Chapter 91 Master is obviously super strong but too modest [plus more owe 45]

“How come it suddenly became sunny?” An Zhiyu was the closest to the courtyard, and she was the first to rush out. There was no one in the courtyard at this time. Dawei and Li Xu didn’t know where they were. She looked up at the sky and saw There are countless spider-web-like cracks in the sky. Is it an illusion? She rubbed her eyes, and the cracks in the sky disappeared.

“What a big movement, what happened? Did someone get struck by lightning?” Dean Qing Lian ran over, but there was no sign of damage here. It felt like an illusion just now.

“Huh?” Luwu asked with a question mark. It was not raining anymore. It was still raining when I ran over, but the rain stopped in an instant, and there was still such a big sun. This weather change is too weird.

“I was shocked. I thought something had happened. I had a false alarm.” Tang Sheng suddenly felt his own Spirit Sea quake, as if he was hit by a wave of terrifying power. It turned out to be an illusion, “Since it’s not raining, then I Start practicing swords.”

He walked into the courtyard holding the sword.

Taixu Academy, by the lake.

Dawei’s gaze wandered around. Just now, the Master took him a step out and came here from the courtyard in an instant. The Master is really fast.

This speed is enviable.

Dawei looked up at Li Xu, but she had a strange question in her heart: “Master, why did we almost get struck by lightning?”

“How do I know?” Li Xu shook his head.

“It’s strange that lightning strikes us suddenly for no reason.” Dawei couldn’t understand.

“It may be that we stood in the courtyard to become the target.” Li Xu thought for a while, “This mentally retarded thunder and lightning attacked me for no reason, just like a neuropathy. Fortunately, I am better than it.”

Almost to be killed by this thunder, he couldn’t help but how good the atmosphere was with Xiao Dawei just now, it was really irritating to destroy them abruptly.

Dawei looked at Li Xu blankly and smiled: “Master, you are so strong.”

For the first time, he saw a character who raised his hands and killed Thunder.

Li Xu said indifferently: “In general, I am not that strong, Daozhou Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the strong are like clouds, and there must be more than me.”

“Haha.” Dawei rolled her eyes. Whether the Master is too humble, she dare to say that there should be no stronger than Li Xu in the state.

“Really, I am not very strong either.”

Li Xu reached out and touched Dawei’s small head, with a faint smile on the corners of her mouth. At the same time, she used the cleaning technique to remove all the water drops on her hair and dress. He also disappeared. In an instant, they were in white clothes. Snow, clothes fluttering.

Neither of them spoke, and stood quietly.

Dawei stretched out her hand and gently pulled Li Xu’s hand, and said, “Master, didn’t you just say you want to teach me Shui Dun?”

“Well, this is the formula.” Li Xu took out a copy of Shui Dun’s formula from her storage ring and handed it to her. “This Shui Dun has only more than 20 pages. Take a look and ask me if you don’t understand. ”

Dawei took the Shui Dun formula and read it carefully.

She may have learned the Dao Fa, watching the formula of Shui Dun is much easier than the formula of Imperial Swordsmanship, there is no obscure vocabulary, and she will remember it in less than half an hour.

“Master, I’m all right.”

Dawei shouted and found that Li Xu was sleeping on a chair. She planned to walk over with ease. Just after taking a step, Li Xu opened her eyes and said, “So fast.”

“Half an hour has passed, Master.” Dawei held claws in both hands and sneaked over, trying to scare Li Xu, but he didn’t expect him to wake up.

“So fast.” Li Xu yawned, “What can I do now?”

“Practice to test the effect, I want to go into the water myself.” Da Wei said.

Li Xu’s eyes swept across the lake not far away, and the farthest waterfall directly tilted down, and the water level rose, which should be the cause of the rain.

“Go, let’s be together.”

“Master, are you going into the water with me?” Dawei looked at him.

“Yeah.” Li Xu nodded, looked at her, and said: “Are you ready? I’m going in.”

“Ready.” Dawei said.


The two leaped into the lake at the same time. The water level of the lake on this day was deeper than ever, but it was extremely clear. The surface of the water stirred up ripples and quickly returned to calm.

They stood in the water at the same time, Li Xu still wins snow in white, with no water in his hair and no place to be soaked in water.

This is the effect of the cultivation of water escape, as if it turns into water. Since you are water, how can water wet yourself.

“Can you talk?” Li Xu looked at Xiao Dazhen, and found that she could faintly make her hair and white clothes not wet by water. He wanted to ask if she could talk. Once the water was over, not only would she not be able to wear clothes. When being wet, you can still speak as fast as a fish in the water, and you can speak without affecting your breathing. At this time, it becomes the same as on land. This is water escape.

Dawei just wanted to speak, but she couldn’t do it yet. Her Shui Dun can at best keep her scalp and clothes from getting wet.

“Try it, and I will tell you how to do it.”

A circle of light condensed in Li Xu’s hands, protecting her head, avoiding choking when drinking water.

Li Xu nodded and said: “Well, now you won’t be choked by the water. I will tell you the water escape technique. Follow my rhythm and practice boldly. Nothing will happen. The Master will always protect you.”

Dawei nodded.

According to the techniques Li Xu told her, Dawei relaxed her body and ran the water escape formula.

Don’t always think about yourself in water, imagine yourself on land, how you do on land, how you breathe, and how you talk.

Sure enough, after a while, she successfully mastered the technique of Shui Dun.


The words she spoke in the water were these two words. She felt that the water escape was really amazing. Now she had a feeling that she seemed to be standing on the land, breathing and speaking very naturally.

“Master, I can speak…”

She said another word, but the next moment water poured into her mouth.


She drank a few sips of water in a row, Li Xu hurriedly took a shot, protected her, smiled and said: “You can keep comprehending cultivation according to this rhythm. If I don’t go out, I will accompany you in the water.”

Dawei smiled and smiled very happily, and said in her heart: “Thank you Master.”

She began to cultivate, gradually mastered the skills in two quarters of an hour, and then she sat in the water and entered a state of comprehension.

In fact, the state of comprehension is the real enlightenment. Once you succeed, you will thoroughly master this skill. The previous ones are just practice teachings. The most important thing is enlightenment. Enlightenment is to practice simulation training to be proficient and imprint it in your mind.

When you need it, you can use it at any time.

Xiao Dazhen entered the state of enlightenment. Li Xu originally wanted to stay outside, but he said just now that he must be with her and cannot say nothing.

It must take two or three days for her to enlighten the Tao. Li Xu was afraid that Anzhiyu and the others were worried. He walked out of the lake and told them that Dazhen enlightened Dao in the lake. He had to look at her, and then come back again, intending to lie next to Xiaoda. I slept, and then I found that there seemed to be something shiny at the bottom of the lake.

“What is this?” Li Xu immediately cast his gaze like an electric method, like a dazzling light from a fish scale.

“Is this a fish scale?”

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