The driver was standing at the factory gate at the first sight.

Lü Heng and Yu Lin saw the driver standing at the factory gate at the first sight. The dragon lady had a fierce expression on her face. Her body tilted forward slightly, and her tail kept sweeping the ground, as if she was ready to charge at any time.

"Yu Lin!?" Mu Heng had never thought that this dragon girl was so cute. She waved at the other party, and the driver obviously had no intention of fighting with the other party. After seeing the person coming, he changed his relaxed look when chatting with Mu Heng before, showing a very classic villain's evil smile, bowed slightly and said, "You can actually find this place, then there is nothing we can do, the hostages are returned to you, this wave is considered our loss."

While speaking, the shadow under the driver's feet squirmed, and he himself quickly "dive" and merged into the shadow and disappeared in front of everyone.

After a few seconds, Yu Lin sniffed the smell and confirmed that the other party had really left. She ran to Mu Heng impatiently and hugged her directly. "Robin, I'm so glad that you are okay! I was so worried when I knew you were kidnapped!"

While speaking, Yu Lin kept rubbing her cheek against Mu Heng's face. Mu Heng was very happy to see him after a long time. She did not refuse this slightly intimate gesture. However, when she heard the other party's words, she remembered that she was kidnapped before.

It can only be said that the kidnapper's attitude towards her was a bit too relaxed. He even chatted with her, causing Mu Heng to almost forget that she was a kidnapped person.

After rubbing against each other for a while, Yu Lin reluctantly let go. She stared at Mu Heng and looked around, "They didn't do anything bad to you, did they?"

"No, no, I'm fine, but how did you find me?" Mu Heng estimated the time. Now it was almost the time that the 'driver' promised to let her go. In other words, if the people from the Investigation Bureau hadn't come, she should have been let go.

But leaving by yourself and being picked up by friends must be two different feelings.

In fact, this was just a casual question from Mu Heng, but Lu Heng next to him explained that the cause of everything started from several days ago. After the incident with Qin Chuming, the Investigation Bureau continued to investigate the matter of Fuguanghui, and finally found something.

This is also the reason why Yu Lin was so busy some time ago. They ran around the city, chasing all the clues left by Fuguanghui, looking for each other's traces bit by bit, and speculating on each other's purpose.

And just today, Zhong Wanhong's team finally blocked a group of Fuguanghui wanted criminals at a port. As a result, when the two sides were confronting each other, the other party suddenly threatened.

The general meaning was, 'Do you know Robin? This little girl is very cute, and she is in our hands now. If you don't want her to get hurt, just blah blah~~~'

In short, it sounded like a strong threat from a certain 'Sakura Country Netizen', and the other party actually produced evidence, which was a photo of Mu Heng sleeping in the car.

Should I save my teammates, or give up my teammates and fight these Fuguanghui members? In the end, Zhong Wanhong chose 'I want both'. He asked Lu Heng and Yu Lin to carry out the rescue operation, and he stayed to fight alone.

The last time Mu Heng appeared was in the Investigation Bureau of Qingcheng. After contacting and communicating, it was not difficult to infer that the 'driver' was an insider and kidnapped Mu Heng. Then it was a laborious investigation. By looking at a large number of cameras, I looked for the traces of the Hummer at the 'driver's place, and finally inferred the possible location of the kidnapping.

Finally, in the evening, Lu Heng and Yu Lin found this place.

Of course, almost all of the above operations were completed by Lu Heng alone. He brought Yu Lin here because he was afraid of a fight breaking out and needed Long Niang's frontal combat power, but what was unexpected was that the driver actually ran away the moment he saw the two of them.

"Hehe, he must be afraid of me. If he doesn't leave, I'll blow his head off with two punches!" Yu Lin waved her little fist and said confidently.

This is true. In terms of frontal combat power, there are probably few investigators in the whole Longcheng who are more powerful than her, but Mu Heng suddenly realized that things are not that simple.

From the beginning to the end, the Fuguang Society had no intention of taking action against Mu Heng, but it threatened the Investigation Bureau with this. Its purpose is very obvious, which is to disperse the energy and combat power of the Investigation Bureau!

And this is an open conspiracy. Zhong Wanhong can't ignore Mu Heng. No matter Mu Heng

Whether there is danger or not, he must send someone to rescue.

For example, if Zhong Wanhong gave up Mu Heng directly, although Mu Heng might not be in any trouble afterwards, what would she think if the people of Fuguanghui told her about this?

"At this time, the overall situation should be given priority. In fact, it's okay for me to ignore it..." Mu Heng murmured to herself, but it was obvious that Zhong Wanhong didn't know that she would think so, and it was too late to say these things at this time.

"What?" Lu Heng and Yu Lin didn't understand what Mu Heng meant by this sentence, but she suddenly said, "I know what the real purpose of Fuguanghui is. They want to release the Fancheng virus again in the entire range of Longcheng to make all the original Fancheng people who moved to this city [evolve]!"

Mu Heng remembered what Xiao said to her, whether Fuguang would hurt her, but he used the fact that she was kidnapped to calculate a wave of investigation bureau. It must be said that this is really too scheming.

"Huh?" Hearing Mu Heng's words, Lu Heng was stunned, "What the hell? The whole city is full of Fancheng virus, how is this possible..."

But before he finished speaking, his mouth remained open, his eyes widened, as if he had seen something very scary.

And Mu Heng looked back along the other person's line of sight, and saw that the originally orange-red sky had suddenly become a thick haze, a green haze.

The three looked at each other, and without hesitation, they quickly got in the car and drove towards the city center.

A moment later, at the Longcheng Investigation Bureau, as soon as Mu Heng entered, she saw Zhong Wanhong sitting on a chair with a sad face. In addition to him, there were seven or eight people standing or sitting in the hall of the entire investigation bureau that she had never seen before, but they were all wearing black investigation bureau uniforms, and they should be people from other teams in Longcheng.

After glancing at Mu Heng and the other two, Zhong Wanhong got straight to the point and said, "This poisonous fog will cover the entire city in at most two hours. It's too late to stop it now. What we need to consider next is what to do after the zombie virus breaks out."


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