
A man wearing a law enforcement uniform was lying on the ground. As soon as he stretched out his arm towards Yan Ming under the rubble, he was swarmed by more than a dozen zombies.

Looking at the man who kept screaming pitifully under the bite of the zombies, Yan Ming added two points of strength to the palm that was originally covering his mouth.

Too fast, really too fast. Yan Ming could not understand how such a powerful survivor base of the Brotherhood of Steel could be completely destroyed in less than a day.

Just this morning, a group of zombies appeared from nowhere and started biting people everywhere in the Brotherhood of Steel base.

Under the quick suppression of the patrol, the group of zombies that had just appeared were completely wiped out except for injuring two unlucky ones.

At that time, I witnessed the strictness of the scene with my own eyes, and I was still annoyed why I didn't go up earlier so that I could get a piece of the evolutionary crystal.

But just after the zombies in that city were wiped out, the nightmare suddenly came.

A zombie with four arms suddenly appeared near the patrol, and in less than two breaths, it killed all eight of the patrol.

The speed was so fast that all the patrol members died before Su Ming had time to use his healing ability.

As if some kind of signal was turned on, with the death of these eight patrol members, the screams of the awakened ones before their death began to be heard throughout the base.

However, although this level three zombie is powerful, there are still many level three awakened ones in the Brotherhood of Steel.

With the help of the third-level awakeners, the third-level zombies with four arms were quickly suppressed and killed.

But there were too many level three zombies among the brothers. Even though there were level three ability users fighting fires everywhere, they still couldn't stop the spread of the zombie disaster.

At the critical moment, Renault, the president of the Brotherhood of Steel and Level 4 Awakener, took decisive action.

With the addition of Renault, the burden on the third-level awakeners was greatly reduced. Seeing that all the third-level zombies were about to be killed, the nightmare suddenly came.

A huge explosion suddenly occurred in a reformatory that was supposed to be a prison for felons.

A terrifying zombie walked out of the reformatory.

Although his eyes were red, Yan Ming recognized it at a glance. The zombie who came out of the reform center was the former patrol leader, Xu Yidao.

A thin red line appeared on Xu Yidaodao's neck.

If Xu Yidao's neck wasn't still stuck to his body at this moment, Yan Ming almost thought Xu Yidao had been beheaded.

No matter what the reason was, the former patrol leader had now turned into a zombie.

Considering that Xu Yidao was only a third-level ability user at the time, Renault didn't take him seriously at that time, but directly asked several third-level ability users to deal with it.

Something horrifying is happening right now.

Of the three awakened ones who dealt with Xu Yidao, one of them was elementally enhanced for long-range attacks, and the other two were typical physical enhancers for close combat.

Theoretically, two close combatants attract the attention of zombies, while the other is responsible for the main output of long-range attacks. This model is a squad model that the Brotherhood has cultivated for a long time.

Unless encountering an overly powerful mutated creature, this model has never suffered setbacks.

But when these three people met Xu Yidao, they immediately fell into trouble.

The two awakened people who had just rushed to Xu Yidao's side, before they had time to use their abilities, saw Xu Yidao move his hands, and the two of them were twisted into twists in front of everyone's eyes.

Blood stained the ground red. Before the elemental enhancer could react, Xu Yidao opened his right hand, and a huge suction force was generated, bringing him directly to Xu Yidao.

In front of everyone, Xu Yidao bit the awakened man's neck directly.

In such a short period of time, three awakened people who cooperated with each other were all defeated.


Seeing that his men were so easily dispatched by Xu Yidao, the grumpy Renault immediately raised his right fist and hit Xu Yidao.

With Renault taking action, there should have been no doubt about the outcome, but things changed again.

The strong body made Renault appear in front of Xu Yidao in an instant. Without giving Xu Yidao any chance to react, Lei Luo's fist had already reached three inches in front of Xu Yidao's forehead.

The imagined scene of broken bones or even an exploded head did not appear.

Just when Renault's waving fist was about to hit Xu Yidao, a powerful repulsive force appeared out of thin air and knocked Renault away.

Renault, who rolled on the ground several times in a row, did not feel angry because of his embarrassment. Instead, he stared at Xu Yidao solemnly.

"Yan Ming, you guys, be careful. This is no ordinary zombie. He has the ability awakened by Xu Yidao!"

Ignoring the shocked faces of Yan Ming and others, a layer of burning flames appeared on Renault's fists.


A low and hoarse voice sounded, interrupting Yan Ming's memories.

The patrol member whose entire internal organs had been eaten away suddenly twitched and slowly struggled to stand up.

Witnessing all this, Yan Ming even covered his nose.

Since Raynor disappeared from everyone's sight while chasing the zombie that Xu Yidao had transformed into, the reformatory that once held a bunch of serious criminals has become a demon cave, and a large number of zombies have emerged from it.

Not only are the lowest level of these zombies at level two, but they all seem to have the same awakening ability as Xu Yidao in their lifetime.

Faced with a large number of mutant zombies, the patrol members and the dozen or so level three awakeners were simply unable to fight and were quickly defeated by the zombies.

After the main defense force of the base fell into a rout, the entire Brotherhood of Steel base fell into complete chaos.

If Yan Ming hadn't seen the situation was not good and hid in this hidden corner, he would have ended up like the unlucky guy outside.

Watching the patrol members who had turned into zombies slowly disappearing from sight, Yan Ming was just about to breathe some fresh air when the zombies that had left before suddenly returned.

And what was even more unfortunate was that the direction this zombie was heading seemed to be where Yan Ming was hiding.

As an awakener whose only awakened ability was healing, Yan Ming was completely helpless in the face of this situation and could only pray that the zombie was just passing by.


A sharp blade pierced through the zombie's head and nailed it in front of Yan Ming's eyes.

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