The more people there were, the more they were.

At first, only one or two people were moving against the flow of people, but as time went by, more people chose to go back to help, even if the person being attacked was not someone they knew.

For example, if a car ran over an innocent passerby, when the first person went to help, the passersby around would also go to help when they saw this situation, and more and more people would gather. In the end, it was with the strength of these ordinary people that a heavy car was temporarily lifted off the ground and the person being run over was saved.

The current situation is similar to this. Perhaps some people are still hesitant, but seeing that most of the people around them have gone up, what is there to be afraid of? Just charge and it's over.

In this way, a group of strangers who were originally strangers firmly united together at this moment. Compared with zombies, ordinary people have an absolute advantage in numbers. On average, four people are against one zombie. In various film and television works, zombies overwhelm the crowd, but at this moment, the situation is completely reversed. The crowd overwhelms the zombies.

On Mu Heng's side, the barbecue restaurant owner who had just been kicked aside staggered to his feet again, but before he could stand firm, one, two, and three people ran past Mu Heng, one by one, and kicked him to the ground again.

There was no suspense in this "battle". The moment ordinary people let go of their fear, zombies were no longer a threat.

At the same time, the battle on Yu Lin's side was almost over. When Mu Heng looked over again, he could see that Qin Chuming had almost turned into a "human stick". All his limbs were blown up, leaving only a fat body and a head. He lay on his back on the ground, making meaningless roars from his mouth.

The only challenge for Yu Lin in this battle seemed to be the outrageous stench. If she knew at the beginning that this guy would spray juice after being beaten, Yu Lin would probably be restrained, but after she was covered in it, none of this mattered.

This enemy is nothing but disgusting!

About five minutes later, four police cars stopped next to the barbecue restaurant. Looking at the "messy" battlefield in front of him, Lu Heng quickly opened the door and got off the passenger seat of the first car. Then, as soon as his feet touched the ground, his face suddenly turned ashen and he vomited on the spot.


Zhong Wanhong's face was also very bad. He frowned, not knowing whether it was because of the stench or because he thought of something. He got off the main driver's seat of the first car and looked at the dead body of Qin Chuming not far away. He turned his head and looked in another direction. A large number of zombie corpses were piled together, almost forming a small hill, about a dozen of them.

"Did Yu Lin kill them? No, it's not likely." Zhong Wanhong thought, "If it was Yu Lin, these bodies wouldn't be so intact, so this is..."

He ordered the ordinary police in the three cars behind, "Put up the cordon and block this area."

Then, Zhong Wanhong walked to where Mu Heng was a few hundred meters away. She was standing alone at the intersection, very conspicuous.

"What's going on? And where did Yu Lin go?" Zhong Wanhong asked.

"She said she stinks and will die if she doesn't take a shower, and then she ran away." Mu Heng looked helpless, "Then I thought it was not good to just leave, so I waited for you here."

Then, Mu Heng repeated what happened just now in the shortest possible words.

Coming out of the barbecue restaurant, being attacked by Qin Chuming, and then releasing the zombie virus.

There was too much information. Zhong Wanhong pinched his brows and said, "So it was that guy Qin Chuming? I've been looking for him for a long time, but there has been no news. I didn't expect that this guy has been following you."

"Please don't say it so scary, okay." Hearing this, Mu Heng couldn't help but shudder. There was a person who had been secretly following her since she crossed over. Just thinking about it is very scary.

After taking a deep breath, Mu Heng continued, "So, why does that guy hate me so much? I don't even know him."

Zhong Wanhong hesitated for a moment, as if thinking about whether to say it, but he finally explained, "Yesterday, I realized that you were not Qin Chuming, and asked Lu Heng to send you away. Then I went back to Qin Chuming's house to investigate in detail, and then found some strange traces and residues."

"It's like some kind of magic circle trace left after releasing magic, or something else.

The ritual pattern is the same. Although it is not certain, it is most likely the work of the Fuguang Society, and the dimensional crack in Tianming Community may have been summoned by Qin Chuming. "

"The last time a dimensional crack appeared in Longcheng was half a month ago, and only half a month later, the Tianming Community appeared. This frequency is obviously not normal."

"And if this is the premise, Qin Chuming seems to want to gamble on the tiny probability of becoming an evolver or a transformer. He locked the main area where the dimensional crack is effective in his bedroom. If this dimensional crack can really produce any benefits randomly, then naturally he will get it."

"But if a disaster occurs, it's just a matter of death. Based on your description of his crazy appearance, I don't think it's strange for him to make such a life-threatening decision."

"Then, the rarest situation occurred, that is, you, an outsider, appeared in his home out of thin air." Zhong Wanhong said tiredly, "He may think that if you don't show up, he can get power. ”

It’s like a person who spent almost all of his energy and money to arrange a ritual. If he dies because of it, he will have nothing anyway, so he will die. If the ritual succeeds and he gains power, that would be the best.

Then, a super rare situation occurred, Qin Chuming summoned an outsider.

“Wait...” Mu Heng suddenly realized something. Doesn’t that mean that when she landed, Qin Chuming was watching her somewhere in the room?

Thinking of this, Mu Heng couldn’t help but feel creepy. Fortunately, Zhong Wanhong came quickly at that time, otherwise she would be in danger.

“Anyway, that guy is dead.” Zhong Wanhong reached out and rubbed Mu Heng’s head, “Don’t think too much.”

Then the next second, this hand was slapped aside by Mu Heng, “I’m not a child, don’t touch my head!”

“Okay, okay, sorry. "Zhong Wanhong apologized decisively, and then continued, "So, this is why that guy hates you so much. After he failed once, he should have obtained a high-concentration Fancheng virus from the Fuguang Society and gambled again."

"If you can adapt to the virus, you will become an evolver. If not, he can also transform into a terrifying monster and take revenge on you."


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