Swimming is not difficult. As long as you overcome the fear of water and hold your breath, the rest is a matter of proficiency. As for more advanced techniques, you can exhale some air while swimming, which can reduce your buoyancy and achieve the effect of diving. This is also the simplest way to dive without any auxiliary equipment. Of course, this will definitely reduce the time of holding your breath underwater, but this is not a big problem for Mu Ying, she went all the way down. At first, because the sea water was very clear and the sunlight was shining, the underwater visibility was very high and beautiful, sparkling, but as Mu Ying continued to go down, she gradually reached a place where the sunlight could not reach, and the visibility decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye. Most people don't go too far from the coast, and everyone's attention is basically on their relatives and friends, and few people will pay attention to a stranger.

In addition, Mu Ying was scuba diving, and she swam very fast, so until the end, no one noticed that a girl disappeared in the ocean.

In fact, when she was on the beach just now, many young people still noticed Mu Ying. After all, such a beautiful girl, who seemed to be alone on the beach, was naturally very eye-catching.

There were even many people who hesitated whether to approach her, but after a few breaths, these people found that they couldn't find anyone, so they could only stand there scratching their heads, and finally nothing happened.

After all, no one would call the police because they couldn't find a stranger.

As for Mu Ying, she stopped after diving about 50 meters in her body. Although this number is not large, it is almost the limit depth that ordinary people can dive. You know, this is still under the condition of professional diving training and carrying a complete set of professional diving equipment.

At this depth, the water pressure alone is enough to have a significant impact on the human body, and may even cause lung and rib injuries, but for Mu Ying, she didn't feel that way at all.

She looked around and found that she couldn't see a single figure, so she opened her hand and a cyan transformer appeared in her palm. Unfortunately, she couldn't shout lines underwater, so she had to activate the transformer directly.

Then, a scene that violated the laws of nature appeared. A ball of fire ignited out of thin air underwater, instantly evaporating the surrounding seawater, and a large number of bubbles appeared in this area.

The silver-white mecha replaced the girl just now. Mu Ying did not hesitate and controlled Sam to continue going down. Flames were ejected from the calves and back, and he "flew" underwater at a very fast speed.

Although this beach is free, it also has opening hours. If other tourists have dispersed and she hasn't returned, she will naturally be found missing, so she'd better come back in four hours, that is, before dark.

"Time is limited, go, go!"

While saying this, Mu Ying further increased her speed.


The perspective came to the Arctic Ocean, where a tattered "fishing boat" was moving slowly.

"Hiss, I don't know how many times I've said it, but this damn place is really cold."

"Stop talking, I just want to know when the next shift change is? I really want to go home, turn on the heater, and get into bed."

Two tightly wrapped people were sitting in the cabin chatting boredly.

"Stop arguing, come and have a look, this broken computer is frozen again, I can't even type, how can I write the manuscript, come and help!" said the third one.

In fact, these three people are the reporters who reported the news about the Arctic Ocean Dimension Crack that Mu Ying saw, or to be more precise, only the third person is a reporter, and the other two are professional sailors he hired to help him drive the boat.

This reporter is just an ordinary person, and if he wants to wander around the Arctic Ocean alone, it goes without saying that it is dangerous, so hiring people is necessary.

"Boss, what's so good about this broken dimensional crack? If you can't do it, find something else. Let's not suffer here anymore." A sailor said helplessly.

"That won't work. Don't you know how many people are looking forward to my news updates? If I leave, what will happen to my loyal viewers?" The reporter shook his head and refused.

In fact, there are indeed people who pay attention to this dimensional crack in the Arctic Ocean, but the number is not large, which is not the main reason why the reporter stayed here.

The real reason is that only this reporter went to the Arctic Ocean to see this dimensional crack, which means that his report is exclusive and "monopolized"!

Although not many people pay attention to the Arctic Ocean, there are so many people in the world, and you occasionally look at it, and he occasionally looks at it, which still contributes a lot of traffic. In addition, writing about this dimensional crack does not require any fancy words, just like writing a diary. A simple batch can have such a stable income. Isn't this good?

The only disadvantage is that it is a bit cold.

"Stop whining, come and help me blow on the damn ice on the keyboard. When I finish writing this report, we can go back for supplies!"

Just as the reporter was struggling with the keyboard, he found that the two sailors had no intention of coming to help, and he couldn't help but get angry and said, "Why are you still standing there? I didn't come to see the scenery for you!"

"No, boss... look at this..."

"Oh my God..."

"Huh?" The reporter raised his head impatiently, and saw the two sailors standing there with a dull look on their faces at first glance, and the next second, he was also stunned.

The reporter clearly saw that a red 'fireball' was moving at high speed underwater, and a towering iceberg was even directly melted from the middle and tilted to both sides.

Then, the 'fireball' jumped out from the water and rushed to the sky, and only then did the reporter see the true face of the 'fireball'. It was clearly a silver figure, okay?

"The fire burning under the glacier? The silver figure flying straight into the sky!?" The reporter muttered to himself. Just a few seconds later, driven by his professional instinct, he immediately took out his camera and rushed out of the cabin, taking pictures frantically.

He was sure that he had encountered big news!

But before he could be happy, an even more outrageous scene appeared. When the silver figure flew towards the sky, accompanied by a sound like shattering glass, all the scenery in front of the reporter, whether it was the sky or the glacier, appeared densely packed with cracks.

"This is..."


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