The old man was very happy.

Shu County Cat: "No, I'm not kidding, I really met a robin!"

Invincible Brother: "Should I start laughing at this time, and then you ask me what I'm laughing at?"

Free Eagle: "I just skipped the process, I remembered something funny."

Invincible Brother: "No, if you are going to meet one, can you show me some evidence? Do you have any photos?"

Shu County Cat: "This...candid photos are not good..."

Until the end, Shu County Cat did not post any photos. Looking at the group chat, Mu Heng couldn't help thinking in his heart that this guy is quite well-mannered.

Leaving the subway, calling a taxi, Mu Heng soon arrived at the agreed place, which was a cafe. Just standing at the door, Mu Heng saw someone waving at her inside.

She went into the cafe and sat opposite the other person.

"Hello, my name is Cheng Hui, nice to meet you." The girl was wearing a light-colored cool summer outfit. She looked about 20 years old, very young, and it can be seen that the girl seemed to have light makeup on. In Mu Heng's opinion, her appearance was probably above average.

However, Mu Heng remembered that when they chatted on WeChat yesterday, the other party was still very talkative, but now that they met, the other party gave her a feeling of not daring to speak and being cautious.

The other party revealed his real name, and she also said, "Robin, nice to meet you."

"Robin...? Real name?"

"Real name."

Cheng Hui looked surprised, but did not ask more questions. After ordering two cups of coffee, she went straight to the point and talked about the next cooperation plan, "I have an appointment with an ancient style studio in Qingcheng... This afternoon, you can go and take a look. If you are not satisfied, you can temporarily change one..."

But Mu Heng interrupted the other party. She took a sip of coffee. The bitter feeling in her mouth made her stick out her tongue. While adding sugar with a spoon, she said, "Don't be so restrained, relax a little, I won't do anything to you. What to do. "

Her words seemed to have some effect. Cheng Hui took a deep breath, "But it's impossible not to be nervous at all. You are the popular Robin. I originally just asked my aunt to ask tentatively, but I didn't expect you to actually agree."

"Your aunt?"

"It's Yunluo from K station."

Okay, it turns out that they are relatives, but compared to this, Mu Heng cares more about what the other party said, "It's not that popular, just on K station, there are many ups with more fans than me."

In the final analysis, Mu Heng now has no sense of "being a celebrity". She just live broadcasts for two or three hours every day, posts a video, and then the number of fans soars by hundreds of thousands.

Even, Mu Heng remembers that she gained 800,000 fans one day, but these 800,000 fans did not bring her any happiness. The only time she felt happy because of the increase in fans was when she posted her first video and gained 10,000 fans.

Cheng Hui said, "No, you are different from other ups. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that your limit is far more than that. Your songs... have a different kind of charm, a kind of ability to redeem others."

Mu Heng, "..."

She didn't know how to answer, she didn't even know what the other party was talking about.

Cheng Hui showed a somewhat frightened expression on her face and said, "A dimensional rift incident just happened in Qingcheng more than half a month ago, about ten kilometers away from my home. The strange black curtain was like a bowl, trapping everything within ten kilometers."

"The black curtain was just a few meters away from my home and the building where I live, and the dimensional rift lasted for four days. The curtain spread out, leaving only one survivor inside, and everyone else in the range was [missing]."

"I was really scared at the time, and I didn't even dare to go home. I rented a hotel far away. I kept thanking myself for not being enveloped, but I was also worried about what to do if something like this happened again in the future, until I heard your song, Robin, on the Internet."

Cheng Hui looked straight at Mu Heng, "At that moment, I felt that my inner hesitation and fear had disappeared. As long as I heard your song, I felt very, very relieved. It was you who gave me the courage to continue living, so that I didn't have to live in fear every day."


...Is it so exaggerated?" Mu Heng turned his head slightly, scratching his cheek with his index finger in a bit of bewilderment.

"I am not exaggerating, this is all true!" Unlike before, Cheng Hui's tone was firm, "And I believe it's not just me, there are definitely a lot of people who are saved by your songs. "

In fact, this can be seen from the 'hot searches'. I still remember when I first came to this world, Mu Heng had seen that most of the top ten hot searches were related to dimensional cracks. Everyone was very concerned about dimensional cracks, what disasters had happened in what places, and how many people had died.

If you are exposed to too much of this kind of information, you will naturally be afraid and live in fear every day, worrying that one day there will be a dimensional crack near you, and what kind of suffering you will experience.

As for becoming an evolver or a transformer? Maybe young and energetic children will fantasize about such things, but it is too difficult. For example, the Qingcheng dimensional crack mentioned by Cheng Hui caused nearly a thousand people to disappear, and only one person became an 'evolver' in the end. The report said it was missing, but everyone knew that missing was at least a nice excuse.

But if you look at the hot searches now, you can clearly see that the ninth and tenth have become 'Robin's new song xxxx', which proves that many people are concerned about dimensional cracks. 's attention decreased a little, and his attention was attracted by Mu Heng's songs.

As for the results, if you look at less negative energy and more positive energy, you will naturally live happier.

Perhaps Mu Heng never thought of helping these people. She only paid attention to the completion rate of the goal of [Singer] in the system, but what she did did help many people and let them regain the courage to live.

Being praised so bluntly by someone, Mu Heng couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed, and Cheng Hui could clearly see that the girl opposite her had a slightly red cheek, her eyes were wandering around, and even the wings behind her ears trembled slightly a few times, looking extremely cute.

And the next second, Cheng Hui seemed to realize what she said in excitement, and her little face turned red. The two lowered their heads and drank coffee for a while, and were silent for a long time before continuing to discuss cooperation.

However, this exchange also narrowed the distance between the two. In the subsequent conversation, Cheng Hui was not so restrained.


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