"Good! Good! Good! Good!"

Su Ming said four good words in a row. Even Yang Chen, who was not familiar with Su Ming's character, knew that Su Ming was definitely very angry at this moment.

If the guy who stole their supplies could meet Su Ming in person and beg Su Ming and others to give them some supplies, Su Ming would not refuse at all. After all, these supplies are completely dispensable to Su Ming. With his extremely powerful strength, if he really wants to find them, what supplies can't he find?

However, although that's what he said, these supplies are worthless in Song Ming's eyes, but the things he despised were stolen by others, which made Su Ming unacceptable.

As long as a person with normal thinking sees these supplies placed on a car, he will definitely know that these supplies belong to someone else, but this group of guys who stole their things, knowing that they are owned by someone else, actually stole them, which fully shows that these people are not good guys at all.

If it was just because of the lack of food, then they would not pack up the rest of the resources after taking the food away. If it was the lack of both food and resources, then why did they remove the four tires of the off-road vehicle? Because Su Ming did not leave the car keys, combined with everything he saw at the scene, Su Ming deeply suspected that the group of little heads who stole his things took the four tires of the car away because they were worried that he would drive the car after returning and then find trouble with them.

However, this self-righteous guy would never have thought that it was because of their action of removing the tires of the car that made Su Ming realize that these guys definitely did not have a suitable means of transportation. If they had a suitable means of transportation, they would never remove the tires on this car, fearing that Su Ming would catch up with them.

In addition, the number of supplies on the off-road vehicle was very large. After these guys moved so many supplies, their speed would definitely slow down greatly. In other words, as long as Su Ming set out to look for supplies now, the nameless little Tuo in this city would not be able to escape at all.

After speaking out his analysis, neither Ye Xinyan nor Yang Chen and others denied Su Ming's conjecture. Therefore, under Su Ming's simple arrangement, everyone immediately split into two teams, one team was Su Ming, and the other team was Ye Xinyan and others.

Compared with Ye Xinyan and others, Su Ming's individual strength was stronger, and if he acted alone, his speed would be faster. Let Ye Xinyan and those guys stay together, they can play a role of mutual support, so Su Ming would not worry that Ye Xinyan and others would be knocked down at once.


It was agreed that no matter whether they found someone or not, Su Ming, who met at the original place half an hour later, pushed his feet hard on the ground, and then rushed into the sky, and the wings behind him quickly spread out.

Su Ming was constantly patrolling in the air like an angel. Because there were too many trees in the nearby mountains and forests, Su Ming did not dare to fly too high, otherwise the group of little heads might get a natural cover under the cover of those heavy trees.

Su Ming suddenly dropped a little distance from time to time. After encountering three mutant creatures in a row, his mood could not help but become impatient. If he continued to go on like this, he would have to go back and meet Ye Xinyan and the others immediately.

Just when Su Ming was extremely anxious, a wisp of black smoke suddenly emerged from the jungle in the distance.

Although this wisp of smoke just appeared and disappeared quickly, for Su Ming who was always paying attention to abnormal situations, this was the most eye-catching signal.

With a cold smile on his lips, Su Ming flapped his wings behind him, and he flew rapidly in the direction where the black smoke came from.


After a crisp sound, a red palm print appeared on Tang Minghui's face. She covered her face in disbelief, and tears began to slowly appear in Tang Minghui's eyes. Seeing Su Ming act like this, Wang Qiang could not help but become very impatient.

"I've told you guys a long time ago that you must not reveal any traces when searching for supplies in the wild, let alone using open flames."

While talking to Su Minghui and others, Wang Qiang stepped hard on the sparks on the ground that had not yet completely extinguished, and said in a bad mood.

"I've already told you that this is the end of the world, not a peaceful era. In a peaceful era, you can light a fire to scare away wild beasts and the like, but in an environment like the end of the world, you light a bonfire because you think your life is too long?"

"Wang Qiang, there's no need to be so angry, it's just a little fire, and it's quickly extinguished!"

Looking at Tang Minghui, whose eyes gradually turned red and seemed to be about to cry, Ye Feng couldn't help but frown, and then looked at Wang Qiang and shouted loudly.


Looking at Ye Feng with disdain, Wang Qiang pointed at Ye Feng and cursed.

"You useless piece of shit, it's ok that you have the worst strength, but how can you use your brain to teach your own woman a lesson, and you need a stinking jerk like you to butt in!!"

After hearing Wang Qiang's contemptuous words, Ye Feng's face changed drastically. Just thinking of Wang Qiang's powerful strength, a feeling of powerlessness suddenly surged into Ye Feng's body.

If his strength could be a little stronger, he would definitely rush up and have a good argument with Wang Qiang.

But the gap in strength between the two sides was too big. The last time there was a conflict between the two, he didn't even last a week before being knocked unconscious by Wang Qiang.

Later, I heard that if it weren't for the persuasion of Tang Minghui and others, I would probably have been beaten to death by this guy. From this incident, the relationship between the two changed from the original coldness to a fierce one.

Seeing Ye Feng, who didn't even dare to fart under his insults, Wang Qiang couldn't help but reveal a smug smile on his face.

"I'll say it one last time. When you're packing up in the wild, no one is allowed to light a fire without my permission. If I see someone making a mistake next time, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Oh, really?"

Wang Qiangwenyan, who was spitting out saliva from his mouth, suddenly spoke with a light voice.

"Who is talking, stand up!"


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