The beginning of the end of the world fusion black light

Chapter 113 The Rakshasa has been replaced

Amid the warning sound of "beep beep", finger-sized holes appeared on the surrounding metal walls.

"Da da da!"

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Countless shells fell to the ground, making a crisp sound.

The muzzle spit out red flames, and dense bullets formed a barrage in the spacious passage.

Facing these bullets that can easily take the lives of ordinary people, Su Ming just took a look and decisively controlled the cells in his body to divide and proliferate crazily.

A large mass of black and red material began to extend and deform from both sides of Su Ming's waist, and soon formed two huge shields to protect Su Ming.

The sound of "ding ding dang dang" continued to ring, no matter how fierce these bullets were, none of them could break through Su Ming's defense.

In the deadly storm of machine guns, Su Ming was like an invulnerable warrior, constantly moving forward despite endless damage.


The sharp blade, under Su Ming's control, continued to perform its duties, leaving marks of varying depths on the tall gate.

The sounds of ding-dong and da-da-da were endless, and gradually formed a symphony, as if praising Su Ming's bravery.

The cold-faced Rakshasa, who was carried on Su Ming's shoulders, slowly opened his eyes and stared at the bullets on the ground in a daze.


Another knife was cut out, and under Su Ming's unremitting efforts, a crack that was transparent from front to back finally emerged.

Looking at the one-centimeter-thick metal plate, Su Ming screamed, and then began the boring work of logging.

"Beep, beep!"

The red alarm sounded continuously, but in the absence of personnel, no matter how hard the machine guns tried, they still couldn't stop Su Ming from cutting a passage on the gate.

"Level 1 alarm! Level 1 alarm!"

After confirming that there was no danger behind the gate, Su Ming stepped in with the cold-faced Rakshasa on his back.

After passing through a narrow corridor, Su Ming soon saw a place that could be called a hall.

In this hall, Su Ming could see three or four round platforms, each with a dozen desks lined up.

Adding some scattered documents on the ground, it can be seen that this is probably an office in the Titan base.

Although the computer can still be turned on, Su Ming, who has no password, can only stare at these computers in a daze.

Su Ming took a look at the documents on the ground, which were basically messy things without any useful information.

Although there was nothing useful on the computer and the documents, Su Ming saw a green picture on a wall.

On this picture, the general structural distribution of the entire base is clearly printed.

According to the introduction on the picture, the entire Titan base is divided into 4 floors, and each floor has several rooms and halls corresponding to different jobs.

And where Su Ming is now is Area A on the first floor.

With Area A as the center, each floor can be divided into five areas, ABCDE, with Area A in the middle and the other four areas surrounding Area A, forming a deformed pentagon.

"Well, let me see where the exit is."

Su Ming touched his chin, looked around on the map, and finally saw the sign of the emergency exit in a small corner of Area E.

"Well, not too far."

Su Ming, carrying a living person on his shoulder, walked slowly towards Area E.

Just halfway through, a cold and sharp dagger cut across the side of Su Ming's neck.

The place where the small dagger was close to was the aorta on Su Ming's neck.

Such precise control, except for the cold-faced Rakshasa carried on Su Ming's shoulder, no one else could do it.

"Put me down."

A weak voice came out of the cold-faced Rakshasa's mouth. Even with the buffering effect of Su Ming's large meat pad, the cold-faced Rakshasa's body was still severely injured.

Now, nothing can be seen on the surface, but Lengmian Luosha can feel that all the bones in his body are aching.

Considering that Lengmian Luosha provided him with a piece of clothing, Su Ming did not throw her off his shoulders directly, but slowly squatted down.

After Lengmian Luosha's feet touched the ground, Su Ming slowly let Lengmian Luosha leave his shoulders.

As soon as she left Su Ming's shoulders, Lengmian Luosha didn't know where to put the dagger, and then took out a small energy crystal from her clothes and stuffed it directly into her mouth.

"How is it? How is your body? Is there any problem?"

Seeing that Lengmian Luosha's face was still pale, Su Ming couldn't help but ask with concern.

It's not that Su Ming coveted her body. After all, when she was unconscious before, Su Ming had a lot of opportunities to succeed.

In such a large base, if there is no one to talk to you, it would be a bit boring.

In response to Su Ming's concern, the cold-faced Rakshasa snorted coldly and didn't say much.

Looking at the red dagger slowly condensing in the cold-faced Rakshasa's hand, and sensing the murderous intent coming from her, Su Ming couldn't help but frown.

"Why, you just recovered and you want to kill me? Is this how you treat your lifesaver in the Red Star Base?"

Hearing Su Ming's words, Lengmian Luosha showed a disdainful expression on her face, and then said.

"What does the Red Star Base have to do with me?"

Seeing Lengmian Luosha's expression that was not fake, Su Ming couldn't help but feel a strong doubt in his heart.

When she was in the base before, Lengmian Luosha's appearance was not as nonchalant as she said now. Could it be that this woman was pretending to be crazy in front of him to lower his guard?

Just when Su Ming was wondering why Lengmian Luosha was so different before and after, she suddenly groaned, staggered twice, and almost fell to the ground after just standing firm.

With her right hand floating on the table beside her, Lengmian Luosha suddenly muttered to herself.

"It's useless. Now that I'm out, don't even think about letting me go back."

"Hmph! You told me not to hurt this man, but I can't do what you want. I must kill this man with my own hands, so that you can fall into pain and taste the pain of loss!"

With a ferocious expression on his face, the cold-faced Rakshasa grabbed a red dagger in each hand and rushed towards Su Ming.

Looking at the cold-faced Rakshasa rushing towards him, Su Ming kicked her out directly, regardless of whether she was really crazy or pretending to be crazy.

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