The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 603 Everything is fine

After receiving confirmation from Butler Moon, Yu Liangzhong became bolder in selecting the Haicheng Alliance.

Yes, the source of the moon that has just been conquered for tens of thousands of years can come in handy.

With the contract slate, Yu Liang did not need to worry that this guy would betray him. This was probably something he had prepared for at some point.

The Moon Origin, the Contract Slate, and [Copy Source] are all indispensable.

It seems that with the addition of Moon Origin, Yu Liang has become an invincible player in the civil war. Whether it is a shock wave or not is unclear, but it must be a special attack on players.

Only players who have the source of ghost talk are barely qualified to fight him. Otherwise, the moon only needs to sneak into the player's memory to modify a few things and win without a fight, which is completely meaningless.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang suddenly realized a good use of the moon root in the Ghost Story Factory.

A normal person would definitely feel mentally exhausted after working for thirty days in a row, right?

This kind of fatigue cannot be eliminated in a short time. Even if I sleep for twelve hours the next day, I am afraid I will not be able to recover, but as long as the moon root is there, it will be fine.

The moon can help eliminate fatigue and relieve mental damage. It is completely the mental health doctor around the player.

Putting such a psychological counselor in the Ghost Story Factory will be a good thing for Yu Liang and the players, and it is a good thing that once you think back, you will feel sincerely happy.

As the designer of the Ghost Story Factory dungeon, Yu Liang will be extremely responsible for every player who enters, and will do his best to ensure the physical and mental health of the players and achieve the beautiful vision of long-term peace and stability.

He was very satisfied with his idea, and at the same time, he felt that sending Moon Butler into the factory was very constructive. He believed that his department head, Mr. Scrooge, would be able to handle this matter well.

"In this case, you can search for nearby players. If there is no source of ghost talk, search directly. If there is a source of ghost story, it may be the founder... don't move yet." Yu Liang gave the order, and then looked at his butler. , "By the way, what should I call you?"

Butler Moon shook his head and said, "No, just call me steward or deacon."

"No, no, no, I need to call you by your name, because we are actually equal." Yu Liang chuckled, with a gentle attitude, and also gave a suggestion, "If you need it, I can give you You name it.”

At the mention of "taking a name", the "Zhi" in the shadow couldn't sit still. Two eyes floated up to the surface of the shadow, staring resentfully at Yu Liang on the shore, as if if something went wrong he would pull Yu Liang into the water and drown him.

"Is that so?" Butler Moon smiled, "Master, you are still so gentle after all these years. You can call me Mani, just like in the past."

"Mani?" Yu Liang blinked, somewhat unbelievable.

Don't tell me that I picked this name for you. It sounds like a name picked by a scrooge for you, right?

Okay, okay, the money-sucking ghost himself is called Wudi, and he will name you "Mani", right?

"Yes, it is taken from the name of the moon god in Nordic mythology." Steward Mani continued. He did not seem to be too obsessed with the name issue. "In most mythological stories, the moon god is a female image. , and I prefer to be transformed into a male image, so I chose such a name. If the owner doesn't like it, it can be changed to Wu Gang of Fa Gui."

Yu Liang compared the two names "Mani" and "Wu Gang", and still thought Mani sounded better, so he said directly: "How about Mani, it sounds very prosperous."

It’s not because he worships foreigners, it’s simply because Wu Gang is too dramatic. It seems that it would work if he transliterated it into the Chinese name "Ma Ning"...

Forget it, Ma Ning is also in trouble.

"I'm glad you like my name." Butler Mani showed the demeanor of a steady and knowledgeable older man, completely different from a little girl who was hiding in the shadows and crawling crazily.

Then, his light blue eyes released a clear and bright light. This light was quickly released centered on his body, and soon enveloped the entire camp in the safe zone.

The blue light went out, along with the sunlight in this area.

At this moment, the camp suddenly became pitch black, except for the huge full moon that lit up overhead.

Dozens of players walked out of the camp in unison, looking up at the moon in the sky, with expressions of yearning and admiration on their faces.

Since ancient times, people have had the utmost primitive respect for this natural satellite closest to the earth.

For those who see the moon, the memories in their minds will unlock their defenses, allowing the moon to take whatever they want.

Yu Liang noticed all this happening, just like what he had experienced in the moon community. He walked to the door of the camp and looked up at the light blue moon in the sky.

It was still as he remembered, the moon was extremely bright and the moonlight was clear and translucent. Only there was a crooked ravine in the corner of the moon that could not be suppressed, just like His turning away and snickering, insidious, cunning and vicious.

Do not doubt, do not believe.

This sentence that ran through the entire moon community came to his mind, and at the same time he thought of a very interesting thing.

If at this time he suddenly realizes that he has actually been standing in front of the window of his room in Moon Community, always maintaining the same posture and looking up at the moon in the sky, all the experiences he will have in the future are just what he is. The fantasy of a third-rate novelist...

Isn’t it interesting?

Yu Liang smiled in his heart, and then heard Butler Mani's voice ringing in his ears: "Mr. Yu Liang, your 'suspiciousness' is very weighty and interesting."

Blue moonlight radiated from the surface of the moon, sweeping across the entire camp like a storm. From a sensory perspective, Yu Liang felt that this was somewhat similar to some violent solar activity, such as a sunspot storm or something.

Does this mean that I am suspected of being seriously ill?

Do you mean it as a compliment?

Yu Liang frowned, but judging from the actual effect, his "doubt" seemed to strengthen the moon's ability.

Judging from the previous situation, his suspicion is quite serious, which to some extent can strengthen the "suspicious" side of the housekeeper.

The slightly strengthened Moon Butler immediately exerted his power with all his strength and controlled the night to fall on the players' camps.

At this time, Aze, who had come out to watch the fun, suddenly put on a pair of glasses with cloud point lenses as the main body. These cloud point lenses have strong anti-moonlight capabilities, which can ensure that he will not be interfered by the Moon Butler ability. .

"It seems like someone has taken action." Aze said, looking at the sun rising in the night sky on the other side.

The sun and the moon reflected each other in the distance, with bright sunlight on one side and pure moonlight on the other. The players who were splashed by the sunlight gradually regained their consciousness. They could vaguely feel that they were affected by an unknown influence, and immediately swarmed into the camp to escape. .

Butler Mani smiled softly and looked up at the sun in the sky, letting the sunlight outline his delicate jawline into a reddish gold color.

He hadn't looked directly at the sun like this for a long time.

This is simply not a real sun, so its energy is not as powerful as the original one.

So the butler just waved his hand gently, and the sun in the sky was completely extinguished, leaving only a bright moon enjoying the depth of the night.

Yu Liang walked out of the tent quickly and happened to see the priest surrounded by clergy. He knew in his heart that the sun just now was the work of the priest, but he didn't have much power to fight back against the strange moon story.

Obviously they all have the same source of ghost stories, and there are so many clergymen of the same lineage behind the priest as assistants, but they can't even put up a decent resistance.

"There is also a gap between the source ghost stories. The understanding of abilities is different. I am afraid that my own defenses will be easily broken unconsciously." Butler Mani followed out and looked at the priest who fell among the clergy. He still maintained his attitude. That smile that could repel people thousands of miles away, "He was just drained of his mental energy by the source of ghost stories in his body, and he will recover soon. After recovery, it will also be good for his own mental endurance."

"Okay, tell me in advance next time you attack, don't overdo it." Yu Liang warned. He could see many problems in the short confrontation just now.

This newly added Moon Root is really powerful. The priest is also a character who has experienced several dungeons. He has fought many real roots and monsters, but he is so fragile in front of this butler...

When the original Moon Root was in the community, her appearance was similar to that of the new Miss "Zhi", but now she can directly defeat the priest with her limited power...

Has the power of the moon's root that shaped the cause grown so terrifyingly?

It seems that Miss "Zhi" also said that the root of the moon is trapped in the shadow, and its current strength is in a sluggish state, right?

Gee, is this the sense of security that coming of age can bring?

Yu Liang inevitably felt a little happy in his heart. The appearance of the Moon Root gave him enough confidence to dare to trouble the rabbit-shaped god.

The masked man's shop is in the rabbit-shaped god's territory, so he has to find trouble.

He stepped forward and explained the current situation to the priest who woke up, and then continued: "With your permission, I may be able to use the source ghost stories I just obtained to find out the possible ghost stories among you." Humanity'."

At this time, the housekeeper had completed retrieving the memories of all the people and selected some groups that he thought were problematic.

There were seven people in total, two of them had calm expressions, two looked a little nervous, and three showed a sense of indignation.

"Is this how you Haicheng people treat the players who come to help?"

"Yes, we are T1 level players, how dare you treat us like this?"

In the queue, two T1 players from other cities started shouting one after another, which was understandable from their point of view.

They originally came to explore Wangcheng at the invitation of the lawyer, but it turned out to be a good thing. The lawyer died in an unknown manner, making them become outsiders in the Haicheng Alliance. It didn't matter, and now they were singled out and treated as moles. to handle.

"Are these two?" Yu Liang ignored these two players from other cities and just looked at the housekeeper beside him.

The butler immediately gave an affirmative reply: "Yes, there are a lot of 'locked' parts hidden in their memories that even I can't open. I don't think normal players can have this kind of treatment."

"Okay." Yu Liang nodded, waved his hand and said, "Let's deal with it and delete these memories."

"No, these memories were not set by me. They are locked. Even I can't completely clean them out. They are still likely to recall them when they encounter some kind of opportunity." Butler Mani shook his head. A little bit regretful.

He is an absolute master in the field of memory, but he is not omnipotent.

"Then can you add another private lock? Just make it impossible for "human beings" to open it." Yu Liang put forward key guiding opinions.

If someone else's bicycle is locked so they can't be stolen, then just put another lock on it so that others can't use it.

The writer's unique way of salvation is hidden in it.

"It makes sense. I didn't expect that Mr. Yu Liang is still so smart after thousands of years." The butler's mind was opened by Yu Liang's few words, and the memories of these two guys were added one by one. 512-bit password lock.

It is indeed impossible to open a lock, but if he makes a lock, he is sure that no one can open it, even if it is time to go back, because the lock he imposes is like an anchor, enough to keep the memories of these two guys. sinking steadily into the river of time.

"Okay, you two, you can leave now." Butler Mani slightly modified their memory and turned it into a beautiful memory.


"We are just here to help, there is absolutely no way we are spies."

The two T1 players continued what they just said, but they themselves also had a strange feeling. They were completely unable to hate the man wearing a black butler suit in front of them, and finally just left it alone.

On the other side, the two people who had calm expressions before looked at Feng Qingyundan and suppressed the steward of the "human" reserve team. There was a killing intent in their eyes, and the light on the characters on their hands was almost instantaneous. go out.

I didn't expect that there would be such a source of ghost stories in the Haicheng Alliance. Judging from the proficiency of the ability, this is completely at the level of the source ghost stories deep in Forget City.

Such a guy appears at the critical moment of the sturgeon's migration. He is simply a bully brown bear blocking the sturgeon's migration path. He is the natural enemy of these strange "human beings" who have never awakened their memories!

It must be sealed directly here, otherwise the entire plan will not proceed.

The two strange "human beings" who were scouts didn't want to pretend anymore. They knew that they would die here if they took action, but they used the word talisman without any hesitation.

Even if they fail, they can still record what happened here and pass it back through the synchronized memory transmission of the strategy group. Their deaths must be meaningful.

But before they could use the words, another voice sounded from the crowd.

"Forbidden words~" The black halo spread like ripples, instantly knocking down the characters held in the hands of the two scouts.

Before the two scouts could react to the word talisman, the butler had already appeared beside them, standing between the two men with his tall body, holding the scouts' heads with both hands, and said with a smile: "Everything is fine. "

At the same time, far out of sight in the depths of Forgotten City, a message from the scout slowly appeared on the public memory screen of the strategy team——

"everything is fine."

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