Chapter 9

The stall owner trembled with fright, because a few drops of blood splashed on his face, he wanted to speak but couldn’t speak, and soon the ground was wet.


Li Xu took out a toothpick from the bamboo tube and aimed it at the heart of the escaping second rank ascetic of the Taoist realm.

As soon as he wanted to fight out, he suddenly thought that there might be something behind this incident.

He has not provoked anyone, and there is no enemy, so this person should have come to Xiao Da.

Immediately, the toothpick moved slightly to the left and changed to cut off the ascetic’s left hand.


The monk’s arm broke, blood gushing, and two screams came out, but his pace did not stop, he ran continuously, and suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes.

“Master, he ran away, let’s chase after.” Dawei’s small figure rushed out.

Li Xu said: “I deliberately, I want to see if there is any behind the scenes.”

“Who are these people?” Dawei looked blank.

“Not sure.”

No matter who he is, as long as he provokes himself, he is dead.

Li Xu stood up and stretched out his index finger.

A ray of flames popped up above, and you could faintly see the flames transforming into a Vermillion Bird landing. At first, the flames were red, and gradually appeared pure white. At this time, the blood and corpses on the ground also turned into ashes.

Li Xu has a habit of killing people who don’t feel relieved until they turn into ashes.

This is the world of cultivation, if there is a resurrection technique, isn’t it just addictive to oneself, so the most conservative way is to make it disappear.

“Let’s go and see what the man behind the scenes is doing.”

Li Xu took Dawei and walked forward step by step.

“Shoot and kill seven first-rank Wang Dao Jing Xiu practitioners with one punch.”

“A toothpick cuts off the arm of the second rank cultivator of the Dao Realm, and the method is so great. When will such a character appear in the town of Funong?”

“That flame is actually the fourth rank Dao Fa, Nanming Lihuo, it is rumored that Nanming Lihuo is the companion fire of the sacred beast Vermillion Bird. It is Vermillion Bird’s most powerful trick. This fire burns to the extreme, showing pure white, and nothing is burning. Who is this person?”

Nanming Lihuo was recognized by the monks, all shocked.

Li Xu took Dawei and walked and reviewed what happened.

It is the first time that Li Xu has encountered such a weird thing in Funong Town for so many years. It is definitely not a problem with own. He suspects that someone is targeting Dawei.

“Think about it carefully, do you have any enemies? In order to avoid unnecessary troubles in the future, Master will help you solve them all today, once and for all.” Li Xu said.

Dawei frowned for a while and said:

“Master, I have been studying at the top ten colleges in Zhuanxu country these years. Although I am stupid, I can’t do anything, and I’m the first place to eat.

But for others’ ridicule, I always laughed it off, not to my heart. I think I haven’t offended anyone, and I don’t even know who is going to attack me.

I have no enemies either.

Since Yushitai promulgated the new “Dao Preface”, it has clearly stipulated that the monsters and spirits who activate the wisdom are equal to people, and they are not allowed to trample and hurt at will, and offenders are punished.

Qingqiu Kingdom has good relations with other countries, and there are no conflicts, so my mother can rest assured that I will come to Zhuanxu Guotai Academy to practice the Taoism. ”

Dawei doesn’t know where the problem is now.

She was in the top ten colleges, although she was sometimes scolded by herself, but she was definitely not to the point of cutting people.

I have traveled to many places in Zhuanxu Country, and this kind of thing has never happened before.

“That’s weird, forget it, I don’t want that much, let’s ask him directly.”

Li Xu didn’t want to use his brain. He crossed this East Street and stopped at the busiest intersection of West Street. The monk with severed hands hid in this overcrowded restaurant.

This is the entrance of Setsuna Building.

There was a little big sis in ragged clothes who yelled “The night is free, you only need a ray of Yuanyang”, but since Li Xu showed up here with a vicious and evil spirit, most of the women were so frightened that they didn’t dare to speak.

“My son, what are you…” The little Big Si who claimed to be Ping’er asked tremblingly.

“You are busy, leave me alone.”

Li Xu only said a word, knelt down and looked at Da Wu, blindfolded Da Wu’s eyes, and said:

“We are going to enter the instant building. There are some scenes that you can’t see at your age.”


Dawei didn’t ask much, leaving the Master blindfolded.

Li Xu stood up and stretched out his hand to hold Dawei’s pink hand.


They seemed to have turned into a wind, The next moment appeared in front of Room 404 on the fourth floor.

Room, couch.

There was a bloated, naked man.

There is a perfect curve under the quilt on his right, and a white lotus arm is slightly exposed. It is obviously a woman who is proficient in blowing, pulling, playing and singing.

“Idiot, broke in suddenly without my consent.”

The middle-aged man jumped into a rage and scolded the man wearing a linen suit who had just broken a hand.

The man with severed hand said: “What you explained has failed. There is a strong man next to the little girl. After observing for a long time, I can’t see Realm. Realm must be above me. I cut one of my hands with a toothpick, but I I still ran away. I’m here to tell you that this business is too dangerous and you have to add more money.

Also, my hand, you have money to heal. ”

The bloated man’s face changed: “Add money, do you have a life? If you fail, you still have the face to come here. If you don’t get out, I will kill you.”

The man with severed hand jumped with blue veins, holding back his anger.

“Why, you still want to fight with me, are you sure you can beat me?” The bloated man looked at him.

“Okay, count you cruel.”

The man with severed hand was about to leave, and suddenly stopped, “Can I ask you why you killed the little girl?”

The bloated man said: “Get out, get out quickly, don’t lead that strong man over.”

“Don’t worry, he didn’t chase when I ran.”

“Then you still don’t get out.”


The man with severed hand looked bad, but he didn’t dare to fight him. Because the opponent was very strong, he had to gritted his teeth to open the door, but there were two familiar people at the door, and he stepped back step by step.

The bloated middle-aged man shouted angrily:

“You… why are you still not leaving? Do you want to die?”

He was about to be unable to stand it anymore, the woman in the bed was so bold that she dared to play with herself.


What is she doing?

To die.

He breathes quickly, and he will take care of you later and let you walk on the wall.

“Don’t even think about leaving, I will ask you to answer.”

As soon as Li Xu said, the door of the room closed automatically, and the whole room was filled with strong pressure.

The man with a broken arm felt as if a big mountain was pressing on him, his legs trembled, and finally he couldn’t help kneeling on the floor.

The man on the couch was sweating and breathing quickly. This man is so strong in the pressure of Spirit Power, who is it?

Li Xu pulled out a chair and sat down.

“Let’s start, all talk about why you want to kill her?” Li Xu pointed to Xiao Dawen who was blindfolded.

The man with severed hand looked at Li Xu, shaking all over, then looked at the bloated man sitting on the couch:

“I was hired by him to kill, I don’t know, you have to ask him.”

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