I don’t know which principal thought with his ass, but he actually installed electric grids on all the walls around the school, making GD University look like a prison.

You should know that the nearby GD University of Science and Technology and GD Normal University do not have electric grids, and they are all open campuses.

Although I am depressed, the problem still needs to be solved.

Su Ming ran back to the roof and took a closer look at the layout of the South Campus.

He found that there was no other way to leave the South Campus except the Moon-Raising Bridge.

The school’s own generator, let alone a power outage for one day, even a week, is no problem at all.

Su Ming, holding a matchstick in his mouth, soon came up with an idea.

If you want to leave the South Campus, you can actually gather a large number of classmates and solve these zombies together.

However, when he thought of the classmates he met, Su Ming still shook his head.

“Sure enough, I still have to rely on myself.”

With a solution to the problem, Su Ming’s frown also relaxed.

However, this good mood lasted for a short while. When he returned to the library on the second floor, he immediately became angry when he saw his backpack disappearing.

When watching the news before, Su Ming had heard a story.

It is said that a couple climbed a snowy mountain together, and then encountered an avalanche, and the two could only hide in a cave.

While waiting for rescue, the food on their bodies was eaten up.

But when the rescue team arrived, the wife was still alive.

At first, the rescue team was still wondering how the wife survived without food resources for more than ten days.

But when they saw that only the lower half of the husband's body was left with bones, everything became clear.

When a couple encountered a life-and-death crisis, they would be so cruel, not to mention Su Ming and Liu Neng, who were just meeting for the first time.

Spitting out the chewed matchstick in his mouth, Su Ming carefully looked around and finally had to admit that the end of the world had come and people's hearts were also bad.

The angry Su Ming kicked the table and chair in front of him away.

Compared to the lost food, Su Ming valued the maps in his backpack more.

In this information age, because everyone can use mobile phone navigation, there are fewer and fewer maps in the real world, and even some newsstands no longer sell maps.

The few maps found in the library may be the easiest for Su Ming to get.

The more Su Ming thought about it, the angrier he got, and he couldn't help but slap himself twice.

"I told you not to be a saint, and I let you be cheap, now let's see how you go back!"

Anger is useless, Su Ming tried to calm himself down.

Although the South Campus is very large, there are not many buildings. In addition to four or five dormitory buildings, there is the library with the largest area, and the rest are actually just a few carports.

Compared to his fearlessness, although his food was stolen, there are not many places for these three people to hide.

Su Ming has searched the library again just now, and he can be sure that these three people are definitely not here.

Then there are only two places left, the dormitory building and the carport.

There are so many zombies in the dormitory building. With the abilities of these three people, they definitely dare not go back. Then the only place left is the carport.

In addition to several open-air parking lots, there are also several dilapidated small garages in the carport. It seems that these three people went there.

After determining the direction of the search, Su Ming was no longer in a hurry.

Originally, Su Ming's plan was to find some alarm clocks in the dormitory building, and then let Liu Neng and the other two use the alarm clocks in three places to attract the zombies of the Moon Bridge.

Now it seems that he seems to have a better plan.

After all, compared with the flesh and blood full of vitality, the cold alarm clock is still too less tempting.

Twisting the handle of the library door together, Su Ming walked towards the direction of the carport without any expression.

Perhaps because all the zombies are concentrated near the Moon Bridge, Su Ming did not encounter any problems along the way.

The parking lot of the South Campus is mainly divided into two parts, one for bicycles and the other for motor vehicles.

In the middle of these two areas, there are three cement bungalows in a row.

Although they were far away, Su Ming, whose eyesight had greatly improved, could still see several colorful things that fell near the bungalow at a glance.

"Damn it!"

After dumping all the things in the backpack onto the ground, Sun Tong looked at the maps and other sundries that took up a lot of space and couldn't help cursing.

With such a big backpack, plus Su Ming gave them a lot of food, Sun Tong thought there was a lot of food in the backpack.

Seeing Sun Tong throwing several maps and branches out the door, Liu Neng couldn't help but sneer.

"With such a big backpack, what do you think you can hide?"

"What did you say!"

Liu Neng was talking about something that was not related to the topic, and Sun Tong, who was already in a bad mood, couldn't help but get angry.

Seeing that Liu Neng and Sun Tong were about to quarrel again, Liu Mengyao, who had blisters on her feet after walking for a long time, suddenly became impatient.

The reason why he was willing to get together with these two toads was entirely because these two people could help her.

But now it seems that her choice seems to have been wrong.

If it weren't for these two people, how could Liu Mengyao leave without saying goodbye and take away other people's things.

And I don’t know what happened. Since just now, Liu Mengyao felt a little panic in her heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

The last time this happened was when she was almost discovered because she was cheating on three women.

Liu Mengyao, who was in a bad mood, instinctively wanted to take a breath, but as soon as she stood up, she saw Su Ming standing by the window.


Liu Mengyao’s scream immediately attracted the attention of Sun Tong and Liu Neng. When they saw that the goddess was frightened, they instinctively protected Liu Mengyao.

Who would have thought that Liu Mengyao was too close to the wall, and the two of them bumped into each other without paying attention.


The two of them were a little dizzy, and before they could recover, they saw Su Ming pulling the wooden door open.

“Ka Ka!”

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Liu Neng just squeezed out an ugly smile on his face, and Sun Tong, who was full of anger, swung the steel pipe on the ground and smashed it directly at Su Ming.

"What a ungrateful person."

Su Ming grabbed the steel pipe in Sun Tong's hand and kicked Sun Tong.


Sun Tong was kicked against the wall and fell heavily to the ground.

Looking at Sun Tong, who was in pain and couldn't get up, Liu Neng suddenly felt sad.

"How could you do this! We just took some food from you, how could you be so excessive!"

"A little food?"

Su Ming looked at Liu Neng in surprise. He didn't expect that Liu Neng was not only a dog, but also a saint who couldn't tell the difference between form and form.

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