The song was played in the studio, but the audience was still watching.

The perspective returned to Mu Heng. At 3 pm, he sang the song in full with the accompaniment in the live broadcast room. After he felt that there was no problem, Mu Heng looked at the camera and said with a professional smile, "That's all for today. If you like the anchor, please pay more attention. As for the next live broadcast time... I'll talk about it next time."

Although Mu Heng's interactions with the barrage were extremely limited in the past one or two hours, she still said a few polite words before turning off the broadcast.

[Isn't Dragon Lady Cute: Eh? Is this the end? ]

[Isn't Dragon Lady Cute: Sing a few more songs? ]

[Isn't Dragon Lady Cute: Bird~~~! Please, please, please]

During the live broadcast, this audience's comments appeared very frequently. Even though Mu Heng didn't pay much attention to the comments, he could see this guy talking every time he looked up.

Either he was praising her for her good singing, or he was greeting the whole family of some haters. His fighting power was very strong.

Yes, even though this was Mu Heng's first live broadcast, there were also "haters" in her live broadcast room. Some scolded her for her bad attitude, ignoring the audience, and not thanking her for the gifts. Some scolded her for turning on the beauty filter too high and becoming non-human. In short, it's not strange to see any comments on the Internet.

People are often broken by comments on the Internet, but Mu Heng will definitely not be one of them. In the final analysis, it's still the same reason as before. She doesn't care.

Spray her for her bad attitude and ignoring the audience? This is true. She doesn't refute it. Then what? So what?

Spray her for not being human. Uh... She doesn't seem to be a human now, but a race called the Tianhuan Clan.

As for the viewer named ‘Isn’t Dragon Girl Cute’ who has obviously become her fan, Mu Heng didn’t have much feeling about him. With such a name and a selfie of a cosplayer, he must be a big man picking his feet.

Ignoring this fan, Mu Heng said directly, “Anyway, bye, see you next time.”

Then he decisively turned off the live broadcast.

The next thing to do is to post a new video. Normally, to post a song video on such a video website, it is either accompanied by an amazing MV, or a person dancing and singing in the picture, or some cool animation videos.

But there is no doubt that Mu Heng can’t do these three points now, so her method is very simple, that is, to cut out the last part of her singing in the live broadcast and publish it directly, making a live broadcast slice for herself.

In any case, it is much better than the first video she posted. With a microphone and a sound card, the sound quality is much better than that of a mobile phone, and this time there is also accompaniment, and there is also a beautiful girl in the picture. Isn’t this enough?

Click upload, then she looked at her current number of fans. After this period of live broadcasting and the first video still being spread, her number of fans has soared to over 200,000. Among them, the [Beihai Handsome God] has contributed a lot.

Then, Mu Heng downloaded a music software called "Net Depression Cloud", registered an account, cut out the audio file of the song just now, and started uploading songs.

As the saying goes, you can't put all your eggs in one basket. In order to increase the speed of accumulating fans, she naturally chose to cast a wide net.

Just when Mu Heng was uploading the song, a friend request suddenly popped up on her mobile phone WeChat, with the note:

'I am [Yun Luo] from K station, and I want to discuss the live broadcast with Miss Robin'

Mu Heng's live broadcast just now, the executives of K station naturally knew about it, and these people naturally had no time to pay attention to a new small anchor, but the problem is that Mu Heng is no longer a small anchor now.

Her ridiculous fan growth rate is one of the reasons, and [Beihai Handsome God] giving gifts and then being banned is also one of the reasons.

After all, this local tyrant gave large amounts of rewards as if they were free, which brought a lot of revenue to K Station, and many K Station executives knew this person.


Time goes back to a short time ago, these K Station executives were in a meeting:

"What do you think about this Robin?"

"I think...she may not be a suitable anchor, but she is a very, very good singer. She doesn't need to create any program effects, just sing."

"I think we can sign her with the highest S-level contract, just according to this fan

's growth rate, let's give her some more promotion and promotion. If nothing unexpected happens, she will become the first person in the music area in no time. "

"What should we do now that 'Beihai' and this anchor have a conflict?"

"Alas, this Robin is really something. Why is she so stubborn? How about I negotiate with her and see if I can get her to apologize to 'Beihai' in private?"

"I think it's okay."

"Then I'll contact Beihai first and ask him to calm down and not to join other anchors to suppress Robin because of anger."

After a while, accompanied by the beeping sound of the phone, the executive of the k station frowned, "Why is no one answering?"

Unwilling to give up, the man called again, and this time after two rings, the phone was finally connected, but the voice on the other end was not the familiar Beihai's voice, but a cold male voice, "Hello? This is the Abnormal Investigation Bureau, who are you? "

Ah? Abnormal Investigation Bureau? There is no doubt that the moment he heard this, the executive of K Station was stunned. How could he call the Investigation Bureau directly?

The executive took a look at the number and saw that it was correct. Then he said blankly, "Uh... I'm looking for Beihai..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the other party, "Oh, you are talking about [Ji Honggao (Beihai's real name)], right? I'm sorry that I can't let you talk to him now. If there is anything important, you can talk to him when you come to the Investigation Bureau to visit him later."

Then, the phone was hung up.

Listening to the busy tone coming from the phone, the executive of K Station put down the phone in a daze. When others saw this scene, they immediately asked in confusion:

"So what's the situation?"

"Is he so angry? He hung up before you even finished speaking? ”

“Why don’t I go talk to him and try...”

However, the K-station executive said, “Perhaps, we don’t need to reconcile the conflict between Robin and Beihai. Beihai was arrested by the Investigation Bureau and may disappear for a while.”

Others, “...”

If one end of the conflict is gone, the conflict will naturally cease to exist.


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