Seeing that a large number of awakened people were rushing towards the man under his instigation, Yang Chen's eyes turned, and he slowed down unconsciously.

When Gao Jie just appeared, Yang Chen realized that things were not going well. After all, the person who could come to provoke a base was either a lunatic or had strong strength.

The development of the matter was almost the same as Yang Chen expected. Without Yang Chen's opening words to provoke, the idiot took the initiative to provoke the mysterious man, and then nothing happened.

Because Yang Chen had already participated in the possibility that this man had a close relationship with Peony, he couldn't help but be very afraid of the people present. Although he was more or less involved with Peony and Rose, they knew Peony, but the relationship between them was not exactly the same.

The relationship between those awakened people and Peony may be just between superiors and subordinates, just rulers and the ruled, but Yang Chen and Peony are mortal enemies. If Yang Chenghai hadn't come to Su Ming, then Peony would not have been killed so easily.

And if Peony hadn't died, then the man who came to the door now should not have made things difficult for Yang Cheng and the others, but there are not so many ifs in this world. Since Peony has been killed, Yang Chen is actually prepared to bear some revenge in his heart.

But according to the original plan, Yang Chen actually hoped that Su Ming and the others could stay for a while, as long as they waited long enough, as long as Su Ming killed the people related to Peony, then he Yang Chen could become the leader without any mistakes.

However, the development of the matter was slightly different from Yang Chen's estimation. That is, facing the man who could become the leader of more than 2,000 people, the boy named Su Ming actually refused without hesitation. You know, that is to rule 2,000 people, not one person, or two people.

It was only Yang Chen's greed that was blinded. If he hadn't let Su Ming run away, she wouldn't have to face Gao Jie, a powerful awakener now.

When Su Ming just left, Yang Chen's heart was replaced by ecstasy in addition to the initial incomprehension. After all, as long as Su Ming left, who else would be qualified for the leader position except him, Yang Chen.

However, this ecstasy did not last long. First, he was refuted by Jasmine and others, and now he encountered Gao Jie, a terrible enemy. Seeing the awakener rushing up, he was pushed away by Gao Jie with a palm, and Yang Chen, who didn't know the speed of life and death, began to secretly think about where to leave the base.

Although it seems a bit inappropriate that he left after encouraging other awakeners to rush forward, Yang Chen, who is so strong, doesn't want to lose his life here for no reason.

After making a plan in his mind, he took advantage of the awakener in front of him, who seemed to be a little scared. Knowing that the opportunity was not to be missed, Yang Chen's face turned cold. After apologizing to the awakeners present, he ran behind him like a round ball.

Although it is said that whether it is the base where the peony is located or the base where the rose is located, they are superficially opposed to each other, but in fact they are all things played by the peony and the rose. However, when the base was first established, the awakeners on both sides did not cut corners. In addition to the main gate of the base, there are also several emergency retreat passages.

After all, living in an environment like the end of the world, if the place where you can survive has only one entrance and exit, it would be a bit too dangerous.

Just as Yang Chen was sneaking back, an unexpected figure appeared in front of Yang Chen. This person was none other than Jasmine.

Let’s say that Jasmine, a woman, sometimes likes to act on emotion. For example, after Yang Chen had exposed Rose’s hateful face, he was still foolish enough to question Rose and then use his love to influence him. Such behavior was completely an idiot in peacetime.

But Jasmine actually had her own plan at that time, but Jasmine’s final plan had not yet succeeded, and Rose was eventually killed. Now seeing Gao Jie, who was very likely to be related to Rose, coming to kill her, this woman suddenly became shrewd.

Ever since Jasmine discovered that Yang Chen was actually a foolish man who was not very good at showing his ability, she had already listed Yang Chen as her first target to be solved, or she regarded Yang Cheng as her biggest enemy. Therefore, when Gao Jie came to kill her, most of Jasmine’s thoughts were focused on Yang Chen.

After Yang Chen said those fearless words, Jasmine still had some doubts about her guess. Maybe this fat guy was actually a fool. However, Jasmine, who was hiding behind a table and chair, discovered during her slow observation that although this fat guy ran the fastest, his speed was unexpectedly slow. Seeing Yang Chen's running speed getting slower and slower, Jasmine, who had already returned at this moment, immediately realized what Yang Chen, the fat guy, was planning.

Although she discovered some of Yang Chen's little calculations, Jasmine did not speak up to expose them. That is, since Yang Chen wanted to be a mantis, then Jasmine did not mind being a yellow bird.

Taking advantage of the fact that Yang Chen had not escaped immediately, Jasmine could no longer bear it and began to dodge. Although she was retreating, Jasmine did not dare to be too obsessed with her movements, fearing that she would attract the attention of the powerful man because she ran too fast. It was precisely because Jasmine moved slowly that Yang Chen discovered her figure.

When the two pairs of eyes, one big and one small, looked at each other, both Jasmine and Yang Chen could not help but feel very embarrassed. However, when facing a life-and-death crisis, this embarrassing emotion quickly disappeared. The most bizarre thing was that a feeling of mutual appreciation suddenly arose in the emotions of both parties.

At this moment, both Jasmine and Yang Chen felt that the other party was actually quite smart.

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