The Bard at Hogwarts

Chapter 34 Two months later

Time always passes by unconsciously, like a silent journey, taking away the noise of youth and leaving behind the erosion of time.

It has been exactly two months since school started.

During this period of time, the former freshmen have completely integrated into Hogwarts, and they have gradually transformed from ignorance to familiarity with everything about the castle.

Around this time next year, maybe I can use my identity as an old student to look down on the younger students in the new school year.

As November approaches in Hogwarts, the temperature has dropped sharply below 10°. If it rains a few more times, the temperature will only get even lower.

Now not just Slytherin, but all four house common rooms had their fireplaces lit, the rising flames dispelling the coldness in the air.

Of course, all this seems insignificant to the little wizards in the castle.

Because after entering November, they will usher in the first holiday after the start of school, Halloween.

The last day of October, the Charms classroom.

"The key point of the levitating spell is never forget the subtle wrist movement we have been training."

As usual, Professor Flitwick stood on the desk and explained to everyone the key points of releasing the curse.

"Wave and shake, remember, wave and shake." The short professor emphasized over and over again in his sharp voice.

"Accurate spells are also very important. Don't forget Baruffio. He just said 'f' into 't' and found himself lying on the floor with a summoned bison standing on his chest..."

In the classroom, Ino listened to the class carefully. Although he had long been able to skillfully release the floating spell, he could still learn many practical skills in the magic class.

What's more, the knowledgeable Professor Flitwick could always answer all his questions perfectly.

For example, right now, Ino raised his question arm again. After getting permission from the professor, he slowly asked:

"Professor, what I want to say is, if I take precautions in advance and then deliberately chant the wrong spell, can I get a free bison?"

Ino asked a question that had been bothering him for a long time, and it was also a very important question for him.

You must know that in a fantasy world, although people will not starve to death, who would be willing to chew dry cheese if the food can be improved with tender beef.

"Great question!" Professor Flitwick said while applauding.

"Theoretically, that's the case! But it involves a more profound spell - the summoning spell. Just like what you learned in the transformation class, Ganpu's basic transformation rules cannot conjure food out of thin air."

"Similarly, I would like to emphasize here that magic is not a creation. Just like this unexpected bison, it will not appear under certain circumstances, such as the deep sea, desert, etc., where there are no bison around."

Professor Flitwick finished speaking in one breath. Compared with the confusion of other young wizards, Ino heard it clearly, and at the same time he also had his own intuitive understanding.

To put it bluntly, this is similar to the psychic technique in Naruto, the psychic contract ≈ the surrounding environment. With this prerequisite, you can use spells or magic to bring the summoned object to your eyes regardless of space.

Time passed by minute by minute.

In the Charms class, as more and more feathers floated on the table, the smile on Professor Flitwick's face never stopped.

Before the end of get out of class, almost half of the people in the classroom had successfully released the floating spell. The remaining few people only lacked time.

With such excellent class performance, Professor Flitwick waived the spells homework for this week with a wave of his hand. This decision made everyone cheer and let everyone enjoy the joy of Halloween in advance.

After class, everyone had a relaxed smile on their faces, especially when the alluring pumpkin scent was wafting around the castle.

The auditorium, corridors, and even the moving stairs are now covered with all kinds of colorful Halloween decorations, fluttering bats, low dark clouds, and seeping masks...

Overall, it looks weird and mysterious.


The auditorium was brightly lit and everyone gathered together to celebrate the annual Halloween dinner.

Slytherin table.

"Ino, are you starving?" Malfoy asked with a surprised look on his face.

You must know that in his impression, Ino was always very orderly when eating, and never fought or grabbed. How could he be so... so disrespectful of etiquette like he is now?

"Are you starving?" Ino raised his head in surprise, and suddenly realized after seeing Malfoy's hesitant expression.

"Today's steak and pumpkin pie are both great. Draco, just listen to me and eat more!"

After finishing speaking, he did not wait for Malfoy's reply and concentrated on the food on the plate.

Seeing Ino devouring her food, Malfoy couldn't help but pursed his lips, and hesitantly picked up a piece of pumpkin pie and ate it.

Maybe it was a psychological suggestion or other reasons, but in short, he also tasted a different taste in this piece of pie than before.

The two of them ate uncharacteristically, which also attracted the attention of everyone in Slytherin.

But fortunately, both Ino and Malfoy are not easy to mess with, so everyone just looked at them curiously, and did not scold Goyle like Pansy did before, making them look awkward and disrespectful of etiquette.

The banquet was proceeding in an orderly manner.

At this moment, Quirrell, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, stumbled into the auditorium.

"The troll... is in the basement. I think I should let you know..."

As if he had some kind of mission, Quirrell did not stutter. After he finished speaking, he fell to the ground with a thump.

Quirrell was quiet, but the auditorium was in chaos. The seniors were still calm, but the young wizards below the third grade had already panicked.


With the blessing of magic, Dumbledore's voice overwhelmed everyone.

"Prefects! Organize students to return to the dormitory immediately!"

Needless to say, on the Slytherin side, including Mond before, the male and female prefects of the sixth and seventh grades all drew their wands and held them in their hands. Whether it was their expressions or their momentum, they seemed to not take a troll seriously.

In fact, this is normal. If you compare them carefully, there is not much difference between senior wizards and adult wizards. Especially those who can serve as prefects are elites. There is really no reason to be afraid of a troll.

In fact, when it comes to this, we have to mention the mysterious operation of the Ministry of Magic on magical animals.

It is really puzzling that stupid trolls are also classified as XXXX, and can be on the same level as unicorns, horned camels, and even phoenixes.

In the hall.

The little snakes followed the prefects in an orderly manner and walked all the way to the common room.

Ino also followed the team. Although he knew what would happen tonight, he had no intention of participating.

Maybe he would consider Hermione's safety before, but since he talked with Dumbledore in the Astronomy Tower, he completely understood the headmaster's control over Hogwarts.

Listen, there is no need to be afraid, and there is no need to hide from anyone...

If it weren't for the fact that the castle couldn't operate technological products, he would have suspected that the other party had installed a camera with no blind spots for him.

Otherwise, how could he understand it so thoroughly.

New book release, new journey, thank all the big guys for their support.

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