The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 64 Professor Sprout's Explanation

Time always passes by inadvertently.

In the Scottish Highlands in May, the temperature can reach 18 degrees Celsius.

Hogwarts seems to have awakened from the sleeping winter.

Under the warm spring breeze, the castle is also beginning to show vitality.

Water hyacinth, Bidens pilosa, field bindweed, sky blue clover, etc., all kinds of beautiful plants grow quietly on the lawn, exuding a faint fragrance.

The tall Whomping Willow has also taken out new green leaves, forming a sharp contrast with the ancient castle, showing its vitality and vitality.

In the blue sky, occasionally a few magical creatures fly by, they are either owls flapping their wings or hippogriffs flying leisurely. In short, their appearance adds a bit of mystery to Hogwarts.

The sun shines through the clouds and sprinkles on the black lake in the distance. The sparkling lake is like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and the reflection of the castle.

Everything is breathtakingly beautiful.


Slytherin common room.

In the dormitory, Ino stared at the two potted plants on the shelf. After watering them as usual, he stood quietly aside and thought quietly.

It has been more than three months since Voldemort touched his face last time, and many iconic things have happened during this period.

For example, Quirrell's body is visibly weaker day by day, or Snape was suddenly injured three days ago, and he always limps when he walks, and his wide black robe can no longer swing out a beautiful hem...

But these are just insignificant things in Ino's view.

Since he felt that deep powerlessness last time, he has completely lived a secluded life.

Except for classes and eating in the auditorium, he basically stays in the dormitory at other times, and at most he just stays in the common room, but he never leaves the crowd.

Even if he occasionally goes to the library, he borrows a week's worth of books at a time when there are many people in the morning.

There is no longer the situation of staying in the library until the evening as before.

Of course, everything has two sides. Although the life of an ascetic monk seems to reduce some experience and fun, it also brings other gains accordingly.

The most intuitive thing is that the long-silent story salon in Slytherin is held again.

Invited by Malfoy, Ino would tell stories and sing songs in the common room in his spare time, which is also a rare pastime to pass the time.

After three months of peaceful coexistence, the eyes of the people in Slytherin no longer look at him strangely. The boys' eyes are less restrained, and the girls' eyes are more passionate.

In addition to the intuitive external changes, there are also many internal changes.

After three months of repeated adaptation, Ino finally got a qualified mandrake leaf, and finally completed the prerequisite of Animagus. The rest only needs to wait for the full moon night to prepare the potion and drink it on the night of thunder and rain.


The silence of the dormitory was broken, and Malfoy's voice rang in the room.

"There's still half an hour before class starts, we should go!"

After his thoughts were interrupted, Ino turned around and looked to the side. Malfoy was already dressed and holding two pairs of brand new dragon leather gloves in his arms.

"Of course, let's go."

Ino said with a smile, then picked up the pottery basin on the shelf and walked out of the common room with Malfoy.

Outside the castle.

The Herbology greenhouse.

There was about a quarter of an hour left before class, and the little wizards waiting at the door were gathering in groups of three or two, chatting about topics of interest to each other.

A very interesting phenomenon, it seems that the college system has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Even if they were free to chat, Gryffindor and Slytherin were clearly divided, with the greenhouse door as the central axis, separated to the left and right, with the lion and the viper occupying one side of the territory.

This interesting balance was also broken with Ino's arrival.

Walking all the way from the castle, when he arrived at the greenhouse, he did not choose a camp, but held the pottery basin and stood on the central axis facing the door.

On the other side, in the crowd of Gryffindor.

The moment Neville saw Ino, he wanted to go up and say hello, but after seeing Malfoy next to him, he seemed a little hesitant.

‘If you can’t face your fear, you will never get out of it, let alone defeat it. ’

Neville recalled Ino’s instructions in his mind, took a deep breath, and then walked forward regardless.

“Ino, it hasn’t sprouted yet? I suspect the seeds are dead, otherwise the other pot is so vigorous.”

Hearing the familiar voice in his ears, he turned around and saw Neville’s slightly uneasy expression.

Ino was also very happy with this scene, which proved that his previous guidance was not in vain, and he immediately gave Neville an encouraging look.

“I don’t know, so I brought it today, and let Professor Sprout take a look after class.”

While speaking, he also handed the pottery pot in his hand to Neville for inspection.

Since their first meeting a few months ago, potted plants have become a bond between them.

However, the amazing thing is that the two pots of green plants grow very differently, even though they are both berry seeds from the Narnia Valley and the same sunshine spell.

However, although they are reluctant to sprout, he has never thrown them away, and subconsciously he is always reluctant to do so.

On the other side.

After taking the pottery pot, Neville also carefully checked it and said in confusion: "I think there is something wrong with the seeds. The humidity and temperature should be enough..."

Neville stopped talking halfway.

Professor Sprout appeared in front of the greenhouse.

"Okay, kids! I think it's time for class now. Stop chatting and follow me to greenhouse No. 3."

Professor Sprout's voice is worthy of being the head of Hufflepuff. His gentleness and tolerance always make those who hear him feel like spring breeze.

The little wizards who were scattered just now also lined up in two columns on their own.

Ino took the pottery pot from Neville's hand and stood in the team silently.

Greenhouse No. 3.

A dark and humid place, because it is full of seedlings of devil vines.

After Professor Sprout explained the characteristics of devil vines in detail, he asked the little wizards to put on dragon leather gloves and began to repot and transplant all the devil vines.

After all, these so-called seedlings of devil vines are growing vigorously. The two or three-meter vines are like black mamba snakes, wriggling wantonly on the ground.

Such a terrifying scene, let alone Gryffindor, even Slytherin who likes snakes would not want to stay for a moment.

Because of this, everyone worked hard to start working. After all, if they finished quickly, they could leave get out of class early.

This may be the reason why Sprout is popular with everyone. As long as the young wizards are capable, it is common to leave get out of class early.


With the efforts of everyone, this herb class also ended half an hour earlier than usual.

After class.

Ino picked up the pottery pot beside him and did not leave for a long time.

"Child, do you have anything else to do?" Professor Sprout asked.

"Professor, it's my potted plant. It has been kept for several months and it has been reluctant to sprout."

As he said that, Ino put the pottery pot on the table beside him.

Professor Sprout came over, but she did not do a physical examination like Neville, but took out her wand and gently tapped the soil in the pottery pot.

That look was like a famous doctor taking the pulse and diagnosing a patient.

It was quiet for a long time.

"I should have found the reason." Professor Sprout said softly.

"It's a magical seed. Maybe it's because of its experience, or maybe it's because of other reasons. In short, it doesn't lack sunlight and warmth, but it needs cold and frost."

At this point, Professor Sprout paused for a while, then slowly said:

"Flowers blooming in the winter will never sprout in the spring. So you don't have to worry about it now. The seeds are very strong. This winter, you just need to put it outside the castle."

New book release, new journey, thank you all the big guys for your support.

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