Chapter 36 Stealing Dao Letters-Planning to Steal Li Xu’s Dao

There was an abnormal movement at the entrance of Taixu Academy, and Li Xu, Taixuefu Jijiu and Yushi doctors all walked out.

I saw a little monk with a bald head of 1.6 meters tall at the door, with a small red mark on the eyebrows, and a string of Buddhist beads around his neck.

Li Xu looked at him: “It’s you.”

Little monk looked at Li Xu and said with a smile: “There is an urgent item, it is for you.”


Li Xu felt very strange. He knew few people who were too free to write to him, and he could count his hands and feet.

Little monk handed the letter to Li Xu.

Li Xu accepted the letter, and the envelope was blank.

“Who gave this to you?” Li Xu asked little monk.

Little Monk said: “Two or three hours ago, someone shot the letter and enough money to the station with an arrow. The arrow was tied with a note indicating that it would be given to Li Xu from Taixu Academy.

As for who it was, we dispatched more than a dozen strong men, but we didn’t find them. Anyway, we gave them the money. I’m leaving. If you have any questions, you can come to the inn in the town of Fu Nong to find me. My Buddha’s name is’Yi Shi Zhi. Zun, just call me’World Zun’. ”

little monk turned and left, he had to send letters elsewhere.

“Thank you.”

Li Xu watched him leave.

“Let’s go in and read it again.” Li Xu walked into the academy and just wanted to open the letter, but then he thought of something. It’s better to be careful with such unknown letters.

He took out a paper man from his arms and asked the paper man to open the letter for himself, without realizing the danger.

He went to read the letter in person, with murderous words written on it:

“Li Xu, I am Song Shi, the head of the Song family.

Unexpectedly, you did my good deeds twice and killed the tribesmen who had been cultivated with great difficulty.

Very good, you succeeded in attracting my attention.

You will not be safe anymore, because there are countless eyes staring at you in the dark night, making you awake at night.

Be careful of your way.

I. ”

After reading the letter, Li Xu frowned.

Seeing that Li Xu’s face was not good, the Jijiu and Yushi doctors leaned forward to read the letter.

“Is the thief so arrogant?”

Doctor Yu Shi gritted his teeth, his sturdy muscles were shaking, and his body was murderous.

“Interesting, is this trying to steal my way?”

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Xu’s mouth. He only repaired Spirit Power. It seemed like it was going to be fun.

“Song Shi, this name is destined to die.”

“You sabotaged them twice, and you must have a grudge against you. You can return to Zhuanxu’s capital with us. It’s not safe here.” Taixuefu sacrificed wine.

“The masters of Zhuanxu Imperial Capital’s Taixuefu, Yushitai, and Zhuanxu’s imperial family are all present, presumably they wouldn’t dare to take action.” Yushi doctor also said.

Li Xu shook his head and said, “No, I will stay here. Since they dared to write to me, they also told me to be careful, indicating that they are sure to kill me.

It happened that I wanted to find out the Taoist thief branch in Yuyang County, seized Song Shi, forced to ask where their headquarters was, and finally wiped out all the thief. ”

Taixuefu Jijiu and Doctor Yushi heard that the scalp was numb, you deserve it.

Li Xu said: “You go back.”

“Okay, I’ll go back to discuss with Zhuan Xu’s royal family and publish the information of the thief, and the entire Daozhou will know it for at most a month.” Taixuefu Jijiu said.

“I will now go back to draft documents, approve orders, and start the census, but all problems will be caught.” Dr. Yu Shi said.

Li Xu said little by little.

Doctor Yushi and Taixuefu Jijiu both saluted Li Xu’s cupped hands at the same time, because they respected Li Xu.

Don’t look at Li Xu looking very young, his actual age is older than them. He is not a royal family, is not a scholar, is not a member of Yushitai, does not belong to any power, and it is not easy to be able to think for the country of Zhuanxu.

They wanted to draw Li Xu into their camp many times, but unfortunately he was not interested.

“We’ll see you next time.” They planned to leave.

Just about to leave, Taixuefu Jijiu stopped, looked at Li Xu, and said:

“I think this matter can be co-operated with the Seta Building. The set of buildings in the Seta Building are all over Daozhou. If the thief goes to such a place, then he will definitely find something. If he finds it, he can catch it.”

“However, Shunaru, the ruler of Shunalou, never believed in the Zhuanxu imperial family, and even had no good expressions on Yushitai and Taixuefu.”

Li Xu looked at him: “What do you want to say?”

Taixuefu Jijiu and Doctor Yushi both looked at Li Xu and suddenly smiled: “Have you not seen her once? Maybe you can talk to her.”

“I’m not going.” Li Xu refused directly.

He did meet the woman.

The woman is indeed a country and city, but she has a problem with her mind. As soon as she opens her mouth, she says she wants his Yuanyang as a reward, and she also uses charming techniques on him.

He was so frightened that he ran away carrying the “carriage” overnight.

Seeing that Li Xu’s face was not good, the two looked at each other and smiled. Is there an unknown story in it?

“It’s up to you.”

“Go away.” Li Xu’s face went dark.

Taixuefu Jijiu smiled and handed out a black package: “This is something I bought at a high price. You should be able to use it.”

“What is this?” Li Xu looked at him.

“The things you always wanted.”

Li Xu only asked him for one thing, frowned and said, “Could it be formation?”

Taixuefu Jijiu didn’t speak, but just smiled, and then disappeared with the Yushi doctor.

Li Xu looked at it, and it was really formation.

“Thank you.”

After a while, Li Xu fell into contemplation: “Is it really necessary to cooperate with Setsuna Lou, but how to deal with Setsuna’s female is a headache, does it really have to sell yourself?”

A courtyard somewhere in Yuyang County.

Man No. 50 and 60 was kneeling on the ground respectfully, and at the front was a man with a cold face and a straight stature. He was saluting a portrait frame in the hall.

There is a black and white portrait in the portrait frame with a “stickman” painted on it.

The voice of the stickman in the portrait frame said: “This is simply our shame. Since our establishment, we have never failed in theft. You have failed in theft twice. It seems that you, the Patriarch of the Song family, cannot do it.

You have to know that I was the one who managed to set up a branch in Yuyang County. If you can’t do it well, I will do it for someone else. ”

Song Shi said: “Fifth Elder, this is Song Ming underestimated the enemy, and now he has received the punishment he deserves.”

“No clues left, right?”

“No.” Song Shi said, “They are all dead, it is impossible to find out here.”

Stickman said: “I got the tip. Doctor Yushi and Taixuefu Jijiu have already arrived at Taixu Academy. They will definitely announce what we have done to the world soon. Our situation is estimated to be difficult at that time. Be careful, but I No matter what you do, Li Xu must die.”

Song Shi said: “We have already planned to do something against him.”

“Have you investigated his identity?”


“If you don’t have it, do it, is your brain a pig?”

Fifth Elder shouted angrily: “Check his identity, and his ancestor for eighteen generations, the bird grows a few hairs.

I’ve checked it all out, if the moth comes out again, the Song family will wait for death. ”

Song Ming’s forehead was full of sweat: “Yes, the fifth Elder.”

“Remember, all be careful, don’t expose us, you first investigate him clearly, I will come over to help you after I am done with things here, and then kill him.”

“Yes.” Song Ming bent over again with cupped hands.


A puff of smoke from the stickman on the portrait frame turned into ashes.

The courtyard is silent, no one speaks, I just want to vomit:

Fifth Elder is obviously super strong but overly cautious.

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