The further he walked, the more bizarre things Su Ming saw.

At the beginning, Su Ming could barely make out what those frozen creatures were. Whether they had a few arms or a face on their chest, at least they had traces of humans. But later, the things that appeared in front of Su Ming were very strange.

A dog head with 7 legs, a cat with a body like a centipede, an orangutan with eyes on its chest but no head... Even at the end, Su Ming actually saw a single arm and a single ear.

Along the way, the entire underground gave Su Ming the feeling of a museum, displaying all kinds of things.

At the end of the road, a bronze gate blocked Su Ming's way.

On the bronze gate, a bright red exclamation mark was like blood, still flowing continuously.

"No entry for personnel below level 4!"

"Danger! Do not approach!"

"Warning! Warning!"

Looking at the font on the gate, Su Ming did not care, but said.

"If you have time to deal with these things, you might as well open the door directly, so that I don't have to do it later."

Su Ming's words echoed in the empty corridor, but no sound responded to him.

Su Ming didn't care too much about not getting a response. Anyway, it was just a test for him, and it didn't matter whether it succeeded or not.

After entering the Titan base, and some gossips he had heard, Su Ming guessed that there should be an artificial intelligence system in the Titan base.

His right hand turned into a sharp blade, and Su Ming slowly reached out to the bronze door.


The lights in the corridor that were turned off lit up one after another, and the originally closed door slowly opened after a sound.

A thick cold air came out from behind the door and drowned Su Ming's legs.


A green light appeared in front of Su Ming.

"Intruder, this is not the place for you to enter."

The cold expression and dull voice, even if it was a real person's projection, still exposed the essence at a glance.

Ignoring the warning of the artificial intelligence system, Su Ming walked in directly without waiting for the door to open completely.

4th floor, Area A.

Except for a tall display screen that almost reached the roof, there was no extra thing in the entire hall.


The dark screen opened automatically, and a stiff figure appeared on the screen, and then looked down at Su Ming.

"Titan Base is a department dedicated to the study of biological fusion. We have been committed to improving the combat effectiveness of mankind to cope with the upcoming crisis."

Area B.

Unlike Area A, the entire Area B is actually a huge laboratory, with rows of culture tanks, which are neatly arranged one after another, like soldiers being inspected.

Normal humans, abnormal humans, normal animals, abnormal animals, Su Ming even saw zombies.

But no matter what kind of creature, they have lost their lives at this moment, lying motionless in the culture tank.

"If you want to fight against the apocalyptic crisis, kindness is meaningless. Since everyone will die, why not contribute to the survival of mankind?"

A crisp female voice appeared in the upper right corner of Su Ming.

"As long as we continue to combine experiments, we will definitely be able to create the most powerful biological warriors!"

C Zone.

As soon as he entered C Zone, Su Ming's face changed.

A strong stench filled the entire room. Su Ming took a whiff and almost died on the spot.

On the four huge operating tables, sticky pus flowed from them from time to time and dripped on the ground.

Obviously, although no one knew what happened to make all the people in the Titan base disappear, some ongoing experiments were also stagnant.

The long-term sealed state caused the microorganisms in C Zone to multiply in large numbers, producing an unknown mixture of stench, which was extremely lethal.

Su Ming hurriedly held his breath and walked in the mud on the ground with a frown.

Although the smell was pungent, Su Ming did not leave the room.

After playing the game for so many years, although he did not learn anything useful, Su Ming still had experience in how to find mission items.

A laboratory like C Zone is obviously a place where important materials are likely to be contained.

While Su Ming was constantly rummaging through boxes and cabinets, a young male voice suddenly sounded.

It was just that his voice was a little hoarse, possibly because of a problem with his throat.

"After receiving a xenotransplant, the experimental subject X639 showed symptoms such as mental excitement and bloodthirstiness, and his body muscle strength was significantly improved. It was initially determined that the experiment was successful, and it was recommended to conduct actual combat exercises."

Another voice sounded, although it was no longer hoarse, but it could be determined to be the same person.

"X639 showed uncontrolled phenomena during the battle, which may be a problem with the pineal gland. We should try to remove the pineal gland or replace his head."

"Found it!"

On an operating table, a sealed white metal box was particularly eye-catching.

However, in order to prevent problems, Su Ming did not open it on the spot, but held it in his hand.

Without Su Ming saying much, the door of Area D opened automatically.

"This is..."

Inside the huge D area, there is only one 4-meter-high culture tank.

In the green nutrient solution, a man covered with various monitoring devices is floating in it.

The man in the tank is tall and strong. Su Ming takes a rough look and thinks he is at least 2.2 meters tall.

The muscles all over his body are bulging, like hard granite, revealing a strong power.

If it weren't for some lines on his body and the number "X639" on his chest, Su Ming would have thought that this was an awakened person who was made into a specimen.


"The powerful X639 is the most successful work of the Titan Base. He can punch with a strength of 2 tons, his body can withstand the high temperature of 2000 degrees Celsius, and he can fight a level 4 mutant zombie with his bare hands, but..."

It was obviously a mechanical electronic synthesized sound, but Su Ming mentioned regret and sadness from it.

"But the powerful X639 never woke up from the moment he was sent in for cultivation."

The green nutrient solution was actually pus flowing from the experimental subject. The burly body was actually a special giant.

A huge wound appeared on his head, and the part from his mouth upwards disappeared, leaving only a horrible wound.

"What killed him?"

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