Chapter 67: villain is obviously super strong but overly cautious

“Yu’er has taken the bait, Li Xu must die.”

About forty miles from Funong Town, there is a towering smoky peak.

There is a small fire in the middle of the peak. Two tree branches are inserted on both sides of the fire. A long branch is placed across the branches. A piece of paper is glued to the branches. A scribbled stickman is drawn in the paper. .

The cold voice without any emotion came from the stickman. This was the fifth Elder who was very cautious.

Even Song Shi, the Patriarch of the Song Family, has never seen the face of Fifth Elder. The voice is fake, and it is not clear whether it is a male or a female, so he is cautious to the point of morbidity.

The only thing I know is that the Fifth Elder sent the Song family to set up a branch in Yuyang County, and knows nothing about the Fifth Elder.

Every time I see the stickman style of the fifth Elder, I feel very helpless.

Possibly influenced by the fifth Elder, Song Shi Patriarch also became cautious. The real body did not come, but replaced it with a crow, sharing vision with the crow, standing on the left branch of the tree.

The branch on his right is also a crow, his second brother Song Zhong.

Sitting cross in the front with a serious face is the third brother Song Qian. This is not his real body, but his puppet.

Song beginning, Song end, the first three brothers from Song dispatched.

Song Shi was even the head of the family, and he personally came forward to make arrangements, which shows the importance of Li Xu in their hearts.

“By the way, do we need to be so cautious?”

The black crow on the left began to speak. It was Song Shi’s sound transmission crow. Once a problem occurs, the crow can be killed at any time to cut off contact.

“It’s better to be cautious.”

The voice of the stickman came out.

There is a smokeless flame under it. Once something goes wrong, the paper can fall into the fire and turn into ashes, thus achieving the effect of destroying the corpses.

“The fifth Elder is right.” The black crow standing on the right side of the tree made a sound. This was Song Zhong’s sound transmission crow, and said:

“According to the information we got through the investigation, Li Xu is not simple at all. His origin, his life experience is completely unclear.”

“However, his personal connections are quite clear. He and Narcissus on the Moss Tower, Yushi from Yushitai, and Taixuefu’s Jijiu all intersect. Just this point shows that he must be hiding us. I know the story, but I can’t find it.”

He sighed, and then said: “All we found were descriptions of his strength.

He once shot in the small town of Funong, killing seven first-rank Wangdaojing practitioners with one punch, a toothpick cut off the arms of the second-rank Wangdaojing practitioners, and the fourth rank Dao method, Nanming Lihuo.

Also, when we were hunting Dean Qinglian, we killed all the people who brought Song Ming’s past.

By the way, an accidental investigation revealed that the Wen’an Academy, Sanshi Academy, and Wansong Academy in Yuyang County have jointly organized trials. Li Xu participated as the guardian of the secret realm. There are rumors that the last checkpoint was the injured fifth. Rank spirit beast, someone saw him fighting spirit beast and narrowly winning.

Therefore, I dare to speculate that his strength is at the peak of the fourth rank, and after the twelfth Heavenly Tribulation powerhouse, he is only one step away from achieving Immortal Ascension. ”

Fifth Elder asked: “This is the result of your investigation for half a month. Is there anything else?”

Song Shi, Song End, Song Qian shook his head.

Investigating Li Xu is very time-consuming, because Li Xu never leaves a trace of what he does, and he is very cautious.

The fifth Elder did not speak, and said after a long time: “You are all aware of the current situation now, the Tai Xuefu has already pointed out our existence yesterday, and our actions will be difficult in the future, but no matter what, the leader is Li Xu. The order given to us is that no matter what means are used, he cannot be allowed to live for the New Year.”

The third brother Song Qian, who had been sitting on the ground without speaking, turned his head and said, “Don’t worry, our plan is underway, and they are already in the game.”

“You did a good job on this. I didn’t expect that you could use mirage, puppetry, Miaodou leatherwork and Gu technique to create a floating farm town that is both true and false.”

Fifth Elder felt that the future of the Song family’s three brothers was limitless, because people with brains were far more terrifying than those with combat capabilities.

In the future, he may really become the heavyweight Elder of the organization.

“The only pity is that it took so much time and energy just to test him. It would be nice if he could steal his Tao, but it’s not a hurry. Take it step by step. Can you find out what Tao he cultivates?”

“The ghost knows.”

Song Shi, Song End, Song Qian shook his head.

Fifth Elder stayed for a while: “Ghost knows? Is there such a way?”

The three brothers rolled their eyes, shrugged, and shook their heads, not that way.

Fifth, Elder saw their reaction and immediately understood what they meant, that is to say, the Tao of Li Xu cultivation has not been discovered yet?

However, no matter what it is, this shot may be able to measure Li Xu’s true strength.

Suddenly, dozens of Song family children appeared around, one after another cupped hands and said: “Report to the Patriarch that the Fifth Stage formation has been arranged.”

“Okay, all of you go down and leave here quickly without leaving any traces.” The black crow on the left said.

When they left, Song Si repeated it to the fifth Elder.

“According to your instructions, we have arranged a Fifth Stage interference formation around this mountain. Even if Li Xu can detect something tricky, it is impossible to find us so quickly, so we are safe now and can turn on the water mirror to observe. Right?”

Fifth Elder thought about it. After multiple defenses, he finally felt a sense of security: “Turn it on.”


Brilliance flickers.

A light blue water drop appeared in front of their eyes, and the water drop slowly dispersed and turned into a mirror with the figures of Li Xu, Dawei, An Zhiyu and others reflected on the mirror.

“The show has begun.”

This “floating farm town”.

Li Xu always felt that the atmosphere was a little weird, but couldn’t tell where there was a problem, his feet stopped and frowned.

“Master, why are you stunned?” Dawei glanced back, because everyone had already stepped into this small town.

“Taixu Academy to Funong Town, according to the speed of our Yujian just now, there should be two quarters before we can arrive, but we are here now, haven’t you noticed this?” Li Xu felt unscientific. .

Everyone looked at Li Xu with doubts. Normal people would pay attention to this.

Li Xu said: “Our Yujian walks in the air without any obstacles. That is to say, the straight line between two points is the shortest. I know the distance from the academy to the small town of Funong. According to the speed of our Yujian just now, There will be at least two quarters before the time comes out.”

Everyone looked at Li Xu blankly and took a deep breath.

Dawei flashed her eyes, why did she suddenly start to do an arithmetic problem, this turn was a little dizzy.

Da Wei looked at Li Xu: “Master, do you have something to say?”

She ran over and came to Li Xu.

Others also stared at Li Xu with weird faces, especially An Zhiyu. They always felt that Li Xu was weird. Generally speaking, girls would be weird once or twice a month. Are there boys too?

Li Xu shrugged and said: “It just feels that there is a problem, but it doesn’t matter, let’s go.”

He walked forward.

Dawei took the corner of Master’s clothes and walked inside.

Walking into the town, I just don’t know why, but the town I am so familiar with at this time has a little more strangeness.

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