The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 52 Encounter at the School Hospital

No matter what happens, there are always two sides.

When something happens, some people are happy, while others are destined to be disappointed.

Hogwarts Hospital.

Malfoy, who received timely treatment, was now staring at the ceiling in a daze.

There was no way. Malfoy was wrapped like a dumpling at the moment, and only his eyes, nose and mouth were not wrapped in bandages.

After all, according to Madam Pomfrey's diagnosis, a large area of ​​frostbite on the skin of the whole body, if he wanted to get better, he needed to stay quiet for at least one night.

Lying on the hospital bed, Malfoy was also thinking about what happened before. He just pushed open the door of the dormitory, and when he opened his eyes, he appeared inexplicably in the school hospital.

"What the hell is Ino doing... It's really a waste of time!"

At this moment, he was still thinking about Harry and Hagrid's private dragon raising.


Time is passing.

Compared with the excitement of a few people all night, some people enjoyed a high-quality sleep.

In the morning, Ino opened his eyes, sat up from the bed, and stretched his waist slowly.

After a night of deep sleep, he felt an unprecedented sense of ease and comfort at this moment.

"I have to go see Malfoy, but what should I bring..."

After confirming that there was no class in the morning, Ino planned to visit the injured Malfoy.

After all, the whole thing was caused by him, and Malfoy was the innocent victim throughout the whole process.

But the trouble at the moment was that he didn't know what to bring to visit Malfoy. After all, it was a tradition to bring things to visit patients.

After searching the dormitory, Ino only found a bag of gold coins and a few berries that had been frozen and slightly rotten.

Berries were impossible, that was not condolence, that was poisoning.

As for the gold coins, it was even more meaningless. Malfoy was not Weasley. Giving him gold coins? It was as meaningless as pouring a basin of water into the sea.

"Forget it, send flowers!"

Looking at the empty suitcase, Ino couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking of this, he drew out his wand and slowly condensed five crystal ice arrows in the air. Just as they were about to form, all the arrows were like being kneaded clay, fused, stretched, and shaped...

One minute later.

Five ice-blue lilies appeared in his hand.

This was a new ability that he had developed after practicing ice arrow magic last night. Under the same volume, it allowed them to change their forms.

Similarly, he also discovered a key problem, that is, with the frequent use of magic, his control over ice and snow was gradually improving.

Just like fish are born to adapt to water, after a short transition, they can really achieve what they want.

And the five lilies in front of them are the best proof.

But in the final analysis, this is also a helpless way.

Compared with the poor Transfiguration and the withered Forbidden Forest in winter, he can only think of getting flowers in this way.

At least... ice and snow will exist in winter for much longer than Transfiguration.


Hogwarts Hospital.

Harry and Hermione paced back and forth in the corridor at the door, as if they were waiting for someone.

After a while.

Hermione seemed to be a little impatient. She shook her fluffy hair first, then looked at Harry and said in an inexplicable tone:

"Harry, you must not learn from him in the future! Knowing that it was a dragon, you still teased it like a puppy. You really deserved to be bitten!"

Harry nodded helplessly.

Just today, he was woken up by Ron early in the morning, saying that he wanted to share the joy with Hagrid and let Hagrid know the news of Malfoy's hospitalization earlier.

As a result... the joy was shared, but Ron also successfully got himself into the school hospital.

When thinking of this absurd and dramatic result, Harry couldn't help sighing. In the final analysis, Ron talked too much.

In his complacency, he treated Norbert's head as a tooth and even reached out to pat him.

As expected, Ron was bitten by the dragon, and his palm swelled more than twice on the spot. Fortunately, Hagrid stopped it in time, otherwise Ron would not be just bitten.

After a brief thought, Harry thought of Malfoy who was also in the school hospital, and sighed:

"I never thought that Malfoy would have this day. I heard that they were in the same dormitory. Slytherin is simply unreasonable."

But Harry's casual sigh annoyed Hermione on the side.

"Don't say that, Ino must have his reasons for teaching Malfoy a lesson. It must be like this. I believe him!"

Hermione's righteous answer also successfully aroused Harry's curiosity.

"Ino? So you know each other?"

"Yes, we met in London." Hermione answered without hesitation, and then added:

"Oh, yes! We are good friends."

"Okay!" Harry shrugged calmly. After all, in his opinion, it was not strange that Hermione had some friends from other colleges, even though the other party was a Slytherin.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Just when the two were getting impatient, footsteps were heard from the other side of the corridor.

This made Harry look back curiously. You know, the corridor of the school hospital was similar to the entrance of Filch's office, with almost no one walking around.

However, it was this curious look back that made Harry's face freeze instantly, as if he was frozen in time.

On the other side, Hermione's eyes widened in surprise, and then she quickly ran over.

At the end of the corridor.

Ino was also a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet Harry and Hermione here, but before he could think too much, he saw a brown-haired ball running over from a distance.

"Are you okay? They said you attacked Malfoy, but I believe you! By the way, why are you here now? Do you need my help?"

Looking at Hermione's concerned expression, he was a little moved, and he also had a good impression of this former fortune-telling customer and library book friend.

Although Hermione's personality is a bit twisted, just like Pansy's arrogance, they all have their own flaws, but their temperaments are all targeted at specific people, but they have always been polite to him.

Thinking of this, Ino immediately smiled and said:

"Don't worry, I'm fine! As for Malfoy, it was just an accident. The purpose of my trip was to visit Malfoy, but you?"

As he said this, Ino looked at Harry not far away, and the latter gave him a difficult smile.

Hermione on the side didn't care so much. After hearing that it was an accident, she became happy.

"I knew you wouldn't attack others. Harry and I are waiting for someone, and another friend of ours was also accidentally injured."

After letting go of the psychological burden, Hermione also noticed the lily in Ino's hand. The light blue color was crystal clear, elegant, and the leaves were crisp and beautiful, making it hard not to like it.

Perhaps women are born to like shiny things. Hermione was attracted to it after just one look, and always looked at the lily inadvertently.

Such an obvious little action naturally did not escape Ino's eyes, and he immediately said with some amusement:

"Do you like it? Give you one, Miss Granger!"

After that, he took out a lily frozen in ice and handed it to Hermione.

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