The old man was very angry, but he was still very young.

Mu Ying, "..."

Looking at this guy who suddenly appeared, she was confused. If it wasn't a buddy, who were you?

However, since he could call out the name 'Sam', it proved that he was not a native, but a person from the real world?

And from the way this guy was rushing on the road, it can be seen that his strength should not be weak, so he could only be one of the three high-level people from the White Eagle, Sakura Country, and Dragon Country who were attending the meeting.

In addition, this guy spoke English, so it is likely that he is one of the eight people from the White Eagle?

While Mu Ying was thinking, the mad lion was still saying, "I have watched the battle scene between you and the British general several times. It was obvious that you did not have enough fun. At that moment, I understood that you and I are the same kind of people. We are both the kind of people who love to fight with others and enjoy the process of fighting!"

"The British trash is not good enough. Do I, the mad lion, one of the eight White Eagles, have the qualifications to challenge you?"

Mu Ying, "???"

How can we be the same kind of people? How did you see it? In the gap of Sam's helmet?

In Sam, Mu Ying's mouth twitched slightly. She wanted to complain very much, but because of Sam's cold personality, she had to hold it back. At the same time, the robin outside the dimensional rift also began to skillfully search for information on the Internet temporarily to check the information about this mad lion.

However, Mu Ying thought about it and decided that there was really no need for her to refuse this invitation to fight. Since the other party was the Eight White Eagles, they should be quite strong. After this fight, it is estimated that the completion rate of the goal of the fierce battle will increase a lot.

Thinking of this, Sam's mechanical voice sounded, "Then prove to me whether your courage is at the same level as your strength."

Upon hearing this, the corners of the mad lion's mouth rose high, "Sure enough, I didn't make a mistake!"


Suddenly, accompanied by a violent roar, the mad lion's left foot stomped on the ground, using the huge reaction force to instantly increase his speed to the extreme. The whole person flew towards Mu Ying like a cannonball, and his steel-like right fist pointed directly at his face without any hesitation.

Although this action was fast, Mu Ying's own dynamic vision and Sam's detection system allowed her to see every move of the mad lion clearly, so what she needed to do was very simple, avoid the opponent's attack, and then fight back!

Mu Ying slightly turned her body, clenched her right fist, and swung it at the opponent's side face.


However, what Mu Ying herself did not expect was that she actually hit it?

No, to be more precise, it was so easy and simple to hit it?

In fact, the guy Kuangshi had no idea of ​​dodging at all. After being hit hard on the side face, his right foot was like an iron pillar stuck in the ground, and he did not retreat half a step. It was only because of the huge force of Mu Ying's blow that he slid back half a meter, and his right leg left a deep groove on the ground.

While his right hand swung in the air and he was hit, Kuangshi's left fist slammed into Sam's chest armor.


Just like Kuangshi, Mu Ying did not retreat, but under this huge impact, she was also forced to slide back half a meter.

"Haha, it's great, come on, keep going!" The mad lion laughed loudly. He had no tricks, and his waving fists had no tricks. At the same time, he ignored all the counterattacks of Mu Ying. He was just the most pure, aiming at the enemy, using all his strength, punching, punching, and punching again.

He was like a primitive beast, a lion that was angry and mad and could not feel pain. He followed the purest instinct in his body and attacked the enemy.

It must be said that this guy's fighting style was quite similar to Mu Ying to some extent. With Sam's abnormal defense, she did not dodge or evade, and took all the attacks of the mad lion. Mu Ying had not practiced boxing or anything like that, so her attacks were also very simple and unpretentious.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The sound of fists interlaced, the sound of fists hitting steel, and the sound of metal hitting flesh came from this battlefield.

In just 30 seconds, Mu Ying didn't know how many punches she had thrown at this guy, nor how many punches she had received, but after the two of them separated for a short time, neither of them had any obvious injuries.

Needless to say, Sam's armor was still as bright as new, but the outrageous thing was

The guy, Kuangshi, except for his shirt being torn and some scratches on his face, chest and arms, he was like nothing happened, still standing straight in the same place.

"What's wrong? Where are your flames? Don't hide them, use all your tricks!" Kuangshi laughed, "Using all your strength in battle is a respect for the enemy, isn't it?"

If these words were spoken by other people, they might have the meaning of looking down on people and insulting people, but Kuangshi didn't, he was just sincerely inviting a fight.

"Is that so..." Mu Ying whispered softly, and the next second, surging flames burst out from Sam's body, and finally met at her chest, forming an X-shaped flame, and the temperature around was also rising rapidly.

[DHGDR-Secondary Burning]!

At the same time, outside the dimensional rift, Robin also found information about this guy. In short, Kuangshi's ability is "extreme physical and mental enhancement".

At first glance, it seems a bit like a 'superman'? But in fact, it is completely different. Crazy Lion is a standard evolver. This ability did not give him much increase at the beginning. He gradually trained to be what he is now in battle after battle.

Every time he experiences a battle, every time he attacks the enemy, every time he is attacked by the enemy, and even more exaggeratedly, every time he is on the verge of death, the ability of Crazy Lion will be enhanced.

This is only the part of physical strengthening, and the mental strengthening part is that the willpower of Crazy Lion will also be temporarily converted into his physical strength.

In other words, the stronger the Crazy Lion's will to defeat the enemy and the stronger his will not to die, the stronger he will be. This is completely a 'protagonist ability' that can burst and kill the enemy in the case of dying.

Mu Ying couldn't help but complain in her heart, "Isn't this a Super Saiyan? No wonder this guy suddenly challenged like a neurotic. So, I am just a tool for leveling up?"

Of course, Crazy Lion is not so utilitarian. He really likes fighting and enjoys the process of fighting. This ability can only be said to complement each other and perfectly fit him.


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