The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 90 The feeling of freedom

Leave the Transfiguration Office.

At this moment, Ino felt extremely relaxed. All the potential instability in the second year was perfectly resolved.

So far, he can finally stay in the library freely until curfew, and explore every corner of the castle at dawn and dusk.

After all, since last year, because of Quirrell's existence, he has not been able to visit the castle properly, and has not even been to the legendary Room of Requirement.

Now he can make up for this regret.

Walking alone in the corridor of the castle, Ino's mind flashed the scene just now.

To be honest, the extra points are also a pleasant surprise, and compared with Professor McGonagall's magnificent extra points of fifty or one hundred.

Snape's stingy one or two points now seems a bit funny.

But he also understands that after all, different positions have different corresponding rights.

The vice-president, after all, is still the headmaster, which is far from being comparable to Snape, a dean or potions professor.

Silently left the corridor on the sixth floor.

He didn't plan to go to the auditorium for breakfast at this moment. Because if nothing unexpected happens, Mrs. Weasley's howler letter will arrive as scheduled.

This is not a concert of the Weird Sisters. I have to run all the way from the sixth floor to the first floor to listen carefully.

Even if I really want to suffer, this is not the way to do it.

The eighth floor of the castle.

At the end of the corridor on the right, there is a beautiful tapestry hanging on the wall.

"The troll beats the stupid Barnabas with a stick..."

Looking at the characters on the tapestry, Ino sighed secretly.

If he were to say what the three things he was most interested in at Hogwarts were, in addition to the library and the Sorting Hat, the only thing left was the Room of Requirement.

Whatever you ask for, you will get it.

Throughout the story, there is nothing more magical than this.

He glanced at the bustling corridor quietly, and did not choose to stay too long to attract attention, but turned and walked to the other side.

Since the place has been determined, come and see it any morning on any weekend. There is no need to get stuck in the morning when there are many people.


The Transfiguration Office was also a bit noisy.

Unlike Dumbledore and Arthur who looked serious.

Mrs. Weasley, who had just sent the howler letter, was hugging Ginny tightly at this moment, and she did not forget to scold Percy beside her.

It seemed that all parents were like this. This matter had nothing to do with Percy. But as the oldest brother in the castle, Percy could only bear it all alone.

After sorting out the ins and outs of the matter, Percy was grateful to the Slytherin who took the initiative to report it.

As the youngest child and the only girl, Ginny was really favored by the Weasley family beyond imagination.

After a moment, Mrs. Weasley seemed to be tired, or she thought of the son in front of her who was also her proud son.

In short, the scolding gradually stopped.

"Percy, you will personally convey our gratitude to the child later and tell him that the Weasley family will always remember this kindness."

"Don't worry, mother, I will do everything properly, not only for you, I also want to thank him well."

Percy also said with lingering fear.

Just now, he was just observing the words and expressions, and he had already noticed that this notebook seemed to be very harmful. If he really left it alone, he couldn't imagine the consequences.

"That's good! I believe you will do a good job."

Mrs. Weasley also stopped there, and then lowered her head and whispered to comfort Ginny.

As for Ron, the two never mentioned him from beginning to end.

After all, the incident had already happened, and there was no point in blaming Ron. It would only add to the conflicts between family members.


On the other side of the castle.

The Great Hall.

The little wizards who had just experienced the bombardment of the Howlers looked at the green hourglass representing Slytherin in astonishment.

Just now, in the blink of an eye, Slytherin gained a full 100 points.

This is not comparable to adding three or five points in the usual class.

A full 100 points made the green hourglass instantly surpass Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, and it was in sharp contrast with the negative Gryffindor.

The huge change made the whole hall explode instantly.

All the little wizards were chattering and discussing, trying their best to pass on information to each other, and at the same time, they were also expressing their own views on the matter.

As the college in question, Slytherin took direct action, and some people stood up and left the long table one after another, probably to inquire about accurate information.

At the same time.

The instigator of the whole thing.

Ino was on his way to the library at this moment.

He was not only on this trip to fulfill his previous promise to bring the latest romance novels to Madam Pince, but also to start studying the later stages of Animagus.

After all, whether it was holding a mandrake leaf in his mouth or configuring the later stages of potions, they had all been completed during the summer vacation.

Similarly, with the increasing improvement of Transfiguration, some things should be put on the agenda.

What's more, he also hid a small bottle of Felixir in his suitcase, which was also a means of insurance when necessary.


Hogwarts Library.

Every time I come here, I feel comfortable and relaxed.

It's as if the air is filtered by carefully woven silk, and every breath seems light and quiet.

Between the bookshelves, shadows and light intertwine, casting mottled patterns, like the mark of history, quietly telling the passage of time.

When footsteps land, there is almost no echo, only the occasional rustling of pages, like the whisper of wind passing through the bamboo forest.

Time seems to slow down here, and every moment seems particularly long.

Unlike the hustle and bustle of the castle, the library is like a space isolated from the world.

Enter the library.

Ino slowly walked to the table on the far left of the door, which was Mrs. Pince's work desk.

Without disturbing Mrs. Pince who was immersed in reading, he gently put the book in his hand on the table, and then turned and left.

After putting down the book, he also sighed again that magic is very magical.

A novel of more than 100,000 words can be completed overnight with only a Hogsmeade Manners's 12 Galleons automatic writing quill.

Just like the quill of the famous reporter Rita Skeeter in the story, they seem to be able to read people's minds.

As long as the holder has something in mind, the quill pen can write fluent sentences.

To some extent, this magical quill pen is a treasure that all novelists dream of.

On the other side.

Madam Pince also noticed an extra book on the table.

Or rather, she noticed the movement at the beginning, but she was too lazy to look up because she was immersed in reading. It was just the little wizards returning the borrowed books.

"A... new book?" Madam Pince thought to herself.

Curious, she opened the page, and what caught her eye was a row of neat letters: "My Sister and My Soulmate: The Ruthless Stepfather"

This style, this title... still has that familiar taste.

Madam Pince instantly understood where this book came from.

She held the book in her hands as if she had found a treasure, and read it carefully.

New book release, new journey, thank all the big guys for their support.

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