dog's spirit of surviving after losing its limbs.

But since you have offended yourself, don't think about any other way to survive.

Because he was surrounded by people eating melons, Su Ming did not reveal his own abilities. Instead, he raised his right hand and prepared to kill it with a phalange bullet.

As if it sensed danger, the vicious dog with a broken leg stared at Su Ming and Ye Xinyan closely, as if to remember the two of them, and then clamped its tail, and under the sighs of everyone He fled in despair.

Seeing the vicious dog squeezing into the crowd, it caused a commotion.

Su Ming frowned and could only put down his right hand, then quickly left the scene with Ye Xinyan.

There was only a circle of onlookers left, staring blankly at the stumps on the ground.

"Oh, let go of my hand!"

Ye Xinyan, whose wrist was tightly grasped by Su Ming, struggled hard, but Su Ming seemed to not hear anything and kept pulling Ye Xinyan.

It wasn't until the two of them came to a relatively remote alley that they put down his arm.

"What are you doing? Wasn't it nice just now? Why did you bring me here?"

Ye Xinyan looked at the unknown puddles around her with a look of disgust.

"I don't think we can stay in this Brotherhood of Steel base for much longer."

Su Ming said in a low voice as if he didn't see Ye Xinyan's expression.

"Ah, what do you mean?"

After pressing the energy crystal block sent by Yan Ming into the energy gun, Su Ming glanced at the entrance of the alley, and then said to Ye Xinyan.

"They say it depends on the owner when beating a dog. The owner behind the vicious dog we just dealt with is definitely not a small character."

"Isn't it just a dog? What's all the fuss about."

Ye Xinyan kicked the wall boredly and said nonchalantly.

After all, in her opinion, what a big deal a crazy weird dog could do.

Seeing Ye Xinyan's careless look, Su Ming frowned, then pinched Ye Xinyan's shoulders with both hands and said in a solemn tone.

"Of course beauty can be your most useful weapon, but we shouldn't abandon our smart brain."

Seeing Ye Xinyan's expression soften, Su Ming couldn't help but feel tired.

"That vicious dog not only looks strange, you should have seen it just now. Even though it was so seriously injured, there was no trace of blood flowing from its wound.

As long as it is a normal creature, how can it be possible that there is no blood in the body? And the familiar stench seemed to be only found on zombies. "

It seemed that what Su Ming just said had an effect. Ye Xinyan thought about it along with Su Ming's words and thought of something that shocked her.

"Could that evil dog be a zombie? A zombie evil dog!"

"That's right," Su Ming, with his hands behind his back, moved his feet gently in the alley: "In such a base, a man-raised evil dog suddenly appeared, and the people around seemed to be accustomed to this evil dog."

"Either the owner of the zombie evil dog is someone everyone is very familiar with. Or this zombie dog... well, or creatures like zombie evil dogs are very common in the entire base.

It's just a base built by human survivors, how could it allow zombie creatures to run rampant everywhere."

"So this zombie evil dog must have an owner, right?"

After listening to Su Ming's analysis, Ye Xinyan couldn't help but get anxious, and hurriedly asked Su Ming how to solve it.

After walking a few more steps, Su Ming slowly spoke.

"Looks like I can only be a bad guy again."

Just as Su Ming was actively preparing for the upcoming trouble, the zombie dog, which had lost one of its front limbs, avoided many survivors, and came to a hidden place with familiarity, and jumped over the courtyard wall with a light jump.

Xu Yidao, who was sitting on a stone chair, felt a pain in his heart when he saw the embarrassed look of his beloved dog.

Just like many people like to keep pets, this zombie dog was actually Xu Yidao's favorite pet before the end of the world.


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