The beginning of the end of the world fusion black light

Chapter 62 It has been two years since the end of the world

Looking at the hiking bag held by the woman, Ye Xinyan felt angry and shouted quickly.

"Hey, that's our stuff, put it down!"

Hearing Ye Xinyan's cry, the woman in beige clothes glanced at Ye Xinyan, then at Su Ming, and said unceremoniously.

"This is something I found. It's yours if you say it's yours. Is your name written on it?"

Anyone else might have been speechless in the face of this woman's rebuttal, but Ye Xinyan had a proud look on her face and then smiled.

"Hehe! If you say something else, I can't refute you, but since you asked this question, please take a look at the bottom of your hiking bag. Is there a name on it?"

Glancing at Ye Xinyan suspiciously, the woman in beige clothes turned over the hiking bag in her hand, and then saw a few capital letters.

"Y", "S".

"Haha, just two letters, what can this mean?"


Obviously he didn't expect the woman opposite to say that. Ye Xinyan was stunned for a moment, and then said unceremoniously.

"I also know what's inside the bag. Do you want to open the bag and take a look?"

In fact, when she saw the letters on the bottom of the backpack, the woman in beige clothes knew that she had met the owner of the backpack. But when she thought of the things inside the backpack, the woman in beige clothes felt reluctant to let go.

"Just watch it if you say you want! Why?"

Zhou Tao, who was familiar with Zhao Hui's character, immediately guessed that the two backpacks belonged to the two people opposite her when he saw her acting like this.

Just to make Zhao Hui react like this, Zhou Tao couldn't help but become curious about what was hidden in those two backpacks.

But compared to the contents of the backpack, the two people in front of him were the problems he had to solve first.


After drinking to stop Zhao Hui, who was about to spit out the fragrance, Zhou Tao looked at Su Ming and said.

"This is the territory of the Brotherhood of Steel. Who are you, where are you from, and what are you doing here? Tell me honestly about these questions, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

Stretching out his right hand to comfort Ye Xinyan, Su Ming stood in front of Ye Xinyan and looked at Zhou Tao.

"We are just two ordinary survivors who came here accidentally and did not mean to offend."

After explaining his origin clearly, Su Ming replied immediately.

"We didn't come here with any ill intentions, but your two friends took our things and asked us, should you explain this?"

Seeing Su Ming's unwillingness to give in, Zhang Wei opened his mouth with a weapon in his hand.

"Shut up! We are the only ones asking you now. Where is the chance for you to ask questions back?"

Realizing that the other person did not want to talk on an equal footing, Su Ming frowned, then raised his right hand and pointed it at Zhang Wei's chest.

Looking at Su Ming's look, Zhang Wei laughed and said.

"What's going on? Just making two gestures with a pen, do you think you have a weapon?"

On one side was Su Ming, who raised his right hand, and on the other was Zhang Wei, who was holding a weapon. The atmosphere between the two of them was becoming increasingly tense.

Just when the situation was about to take a turn for the worse, panicked shouts suddenly came from outside the bus.

"Brother, it's not good, those ghosts are here again."


After hearing the news from the person in charge of guarding outside, who told Zhang Wei to stay here and watch over Su Ming and the others, Zhou Tao left the bus with Zhao Hui.

Because the bus was lying on its side on the ground, Su Ming and Su Ming were unable to see what was going on outside because there was a metal plate behind the money.


"Bang bang bang!"

Listening to the roars and sounds of fighting coming from outside, Su Ming put down his right hand and asked curiously.

"What do you want to do by building defense projects here?"

Zhang Wei seemed very surprised by Su Ming's question.

"Why else? Of course it's to defend against those damn zombies."

"No, I remember that as long as you don't take the initiative to expose yourself to zombies, these disgusting things will not take the initiative to attack?"

Ye Xinyan glanced at the weapon in Zhang Wei's hand and said curiously.

"You are all an old man. Ever since the Lost Lords appeared among these Lost Lords, they have begun to actively attack humans."

"Not to mention anything else, apart from our Brotherhood of Steel, there are only two survivor bases left in the entire Goose City.

You must know that at the beginning, there were as many as 10 survivor bases in Goose City. "

"Zombie Lord?"

"That's right," Zhang Wei looked at Su Ming and Su Ming who looked confused, and gradually began to make assumptions in his mind.

"It has been two years since the end of the world. Through observation of these zombies, we can basically divide them into six levels."

"The most basic ordinary zombies are also the most numerous and easiest to deal with. Then there are the zombies that have mutated once. We call them level 1 zombies. By analogy, we can assign the corresponding level to the zombies based on the number of times they mutate. ”

"When these zombies mutate more than three times, they will have the ability to control other zombies, so we call them zombie lords."

Listening to Zhang Wei's constant talk about things related to zombies, Su Ming and Ye Xinyan couldn't help but look at each other in shock.

In their memory, the apocalypse has only been here for four or five days, but how come Zhang Wei said that the apocalypse has already existed for two years?

Was the other party lying to them, or was there something wrong with them?

Seeing the shocked expressions of the two, Zhang Wei completely confirmed his inner guess.

After all, after such a long period of baptism, how could anyone who has been active outside not know the level classification of zombies?

With a guess in mind, Zhang Wei put down the weapon that he had been pointing at Su Ming and the others.

Looking at Su Ming and the others with a pitying look, Zhang Wei left a word and jumped out of the bus.

"You two hide here and don't make a sound. Wait until my brother and I get rid of the group of zombies outside, and then I'll have a good talk with you."

After Zhang Wei disappeared, Ye Xinyan grabbed Su Ming's hands anxiously.

"What's going on with Su Ming? Why did he say that the apocalypse has been here for two years!"

Compared to the anxious Ye Xinyan, Su Ming's heart was also very uneasy.

If it is true that the apocalypse has been over for two years as the man just said, is his sister who is far away in her hometown still alive?

"Don't be nervous. No matter what happens, we are both the same."

"Besides, as long as they deal with the zombies outside, someone will definitely tell us what is going on."

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