There is no need to say much about the process of the battle. Under the powerful strength of Zhang Kun and his team, the zombies in Nantian Airport are no match at all. However, after a while, the only moving objects that can be seen in Lantian Airport are Zhang Kun and his team.

"Boy, you were really calm just now. I almost thought you were going to die."

Touching the back of his head honestly, Song Zhi looked at Zhang Kun's face and said with a smile.

"It's just a level 3 mutant zombie. Although I just became a level 3 awakener yesterday, zombies like this are not my opponents at all. Brother, you don't have to worry anymore!"

Taiwan Novel Network→Yellow𝚠𝚔g𝚗.𝚌Shenyang𝚖

It turned out that just when he was actively attracting those zombies, the zombies in the airport were actually ambushing. They seemed to have sent their zombies to attack a zombie with a mental illness level 1. Therefore, although his evolution level is only about level 3, his IQ is not low. He can actually think of such a method as an ambush.

However, although this zombie is quite intelligent, it is still a lonely tree. Apart from this zombie, there are only two level 2 zombies left, and the rest are all ordinary zombies, which can't pose any threat to people. Apart from him, there are two or three level 3 awakeners in your team.

With strong strength, although Song Zhi is a fire attractor, his combat effectiveness is also very strong.

In a short time, all zombies except the level 3 mutant zombie were wiped out.

Patting Song Zhi's shoulder with approval, Zhang Kun shouted.

"Brothers, work harder and kill all these zombies. All the evolution crystals today belong to you!"

Under normal circumstances, in fact, every time such collective hunting of zombies is carried out, although a large number of evolution crystals will be obtained, most of the time these evolution crystals belong to Zhang Kun.

But today, because the harvest was too small, Zhang Kun didn't care.

At Zhang Kun's level, the 12th level evolution crystals were of no use to him. Unless it was a 4th level crystal on the Internet, Zhang Kun would not even look at it.

Although Zhang Kun looked down on these low-level evolution crystals, for other awakeners, this was a fortune that could not be underestimated.

Apart from these first-level evolution crystals, at least they could be exchanged for some food, and even if the trees were accumulated enough, they could even get a chance to get close to female awakeners.

In peacetime, you need to spend some money to get in touch with those who sell newspapers.

But in this doomsday, money has long been worthless, and it has been replaced by evolution crystals.

Just when Song Zhi and other ordinary awakeners were happily digging evolution crystals one after another, Zhang Kun, who felt a little urge to urinate, cursed in a low voice, and then walked towards an airplane.

Although all the awakened people present were men, Zhang Kun was still not used to urinating under the gaze of a man.

Zhang Kun certainly did not dare to go into the bushes. Although they had killed the zombies in their previous actions, killing the zombies did not mean that all the mutants were wiped out.

Zhang Kun did not really care about ordinary mutants, but the behavior it was about to perform would expose its most vulnerable part.

Zhang Kun believed that his most vulnerable part was the most important for him and all other men.

Therefore, Zhang Kun did not choose tall trees in the bushes nearby, and he did not look down on them. Of course, as for the relatively low buildings, Zhang Kun did not choose them either. What if a zombie suddenly jumped out when she was urinating? That would be bad.

Instead of choosing these ubiquitous existences, Zhang Kun slowly walked to an airplane. Zhang Kun could not understand this airplane. Anyway, it had big wings and a long belly, and it was the kind of guy flying in the sky.

Because the planes had not taken off yet, the planes themselves were very large. Although the planes were a little small compared to the whole plane, they were still very expensive for Zhang Kun.

Hiding behind the planes, after finishing a bubble of water, Zhang Kun just poked his head out, and his expression immediately changed. He didn't care even when a few drops of water fell on his hands.

It turned out that just after Zhang Kun finished peeing, he suddenly discovered a terrifying phenomenon, that is, those awakened people who were still laughing before, just disappeared from this huge airport. At this moment, Zhang Kun could only hear his heartbeat.

Frowning, Zhang Kun, who was experienced in many battles, did not shout immediately after provoking his teammates to disappear. Although he didn't know where Song Zhi and the others had gone, Zhang Kun's current IQ showed that Song Zhi and the others were not going to leave to scare him.

Lines of blood fell on the ground, and a faint fishy smell came. Some zombies that were originally surrounding the airport immediately followed and began to run over with the smell. However, due to the influence of some steel barriers around the airport, although these zombies tried very hard to cross this boundary, they could not find the correct intersection and could not enter at all.

Zhang Kun frowned when he heard the roar of the zombies, but he did not care. Just now, Zhang Kun was thinking about looking for traces of Song Zhi and others. After all, so many awakened people could not suddenly disappear at the same time. In addition, Zhang Kun is now a level 5 awakened person, so he is very confident in his own strength.

However, just when Zhang Kun was about to go to the airplane tower, he suddenly stopped.

It's not that Zhang Kun is ruthless, but Zhang Kun found something wrong from some of the phenomena around him. That is, under normal circumstances, the surrounding area of ​​the airport is usually not suitable for villages to exist.

Airplanes fly very fast, so the noise they bring is also very strong. If you often live near the airport without corresponding sound insulation or protection measures, it will take less than a year for even a very strong person to break down quickly, not to mention that there are many zombies emerging from the airport.

Just by looking around casually, Zhang Kun estimated that he saw nearly 100 zombies.


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