The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 521 Temporary title: Character Collector

[The source of the ghost story has been eliminated, and the ghost world "Flatland" will collapse in 5 minutes]

[You will return to reality in 5 minutes. Please organize the items you currently hold properly. You can carry at most "12" items and "10" kinds of characters. Thank you]

[The player "Yu" has completed the story of the origin of the ghost. After 5 minutes, all players will leave Flatland. Please take good care of your belongings]

Yu Liangshang was still waiting for the adventurer to type, and he was also waiting for the female writer's reply, but the prompt box that suddenly popped up reminded him that you have completed the story of the source of ghosts.


That's it.

A sense of relaxation arises spontaneously, followed by a sense of unreality.

Looking at the past several times of solving the root ghost story, in comparison, this time should be relatively easy, because he did not make too much effort in solving the root ghost story in the general direction, and he did not even have the main mission of the pioneer book. What engagement.

I just wandered around Flatland for a week, and when I was about to complete the first phase of the task, Xu Cixi completed the first phase.

Then it was about making money everywhere, robbing players and shadows. As a result, the adventurer solved the second phase of the task and brought about the problem of the root of the ghost story.


It is actually wrong to think so, because from a practical point of view, it is actually very difficult to complete this source of ghost story.

The gap between two-dimensional and three-dimensional cannot be summarized in a few simple sentences, not to mention that in the three-dimensional world, it is not easy to find "Yu Liang".

If Yu Liang remembers correctly, that "Yu Liang" should have been thrown into the world of double mirrors by him. Let's not talk about how normal players can find "Yu Liang" across the world of double mirrors. He just wants to figure out the origin of desktop pets. It is already a very difficult matter to figure out what exactly Guai Tan wants and where the things he wants are located.

It would be difficult for any player other than Yu Liang to complete such a difficult problem.

He attracted the attention of a female writer through one hundred thousand wealth points, and then completed a deal with the absolute master of the three-dimensional world, and easily obtained "Yu Liang". This was not a task that everyone could accomplish.

Yu Liang thought about it. Under normal circumstances, if you want to complete such a strange root story, you first need to find the recycle bin like an adventurer, and then find possible file shredding software to process them and get a large amount of usable information flow.

The next step is to find the root ghost story hidden in the computer, and gain the trust of the root ghost story to a certain extent to get the task.

During this process, it would be best if we could find a way to connect the computer to the Internet. If we couldn't find it, we might be in trouble. We would need to use this computer to make some noise to attract the attention of the real NPC.

This may be the only way to connect to the three-dimensional world, but it relies heavily on luck. As for the later tasks, Yu Liang has a headache just thinking about it, not to mention that the desktop pet may have a time limit.

But if you think about it carefully, a large part of the difficulty may be caused by the characteristics of the pioneer version. If it were an official copy, it might not be so difficult.

There may be an easier way to complete the task by then, but it can only be said that Yu Liang's behavior was too advanced, which increased the difficulty of the game.

It's a pity that he is a related player, so it doesn't matter even if the difficulty of the game is increased.

"Is this the end?" Aze, who had just put on the "Round Elder" limited skin, came over in surprise. He hadn't woken up for long and was about to go watch the battlefield between the Lingcheng graphics and the Circular City graphics. Depending on the situation, I suddenly found that the copy had ended.

This made him feel like he was out of breath.

He thought he would still have a lot of time to play after the battle with Yu Liang. How come he had solved everything in less than half a day after the battle?

Are the characters and items he provides really so important?

"Yes, it's over." Yu Liang glanced at this guy and didn't pay much attention.

Yu Liang knew that Aze was likely to steal his script when he approached him, but he was not sure when exactly, so he had already decided that the first thing he would do after leaving the dungeon was to turn off his phone and go to sleep.

It just so happened that all the created characters in the universe were a little tired after the battle just now, so it was best to take a rest.

"I really didn't expect you to be so fast." Aze sighed sincerely. He really didn't expect that Yu Liang could solve a root cause ghost story in such a short time, and more importantly, the current copy is a pioneer Book.

According to the normal thinking, you only need to complete the exploration to pass the level.

Wait a minute.

He suddenly thought of a key point.

Originally, he wanted to go back after this battle to see how the situation in Flatland had developed, and then try to see if there was still room for him to cause trouble.

He seemed to have indeed told Yu Liang that he would not lead Lingcheng's figure, but would allow Flatland to be free. The success or failure of the revolution was only the self-choice of Flatland's figure. Everything was the result of the historical development view...

But that was just his thought at the time, and it didn’t count. As an actor, it’s normal to have one thing on the surface and another behind the scenes, right?

Unfortunately, the encounter with Yu Liang ended in his failure, and his idea to see the subsequent development of Flatland also failed.

He really deserves to be called a "loser". He really only has the wrong name, not the wrong nickname.

Yu Liang's thoughts are similar to his. He knows that there are still many details and doubts about Flatland waiting for players to explore and understand, but it is just like the world of ghost stories itself.

Players are just passers-by in the dungeon, not native monster creatures. It is impossible to figure out everything that has appeared in the dungeon.

After completing their mission, players will automatically leave here. Judging from their short stay in the copy, it is difficult for them to leave any traces in the history of Flatland.

There will be no specific players like them in the history of Flatland, and there probably won’t be much content about Flatland in the experiences of specific players.

Judging from the player's experience of ghost stories, Flatland should be just a ghost story copy that players don't want to mention in their hearts.

Indeed, for most players, this dungeon is just about having a brief entanglement with the shadow player, then paying protection fees to the born writer, and finally staying in a house or a painting prison to wait for the dungeon to end.

Although they did gain absolute safety and were able to leave this dungeon, they still wanted to acknowledge Yu Liang's kindness...

That is absolutely impossible.

Every player sneaked back naked, and half of the player team had fewer members. They had no sense of participation in the entire copy. After all, Yu Liang himself, who was the main force in solving the root cause of the ghost story, had no sense of participation.

This is also a rare situation where Yu Liang does not sell grass babies in the dungeon. After all, these players are really poor, and now they can't even afford the price of a grass baby.

Helpless, he could only get back the "wave" character on each player, and then selectively return part of the wealth to Aze, and return all of it to Xu Cixi and the adventurers.

By the way, there is also martial arts coach Zhuang Wu.

Yu Liang asked them not to mention this matter to anyone else, and then waited for Aze's response.

He withheld three good things from Aze's hand, and told Aze that they were needed to solve the root cause of the monster, so they unfortunately consumed them.

If Aze had read his script before, he would naturally know that it was all a lie. After all, the wealth returned to the other three people was completely unreasonable, which was obviously unreasonable.

It's a pity that Aze didn't express any objection to this, and Yu Liang didn't know whether the other party noticed his thoughts and took the loss forcibly, or whether he hadn't read his script at all and was waiting to leave the copy. Reading the script, it’s like the last copy.

"Hey, wait a minute, give me the skin." Yu Liang looked at the current Aze, suddenly remembered something, and asked for the round elder skin bag on Aze's body.

This skin is of great use to him.

For normal players, it’s over when Flatland ends, but it’s different for Yu Liang. He can put Flatland into his own universe.

The last piece of the Flatland puzzle will be filled in by the writers.

He had already decided after the prompt box popped up. Now that he had completed the source of the ghost story, the scene card of Flatland could be stored in the universe.

After leaving the dungeon later, ask the created characters to dispatch according to the situation, mainly Li Geng and An Buchen, because they are the only ones with brains in the universe, and they were almost uninjured in the battle just now, and they did not fight. Exhaustion or mental exhaustion.

Let them promote the victory of the revolution, so that the writer Yu Liang himself can successfully steal the fruits of the revolution left by Aze.

I steal, I steal, I steal secretly!


Now Aze's skin reminded Yu Liang that the round elder's skin could also be of great use.

Leave it to Li Geng to wear,

This round elder's skin can be left for the created character to use when they enter the Flatland scene card, which can save a lot of effort.

Yu Liang is still very concerned about some of Flatland's special technologies. He will take the Octagon with him when he leaves this time, but some of the resources produced by Flatland are also indispensable, and they must all be in his hands.

"What do you want this skin for?" Aze looked at Yu Liang, who cared about the skin in front of him, and thought about it, but he didn't show it, and instead threw it to Yu Liang generously.

As a famous fun-loving person in Haicheng, he is also famous for his generosity.

Aze's troubles in Haicheng will never be because he likes someone's good things. He doesn't care about these external things.

Even if you occasionally rob someone's good things, it is just for the sake of the overall program effect. In the end, this thing may return to the hands of the owner, or it may come to the hands of the owner's enemy. It all depends on his thoughts at the time.

For the actor's profession, all Aze's resources were invested in raising a family of thirteen. Some supernatural items were not as useful as expected, so he did not like them.

Supernatural items with excellent effects are often tainted with the aura of ghost stories about their origins, and there is often a price to pay for their use.

Aze is really afraid of this kind of price, because he has offended many ghost stories, and if he uses supernatural items indiscriminately, big problems may arise.

[The players on the Monster World list will be announced next]

[Root Source Ghost Story Exploration Progress List]

1. Yu (survival): 100%

2. Ren (survival): 66%

3. None

·The above players will receive generous rewards, and rewards for dead players will not be issued for the time being.

【Stamp collection list】


【Character collection list】

Yu (survival): 212 species

·Distribute special props: unlimited coupon*1

(Player "Yu" refreshed the character collection record in a single copy, and was additionally issued the "Character Collector (Limited Time)" certification title and related rewards.)

Unlike normal dungeons, there are very few players who can solve the root mystery in the pioneer version, so the reward list after completing the dungeon was only announced two minutes later.

It felt like this situation was somewhat beyond the expectations of Kaitan World, so I temporarily compiled the data and quickly released the rankings.

What Yu Liang didn't expect was that the list this time was also very different. He and the adventurer were the only two people on the "Root Source Ghost Story Exploration" list. No one else was on the list by default, and there was no one in the stamp column.

As for the final character collection list...

Yu Liang immediately broke the record by collecting 212 characters.

If you think about it carefully, you will know the reason. There is a high probability that he obtained the characters of some foreign players. These characters cannot be synthesized by players of other language servers under normal circumstances.

This time Yu Liang got so much in one breath, so he directly refreshed the list record and received additional rewards.

In the last few minutes, Yu Liang took out his own demon blood and poured it on Octagon's body, turning Octagon into a strange creature through Lu Baoshen's beneficial mutation.

He will not break his promise to take Octagon out of the dungeon and into the three-dimensional world.

At the last moment of the decisive battle with Aze, Octagon proved its loyalty with practical actions. After obtaining the player's skin, it did not run away and hide, waiting to be teleported back to the three-dimensional world together, but chose to attach itself to Yu Liang. around.

Of course Yu Liang would choose to take away a smart two-dimensional creature, since he doesn't have to be responsible for it anyway.


Enchanted Octagon

Gradient: T4

Abilities: PhD, super memory

[Doctor]: Knowledge learning ability +100%. After completing knowledge learning in one field, the learning efficiency of knowledge in the next field will be increased, and it will lead to mastery, making it easier to innovate and create.

[Super Memory]: Excellent memory, unable to actively forget.

With Lu Baoshen taking care of him, the abilities acquired by Octagon are not weak and can be regarded as magical skills in the field of scientific research.

In addition to improving learning ability, completing learning in one area can increase learning efficiency in the next area. In this case, Octagon's learning speed will become faster and faster.

The more complex you learn, it does not mean that you are not good at it. On the contrary, the more you learn, the stronger you become and you become a truly omnipotent "Doctor".

Yu Liang's universe is in great need of such a super doctor, a scientific research master who can integrate two-dimensional world technology, flesh and blood technology, cyber technology, Taoist technology and human technology.

After a period of investment, he believed that the Octagon would definitely surprise him.

After collecting the octagon, Yu Liang looked at his character card again. Above his character card, he saw a temporary title.


Character Collector (temporary, title will be transferred when another player breaks the record)

Ability: storage, imitation

[Content]: Only once a month, you can increase a character by 1%. Each character you have can increase the boost effect by 1%.

[Copy]: You can select any character and copy it. The copied character can be used normally and has all the capabilities of the original character. It will be automatically destroyed after five minutes. Characters that have been copied cannot be reproduced.

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