Off-white blood gushed out from the watermelon worm, leaving a large pool on the ground in a short while.

The off-white blood was so abundant that I don’t know how much of it touched Su Ming’s body.

These off-white bloods seemed to have powerful magic. Su Ming’s skin only had the simplest contact with these bloods, and then white spots began to appear on Su Ming’s body one after another.

Su Ming frowned tightly, and just as he was about to free his hands to clean up the white blood on his body, he saw that the watermelon worm caught by his hands suddenly stopped running and rushed towards Su Ming.

The size of the watermelon worm itself was already very large, so when he began to struggle violently, I don’t know how much white blood was immediately stained on Su Ming’s body. As the white on his body became more and more, Su Ming’s originally very comfortable movements suddenly became a little stiff at this moment. Although this stiff feeling quickly disappeared, in Su Ming’s magnetic induction, the stiffness just now was not completely an illusion.

The reason why Su Ming did not feel the very stiff feeling now was entirely because after the development of the gene lock, the gene that Su Ming now possessed just contained a power that could reduce the infection of toxins on a large scale. Therefore, although the gray-white blood contained a large amount of toxins, they could not cause much harm to Su Ming himself.

However, although these gray-white bloods were not a big threat to fate, Su Ming at this moment could not help but start to worry about the enterprise heart and others. After all, compared to his own body, Ye Xinyan and others did not have such a strong body. If this gray-white blood did not exist alone, but all the disease factors existed in the body, Ye Xinyan and others would definitely suffer if they were caught off guard.

Su Ming, who originally wanted to use his own power and then slaughtered a lot, wiped off the white blood on his body, took out an evolutionary iron ingot from the ground, and stuffed it into his mouth. Su Ming originally wanted to continue to stretch his body in it, but at this moment, he realized that this gray-white liquid, because it existed in the body of the mutant beast, might represent that in this thick white figure, it is very likely that all the pathogenic organisms have this gray-white liquid in their blood.

Because he was worried that Ye Xinyan and the others might encounter some problems, Su Ming simply gave up his idea and immediately went to the place where Ye Xinyan and the others were. However, he didn't know if it was because of the previous statement. Although Su Ming was still rushing back in the direction of his memory, no matter how he looked, he could not find Ye Xinyan and the others.

"No, I'm following the original path, but now I'm getting farther and farther away. Even some buildings that I could see before are gone. Could it be that this fog has the ability to confuse people's sense of direction?"

Just when Su Ming was extremely confused, an accidental discovery made Su Ming feel cold all over. It turned out that a place like a genetic research institute suddenly appeared in a place in front of Su Ming's right. The words "a certain research institute" were clearly written on the door of this research institute. Seeing this suddenly appeared research institute, Su Ming couldn't help but be shocked.

Because in his original cognition, in Fenglin City, it was impossible for a genetic lock like this to exist. After all, being called a genetic institute usually means that it must be a scientific research institution, but with the economic, technological and cultural strength of Fenglin City, it is impossible for them to build a genetic research institute.

The construction of the gene research institute itself is indeed very simple, but a complete gene research institute requires not only a large amount of funds to provide resources, but also a lot of excellent talents. Sometimes it is not that you can solve everything with money. For example, a billionaire has lived to 100 years old, but even if you have a lot of money at this moment, you can't live another year.

If the appearance of this gene research institute only makes Su Ming guess that there may be a super-rich person living alone in Fengling Town, then the series of things he saw next made Su Ming very puzzled.

Rugged mountains, tall technology buildings, and musical theaters that can only be seen abroad appeared in Su Ming's eyes. He had long forgotten how many roads he had walked. According to what he found along the way, the area of ​​these strange buildings he saw was probably equal to two Fenglin cities.

Su Ming simply could not understand such a strange phenomenon that had occurred. In his understanding, the reason for such a phenomenon at this moment was that either she was deceived by the white figures, or he might have traveled through time again. However, looking at his strong body, Su Ming could only assume the first result, that is, there must be some terrible mind-controlling monster in this dense white figure, which made him fall into a fantasy.

The reason for this conjecture is that earlier, when Su Ming and Ye Xinyan were near the rest area of ​​the highway, they experienced the world where the white figure appeared. In this world, it showed that he did not see the things in the inner four before. With doubts in his heart, Su Ming began to observe carefully.

Because according to his guess, even if this mutant creature has a strong mental ability, even if he can make himself have certain hallucinations, as long as it is an illusion, it has a huge flaw after all. For example, those strange buildings that appeared before may be exactly the same in the eyes of this transformation, but for a human, these buildings obviously cannot exist at the same time.

Since the illusion set by this mutant creature has such a major flaw, Su Ming still has strong confidence in himself to get out of this illusion.

As long as it is an illusion set by humans, or as long as it is a deliberately set illusion, it must have a huge flaw.


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