Looking at the beauty head with frowned eyebrows, as if Xizi was holding her heart, Su Ming's mouth moved slightly, and then the sharp blade in his right hand turned into a white palm and stretched out.

Seeing Su Ming's actions, the rose flower twisted down and stretched the beauty head in front of Su Ming, enduring the pain brought by the high temperature on Su Ming's body.

Although the skin on the beauty head became waxy and dry under the high temperature, the rose flower did not dare to make any unusual movements.

Looking at the rose flower that made such a dirty appearance, Su Ming's right hand that was originally touching the beauty head suddenly turned into a sharp blade, directly cutting the beauty head in half from top to bottom, and then cutting the tall rose flower diagonally into two pieces.

"You dare to seduce me with this little bit of Taoism, don't you see who your uncle is!"

Kicking away half of the dry beauty head, Su Ming looked at the tall plants around him, roared to the sky, and ran towards the tree that almost trapped him before.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network → ᴛᴡᴋᴀɴ.ᴄᴏᴍ]

While dodging the attacks of the plants, Su Ming was thinking in his mind, who was the murderer behind the scenes.

Although the plants in the North City District look very dense and full of murderous breath.

But Su Ming, who had been to the North City District before, knew that these plants did not exist before.

After the arrival of the apocalypse, Su Ming had deeply realized that all creatures could mutate and become enemies. He did not believe that there was anyone with a hole in his brain who would plant a plant at will where he lived.

You know, even if it is planting wheat and rice, no one will plant them in the base, but plant them outside the base.

Since there are no such plants in the base itself, who brought them in?

And Su Ming did not think that anyone could send such large plants in without destroying the city wall.

Compared to the idea that it was an accidental plant mutation, Su Ming was more inclined to believe that it was done by someone who happened to awaken and was related to plant control.

No matter who this guy is, as long as he finds the big tree in the middle, Su Ming believes that there will definitely be an answer.

After all, no matter who it is, there must be a purpose for making such a tall tree first.

The next encounter was not unexpected by Su Ming. As Su Ming got closer and closer to the big tree before, the attacks he suffered became more and more intensive.

What's more exaggerated is that Su Ming can even see a willow tree pulling its roots out from under the ground, and then turning into two big feet, chasing after him.

Because of the continuous attacks, although Su Ming rushed forward all the way, there was nothing to stop him, but the meaningless killing not only brought a lot of military merit points, but also slowed down his journey.

Just after Su Ming burned a huge mimosa to ashes, the very tall giant tree that had appeared before, after a shake, actually started growing again.

Looking at the tree that was growing bigger and bigger, although Su Ming didn't know what happened, his pace was quickened.

But the pleasure was slow to catch up. When Su Ming came to the vicinity of the giant tree again, the huge locust tree that was about 25 meters high before had become 30 meters high.

And on the long branches of the locust tree, ribbons were hanging one after another.

Looking at the locust tree covered with ribbons, just when Su Ming was wondering what these things were for, a dull sound rang out.

I saw that on the trunk of the tall locust tree, one by one, human-like things were sliding down along the ribbons.

In just two seconds, these human-like things had completely violated the laws of physics and came to the ground from the trunk.

Dense black dots were constantly generated from the trunk, and then came to the ground.

After seeing the appearance of these human-like black dots clearly, Su Ming couldn't help but spit out a swear word.


Similar to the creatures that Su Ming had found in the crowd before, these humanoid things that fell to the ground also had a lot of characteristics related to the locust tree.

But after excluding these characteristics, they were completely zombies that looked like humans.

Following the instincts of zombies, these guys, who were tentatively called plant zombies, rushed towards Su Ming like chicken blood after feeling the blood and flesh from Su Ming.

At a glance, hundreds of plant zombies, like a gray-white ocean, rushed towards Su Ming.

Su Ming, who had only seen the explosion of soldiers in the game, saw this phenomenon of explosion of soldiers for the first time in reality.

Looking up at the black spots that kept appearing on the trunk of the locust tree, Su Ming immediately knew that he was lucky.

Being able to produce so many plant zombies and derive countless mutant plants, the locust tree in front of Su Ming, even if it is not a level 5 life, is definitely not far away.

While calling out to Kuang Xiao and Cui Wenjing, Su Ming's legs slightly bent, and then, as if equipped with a jet engine, he rushed directly into the sea of ​​plant zombies.

Just as Su Mingming had imagined, these plant zombies that were blasted out were very fragile, and Su Ming was injured and killed immediately if he was hit.

Despite the large number of these plant zombies, in terms of strength, they are just ordinary zombies that have just been produced.

Every time you kill a plant zombie, you get a little military merit.

If he killed all the plant zombies that looked like an ocean, Su Ming felt that he would be able to get at least one or two thousand military merit points.

It's just that the purpose of Su Ming's trip is not to gain military merit points, and the most powerful thing about the explosion of troops is that as long as its resources are unlimited, the number of soldiers will be unlimited.

Although his body is made of iron, Su Ming does not think that his spirit is also made of iron.

If they continue to kill at this rate, it is certain that Su Ming will definitely be the first to fall before this locust tree consumes all its resources.

After all, there are always only cows that die from exhaustion, but there is no damaged land.

While killing the plant zombies, Su Ming walked towards the main trunk of the locust tree.

The same scene as before appeared again. The surrounding plant zombies faced Su Ming's attack. Although they were unable to resist, under the control of the mutant locust tree, they all looked at death and rushed towards Su Ming.

He didn't care how much damage he caused to Su Ming, he only cared about holding back Su Ming's steps.

Green blood and broken limbs kept flying up, creating a tragic scene.

It's just that as consumables, this is their fate.

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