The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 9 Old John

"Red Shoes, Stupid Knok, the Girl Stepping on Bread, the Lazy Spinner, the Three Lucky Men..."

Stories flashed one by one.

Then, Ino shook his head again and threw away all the messy thoughts in his mind.

Because what he saw now was not enough to guess a complete story.

After all... there are countless stories that happened in such a small town.

What he has to do now is to find a temporary place to stay as soon as possible, as well as the entry point of this town.

Accommodation is actually easy to say. After two years of travel, Ino has also saved some copper coins, which is enough to live in such a small place for a while.

But the entry point really needs to be carefully considered. The first is the positioning of identity, just like what he used to do before - the apprentice of the bard.

After determining the identity, the second step is to choose the person to contact, and the mediocre must be excluded at this point.

Just like the houses I saw on the road just now, the stereotyped, ordinary, and no special ones are not within the range of choice.

On the contrary, those houses with strange shapes or shabby houses are his first choice.

Moreover, even if the story of the town has ended, there are still some hidden benefits in these places.

In the town, after finishing a day of shoe repair work, Old John returned to his dilapidated house again.

Although it was leaky everywhere and occasionally leaked on rainy days, it was at least one of the few properties that belonged to him.

“Hello, sir! Excuse me, if it’s possible, can I stay here for a while? I will pay.”

After some investigation, Ino finally chose this dilapidated old house. The moment the owner of the house came back, he hurried forward to chat.

The sudden voice made Old John stop. After a while, he asked uncertainly: “Are you talking to me?”

“Yes, sir! I am a wandering bard. It’s late and I can’t find an inn in the town.”

Facial expressions plus reasonable rhetoric, this set of operating procedures, Ino has practiced it to be flawless.

Even when facing Dumbledore, he has the confidence to make the other party believe him, not to mention that the other party looks like an ordinary old man over fifty years old.

"The bard!" Old John's face showed some nostalgia, as if he was thinking about something.

"Okay, little guy! If you don't mind that this place is so shabby and leaky."

"Thank you, kind sir!" Ino responded obediently.

"Don't call me sir or sir! I'm not a master or a noble. They all call me Old John, and you can call me that too."

"Okay, Old John! I also hope you can call me Ino. The name of the little guy corresponds to me three years ago."

Simple jokes can often bring people closer, which Ino knows very well.

"Hahaha! Good! Strange bard Ino." Old John responded with a hearty smile.



In a small house of less than ten square meters, a kerosene lamp that is so weak that it will go out at any time, and the bean-sized flame can only illuminate a small area around.

Next to the oil lamp, Ino and Old John sat opposite each other.

"... Bard, it's a good career! When I was young, I also yearned for freedom, always wanted to go out and explore. After wasting half of my life outside, I found that my hometown, which I once despised, now seems to have no place for me."

Under the weak firelight, the criss-crossing wrinkles on Old John's face became more and more obvious.

"That's nothing! At least you have experienced it! There are many people in the world who return empty-handed and lose interest, but most of them have never regretted it." Ino answered casually.

He deeply understands Old John's sigh. In another world, too many people leave their hometowns to study, work, buy houses...

But in the end they will find that it is so difficult for a wanderer to take root and survive in a place that does not belong to him.

"Now I believe you are a bard." Old John suddenly said seriously.

"Really? That's great!" Ino shrugged indifferently.

"I still have a lot of stories, I can tell you slowly later, but you can't reduce the fee."

"Hahaha, in this town, you are destined to return empty-handed."

Old John's casual words made Ino instantly alert. What was he trying so hard to find the access point map for? Isn't it just to cleverly collect useful information.

"Why, is it popular to listen to stories for free here?" Ino asked back pretending to be indifferent.

"That's not the case." Old John waved his hand and continued:

"This place used to be very poor, and it was common for people to go hungry. It was only in the past few years that everyone's life has improved a little, but you let them pay to listen to stories, that must be a fantasy."

Ino's mind turned around, and from Old John's words, he had already drawn a concerned message, that the story that happened here should be over.

This is not a guess out of thin air, but the experience he has accumulated in two years of travel.

A place will only undergo a major change when the story that happened here ends, otherwise...what road construction and business, driving everyone to get rich, don't even think about it in the fantasy world.

"It doesn't matter. I won't stay here for too long. As long as I'm alive, the journey will never stop. Whether it's the road under my feet or the road in my heart, it's the same."

Ino suddenly said with some disinterest.

The end of the story means the beginning of a dull life. And this is destined to prevent him from getting anything useful.

Perhaps sensing the change in Ino's tone, Old John comforted him:

"Little guy! You don't have to be like this. Although everyone is used to saving, at least they will pay some idle things as a reward for listening to the story."

"I told you, don't call me little guy!" Ino said pretending to be angry.

"Haha...Okay! But you don't look very big."

Maybe it was their first meeting, or maybe it was too luxurious to chat with an oil lamp.

In short, not long after, Old John ended the conversation on the grounds of being tired.


Late at night.

Ino lay on a bed covered with straw, and the cold wind whistled outside.

It just so happened that these cold winds seemed to have a mind and consciousness, cleverly bypassing the complete wall and flowing in from those unknown holes.

This also made the room, which was not very warm, suddenly a little colder.

Faced with such an environment, Ino could only tighten the blanket wrapped around him.

It should be said that this blanket picked up from the garbage bin in the rich area, although it looks very tattered, is made of real cashmere, which can well isolate the loss of body temperature.

"Let's take time to tell fortunes tomorrow... However, it's good that the story is over, so I can take this time to read a good book."

Since the fact has happened, accept it calmly.

Ino always keeps in mind only one thing, living in this world, greed must be eliminated.

Therefore, he never insists on getting any benefits from the story. After all, there is only one life, as long as you are alive, there will always be opportunities in the future.

New book release, new journey, thank all the big guys for their support.

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