Taking the album back from Su Ming, Ye Xinyan looked at Su Ming unhappily.

"You are not a thief, Su Ming, for rummaging through things in other people's homes!"

Faced with Ye Xinyan's ridicule, Su Ming was unwilling to be outdone and used the trick he learned from the Internet.

"Yes, I am a thief, but my things are different from others..."

As if she had guessed what Su Ming was going to say, Ye Xinyan said without waiting for Su Ming to speak.

"Yes, others are heart thieves, and you are a voyeur!"

Looking at Su Ming, who was speechless, Ye Xinyan suddenly felt much better.

In such an era, it is really good to have someone who still cares about you like this.

"Su Ming."

Hearing Ye Xinyan's tone suddenly become soft, Su Ming quickly adjusted his demeanor.

"You are a good person, thank you."


"Why do you carry such a big bag? It will be inconvenient for us to walk on the road."

Su Ming asked in confusion when he noticed the half-person-high backpack behind Ye Xinyan.

After all, in Su Ming's opinion, even if he brought a change of clothes and food and drink, he didn't need such a big backpack.

Giving Su Ming a big eye roll, Ye Xinyan snatched the album from Su Ming's hand, stuffed it into the backpack behind her, and then said.

"Why do you care about me? Anyway, you don't have to carry this bag, why do you worry about it?"

"If you don't let me carry it, do you carry it yourself?"

Su Ming took a sip of soda and lay comfortably on the sofa.

"Get up, I'll take you to see something good."

Ye Xinyan's playful look immediately made Su Ming shudder.

Looking at the tall off-road vehicle in front of him, Su Ming first swallowed his saliva, and then said dejectedly.

"We both don't know how to drive, why did you bring me here?"

Opening the car door and throwing the backpack to the back seat, Ye Xinyan sat in the driver's seat.

"Su Ming, it's you who can't drive, not me."

"But didn't you say you didn't have a driver's license?"


The accelerator was slightly throttled. Su Ming, who had just closed the car door and had not had time to fasten his seat belt, saw Ye Xinyan's right foot suddenly step on the accelerator, and then the tall off-road vehicle made a huge roar and stopped.

Thick black smoke came out from the four sides of the hood, and the small garage was immediately filled with smoke.

Looking at Ye Xinyan squatting on the ground and not saying a word, Su Ming's original words were useless.


A slight cough attracted Ye Xinyan's attention. Su Ming put his hands behind his back and looked into the distance.

"Are there any cars?"

"Fasten your seat belts first, then release the handbrake..."

Holding the instruction manual that she had found from somewhere, Ye Xinyan sat obediently in the passenger seat and slowly instructed Su Ming how to drive.

Just as Su Ming slowly drove the car out of the garage, the sound of the car engine attracted a lot of zombies.

Seeing more and more zombies outside, in the midst of Ye Xinyan's horrified expression, Su Ming was excited, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, and then stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

After the car roared, it was like a wild horse that broke free from its reins, directly breaking through the fence in front of it and rushing towards the zombie group.

With sufficient horsepower, these zombies blocking the car had no power to resist at all, and were soon knocked away by Su Ming.

The wipers kept scraping the liquid on the windshield, and then it was stained again.

Looking at the increasing number of zombies behind the car, Ye Xinyan couldn't help screaming.

"Su Ming, drive faster!"

As the car rushed out of the villa area, more and more zombies joined Su Ming's team.

Dense zombies formed a long dragon along the long road, closely following the exhaust of the car.

Because it is a two-way 4-lane road, although many people drove to escape when the doomsday came, the road was not completely blocked.

On the wide road, an off-road vehicle seemed to be drunk, swaying and moving forward.

Ye Xinyan, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, suddenly regretted her previous actions. Why did she show off that she had more cars at home?

If she had known that Su Ming was such a driving maniac, Ye Xinyan would never agree to ride in his car.

Although it was the first time for Ye Xinyan to drive, Su Ming's superb driving skills allowed the two to leave Hefeng City safely.

But after the two left Hefeng City, a very serious problem arose, that is, they were lost.

Obviously, we were driving along the route on the map, but the place names on the road signs along the way were completely different from those on the map.

Seeing that the fuel in the car was getting lower and lower and the sky was gradually getting darker, Su Ming and Ye Xinyan had a brief discussion and decided to stop at the next rest area to rest.

Although Su Ming didn't need to sleep, driving at night was too dangerous.

Rest area along the river.

After stopping the car, Ye Xinyan took the initiative to go to the rest area to find food, and Su Ming began to look for gas cards one by one.

After searching for a long time, Su Ming couldn't find a gas card. However, Su Ming found a lot of thin rubber products.

Just when Su Ming took violent measures to refuel the car, a scream that belonged to Ye Xinyan came from the rest area.

After hearing Ye Xinyan's scream, Su Ming did not dare to delay and immediately ran towards the rest area.

Judging from Ye Xinyan's awakened strength, ordinary zombies cannot pose a threat to him or her at all.

If it can make her panic now, it can only mean that Ye Xinyan must have encountered a mutated creature.

Time went back, and when Su Ming was looking for a gas card, Ye Xinyan entered the rest area alone, walking carefully.

Even though she had awakened her abilities, Ye Xinyan still felt a little scared walking alone in the empty rest area.

Especially since there were so many cars parked outside, but there were only a few scattered zombies inside the rest stop, Ye Xinyan had to be more vigilant.

But as Ye Xinyan walked along, the imagined danger did not happen. Instead, the smell of barbecue gradually came from the distance.

Following this tempting smell, Ye Xinyan slowed down her pace, secretly alert in her heart, and walked carefully along the corner.

I saw that in a small supermarket, all the shelves were pushed around the walls.

Two thin figures were sitting around a fire.

On top of the fire, a thigh baked with grease was rolling.

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