Red roses are often full of beauty and symbols of love.

But such a rose full of temptations has now turned into an ice sculpture and appeared in front of Yang Chen.

Although Yang Chen's strength is very weak, he can easily see that the one who can solve the rose is definitely a master.

At least for Yang Chen, any awakener who can easily solve the rose is definitely much higher than Yang Chen.

Therefore, after simply easing and calming down, Yang Chen immediately started to get up early everywhere to prepare for this master who suddenly attacked.

If it is to be said that he is grateful, Yang Chen naturally has some ideas. After all, he was about to die under the palm of the rose just now. Now he can survive completely because of the light of the unknown master.

But in addition to expressing his gratitude for saving his life, Yang Chen actually has another idea in his heart, that is, with the help of the power of this unknown master, he wants to solve another poisonous scorpion, that is, the peony.

At other times, Yang Chen would never dare to seek help from another awakener easily, but when Ye Xinyan helped him get rid of Rose, Yang Chen knew that Ye Xinyan must be a good person.

Otherwise, who would attack a delicate beauty for no reason? If Ye Xinyan knew at this moment that Yang Chen had all kinds of thoughts in his mind in these few minutes, she would definitely exclaim.

The reason why he took action to get rid of Rose was partly because Rose looked like a bad guy who did all kinds of evil. Ye Xinyan looked down on such a guy who gained his own interests by sacrificing the interests of others.

Of course, in addition to this reason, Su Ming looked at Rose twice more before, which was also a reason why Ye Xinyan took a strong action.

After seeing Yang Chen pretending to kneel on the ground, Ye Xinyan, who had originally thought of leaving after solving Rose, didn't know what she thought of, and then pulled Su Ming out together.

Seeing a young man and woman suddenly come out from the corner, Yang Chen was stunned at first, then he quickly smiled and said to Ye Xinyan and the others.

"Thank you for helping me get rid of the rose. Please accept my thanks to this vicious woman."

I have to admire that Yang Chen is born to do big things. Although Ye Xinyan and Su Ming are about the same age as him, Yang Chen didn't even frown. He immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Su Ming and the others three times in a row.

Ye Xinyan, who had just come out, never thought that the man in front of her who could almost be her father would actually kowtow to her, but Yang Chen's action was too fast. Before Ye Xinyan could react, Yang Chen had already kowtowed to her.

As a person who has read countless literary works on thick black studies, Yang Chen did not have any idea of ​​despising Su Ming and the others.

Because no matter what, the powerful Black Rose was solved by this person. Although it is not clear who solved the Black Rose, the relationship between the man and woman seems to be very close.

Yang Chen knew that he was right to kowtow. Generally speaking, a man and woman with noble character or normal character will instinctively feel ashamed when they are kowtowed three times by an older elder.

As long as they feel ashamed, Yang Chen can make his request and not worry that the two will refuse.

The subsequent development of the matter was not much different from what Yang Chen expected. After silently enduring Yang Cheng's three kowtows, both Ye Xinyan and Su Ming could not help but feel a fever on their faces.

The reason for this feeling is that Yang Chen is old enough to be their father.

It is precisely because of this that the two people who felt guilty did not have any idea of ​​refusing after hearing Yang Chen's request for them to solve the Peony Flower.

"Two kindhearted people, please help us to get rid of the vicious Peony."

As if afraid that Su Ming and the others didn't know Peony at all, Yang Chen began to talk in front of Su Ming and the others.

From the appearance of Peony to the ability of Peony, Yang Chen knew everything he knew.

After telling a series of information about Peony, Yang Chen, an indescribable man, kowtowed three times in a row.

It was these six kowtows that established Yang Chen's position as Su Ming's top military advisor.

No matter what kind of talents Su Ming recruits in the future, no matter how Su Ming's power develops, Yang Chen can always occupy the first place.

It can be seen that Su Ming and the others are very powerful, but Yang Chen still kindly expressed to Peony that they have a large number of people under them and asked them whether they should take a long-term plan.

Su Ming had originally suspected that Yang Chen was using him as a knife, but after hearing Yang Chen's words, he couldn't help but feel ashamed of his petty thoughts. Su Ming didn't know how long it had been since he had seen someone like Yang Chen who could wholeheartedly consider other awakened people.

Therefore, facing Yang Chen's kind suggestion, Su Ming nodded, and then punched slowly in front of Yang Chen.

It was just an ordinary punch, but a building a hundred meters away from Su Ming collapsed in an instant.


Huge stones mixed with endless dust slowly fell down in the air. Seeing Su Ming's powerful strength, Yang Chen couldn't help but open his mouth with a confused expression.

Originally, Yang Chen's plan was to use these two children to get rid of Peony Flower, and then slowly unify all the awakened people in Fenglin City, but he never thought that these two young people would be so powerful. .

The corner of his mouth twitched unnaturally. The moment Su Ming took action, Yang Chen wanted to slap himself twice.

If he had known that Su Ming and the others were so powerful, he should not have acted so selflessly as he was bent on seeking development for other awakened people just now.

It's just that it's too late to regret now. How could the selfless Yang Chen be the kind of person who is greedy for power.

As long as Su Ming and the others can help Yang Chen get rid of the Peony Flower, he, Yang Cheng, will definitely persuade the other awakened ones to support Su Ming and the others as their leaders.

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