A deep voice sounded. Although he had not seen the owner of the voice yet, Gao Jie experienced something different from these two short words.

Strong self-confidence, pride, and desperate pride.

It was just two simple words, but Gao Jie could experience something that ordinary people could not experience.

This was not because of the needle in Su Ming's words, and he did not love such strong emotions. In fact, it was because Gao Jie had a special ability to know abilities. Gao Jie did not know what it was, but he could clearly use this ability to know some changes in other people's mentality and emotions.

Su Ming, who thought he could control his own emotional changes very well, never thought that this man named Gao Jie actually had such a special ability. However, even if Su Ming knew, Gao Jie could guess his mental changes from his just unification, but Su Ming would not care.

It must be admitted that even if the two sides were in the wrong position, Gao Jie's special ability made Su Ming admire him very much.

If two players of similar strength are compared, if one of them can change the other's mentality, then it will undoubtedly increase his chances of winning. However, all this is based on the fact that the strength of both sides is similar.

Because if there is a big gap between the strength of the two sides, what can you do even if you can see through the mentality of others? It's like a rabbit knows that a tiger is coming to kill it, but how can it resist the death given by the tiger with just a rabbit?

Although Su Ming is not a tiger, Gao Jie is much weaker than a rabbit in Su Ming's eyes.

Level 5 ability users do have a strong suppression on level 4 ability users. Let's not talk about other things. Everyone only learns one ability, but the level 5 awakener has Ning Ri. Compared with the level 4 awakener, the level 5 awakener with a domain is equivalent to having one more skill. This is obviously unfair, but the enemy Gao Jie has to face at this moment is not a level 4 Yang Chen, but Su Ming.

Not to mention that Gao Jie's strength is only that of a Level 5 Awakener, even if he has the strength of a Level 6 Awakener at this moment, Su Ming will not have any positional emotions.

Not to mention other things, there are more than 20 mutant beasts that died in Su Ming's hands.

Even the mutant creatures of Buji can't beat Su Ming, let alone this Level 5 Gao Jie?

Su Ming, with his hands in his trouser pockets, staggered out from a corner of the wall like a bad boy who didn't learn well. Seeing Su Ming's very young face, Gao Jie didn't take it to heart at first.

Although there is no certain correlation between the strength of an awakener and his age, a young awakener like Jiang Siming can't be that powerful in Gao Jie's eyes, and. Gao Jie, who has long been accustomed to being domineering, has never had a place in his heart. Although Su Ming's appearance was beyond his expectations, Gao Jie didn't care. Instead, he looked at Su Ming angrily as if he had thought of something.

"If I'm not mistaken, you are the murderer who killed my woman!"

Gao Jie snorted coldly, kicked Yang Chen in front of him, and then walked towards Su Ming. Originally, Gao Jie was very angry because he didn't know who killed his woman, but he couldn't find the murderer. He could only vent his anger to the air, and at most he could find some comfort in this fat man, but the facts changed so strangely.

Before, Gao Jie wanted to block Yang Chen and others in the base, and then torture them one by one, so as to taste the strong control emanating from them. I don't know what this fat man is called. Under his encouragement, those ant-like guys dared to show their fangs to him, although Gao Jie killed those ignorant guys very forcefully.

But this feeling of being fooled made Gao Jie feel very uncomfortable. As a high-ranking 5th-level awakener, the death of the awakeners in Gao Jie's research and development capabilities was completely his gift. Anyway, those guys with lower levels were already very poor in this doomsday, living a precarious life, and death was everywhere. Why didn't they die in the hands of Gao Jie?

Who is he, Gao Jie? He is called the executioner. Under his hands, those low-level awakeners who died will not taste the pain of death at all, but will only wither away quickly.

Being able to die without pain, isn't it the most enjoyable treatment in this doomsday where one's life is in danger?

Perhaps it was because living in the doomsday for a long time brought huge pressure. Gao Jie, who was originally just a chef in peacetime, had his mind completely distorted at this moment. If his strength was not good enough, the strength behind him would have driven this madman out long ago.

However, although Gao Jie was not expelled, Gao Jie, who lived in his own base, did not have any friends, and was able to unintentionally conquer the peonies and roses. These two women were a great gift to Gao Jie. A great gift, so Gao Jie became so angry after learning that jasmine and peony died at the same time.

What Gao Jie was angry about was not that Su Ming killed the two women, but that the two dogs he had finally raised were killed by others for no reason. Even if Su Ming had said hello to him in advance, Gao Jie would not be so angry. I have to say that Gao Jie, a level 5 awakener, has become completely abnormal now.

Although it was unclear what kind of mental changes this guy named Gao Jie had suffered, from Su Ming's perception, there was no trace of the malice emanating from this guy.

In Song Ming's vague perception, the strong malice seemed to be transformed into a ferocious wolf. His red eyes were staring at him closely, and from his dark fangs, there was blood dripping from time to time. On the ground.

Although it is not clear why Gao Jie hates him so much, but when he thinks of his own experience during this period, he smiles coldly, and then guesses that this guy named Gao Jie is definitely related to the two women he beat to death. association.

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