Bai Jiu lay on her bed, buried her face in the pillow, making a mumbling sound, her legs bent and slapping against the bed.

After a while, she raised her head, revealing an unusually rosy face, with shyness between her eyebrows, making people want to hold her in their arms and rub her.

"This Mo Li must be a big pig's hoof, a scumbag," Bai Jiu criticized unceremoniously, "He looks quite handsome and cooks delicious dishes, but I didn't expect him to pinch my leg. He is so mean."

"He said it was subconscious, but I think he has ulterior motives."

"No! If I have a chance to fight with Mo Li next time, I must avenge this, I have to pinch him back!"

From childhood to adulthood, except for her father, no other opposite sex has touched her body, and she has never given a good face to the so-called fiancé, let alone contact.

Whenever Bai Jiu recalled the other party pinching her calf, her face turned crimson.

Her heart was beating so hot and hard, and the blood in her body seemed to be boiling.

She gasped, opened the window, and felt the refreshing summer breeze blowing across her face, and her heartbeat slowed down.

If someone else pinched her calf, she would probably cripple the hand that touched her even if she didn't kill him.

But when she came to Mo Li, she only felt a so-called shame and anger, and had no idea of ​​crippling him at all.

Is this what it means to be short-handed and soft-mouthed when you take someone's money?

"Bai Jiu, Bai Jiu, you haven't eaten meat for half a month, and you were bribed by the other party's meal." She rubbed her beautiful face with her hands, and her mouth pouted like a fish, "Wake up, Bai Jiu, don't be fooled by the other party's cooking skills."

She didn't know how long she rubbed it, but the moment she let go of her hand, she felt sore and numb on her face.

Standing on the balcony, she looked at a lighted room downstairs, with a thoughtful look in her eyes. Her white jade hands knocked on the railing, and a series of crisp sounds came out, like the sound of cicadas in summer, soothing and pleasant.

"Although he is a bit bad, I have to say that among all the peers I have met, his strength can indeed be ranked in the top three, and it seems that he seems to have some trump cards that he has not used during the competition."

"Freshman welcome meeting... Hehe, I have an idea!"

Bai Jiu said softly, his eyes were still staring at the front, but his thoughts had already drifted to the horizon.

The red beauty contact lenses sparkled like rubies in the dark night. This slightly dazed cute look would make anyone who saw it intoxicated.

Beep, beep, beep--

Looking down at the bracelet, Bai Jiu stuck out her pink tongue and said unhappily, "If saying sorry is useful, why do we need the police?"


Mo Li sat on the bench, feeling extremely irritated. He certainly couldn't get away with taking advantage of Bai Jiu, but how should he apologize?

He had just sent an apology message to the other party's bracelet, but Bai Jiu ignored him, and he couldn't send it again, for fear of disturbing the other party and making her even more angry.

Mo Li scratched his hair vigorously, hoping to think of a way to apologize to the other party.

"Buy a gift? No, no, Bai Jiu looks very rich, and she has plenty of such vulgar things."

"Apology requires a thought, and if it's a thought... oh, I got it!"

Suddenly, his hand stopped, his eyes became clear, and he thought of a great idea.

The school will hold a welcome meeting for freshmen at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. He can get up early to prepare a sumptuous meal for Bai Jiu. Didn't the other party praise his cooking? Then he can use food to apologize.

Mo Li's mouth curled up a smile. He did this to maintain a good relationship with his roommates. He didn't have any unreasonable thoughts at all.

Well, definitely not, he is a gentleman!

After formulating the apology method, Mo Li lay on the bed and opened the bracelet to read it. He had to learn about the system of Mingzhu Academy.

Teacher Wang Ping and senior Liu Tiecheng said that Mingzhu Academy was very interesting. He wanted to see where the fun was.

After browsing for nearly an hour, Mo Li finally finished reading the introduction of Mingzhu Academy and had a deeper understanding of Mingzhu Academy.

It's really interesting, Mo Li kept sighing in his heart. No wonder others said that they had to understand it themselves. It was really true.

The student level system of Mingzhu Academy is not just for show. Each level up brings great benefits.

For example, the D-level students that Mo Li and his friends are in are the lowest level, and their permissions are only the most basic ones.

After being promoted to C-level students, they can enjoy a 10% discount on items in the school's treasure pavilion. The treasure pavilion is the school'sThe exclusive institution founded by the management of natural treasures can only be exchanged for points, and there are only two ways to obtain points: completing tasks and distributing them in the school.

The exchange of treasure pavilions also has a priority system. When two people like the same item, whoever has higher authority and more contribution points can exchange for the natural treasures they want first.

This is very unfair to low-level students, but this is the way of the world, this is reality!

Those students with strong strength have completed many tasks for the school and have more contribution points than ordinary people, so they are qualified to enjoy this convenience.

This is what they won themselves. If you want, you can also fight for it. Mingzhu Academy does not object to this.

B-level students can enjoy a 20% discount. A-level students above can not only enjoy a 30% discount, but also join the most mysterious organization of Mingzhu Academy-Shadow.

Shadow is the high-end combat power of Mingzhu Academy. Every shadow has completed countless tasks, and the difficulty is beyond imagination.

As for the highest-ranking S-class students, according to the information in the bracelet, they live in the lake island behind the villa area, which is shrouded in a thick fog. Those who are not strong enough above the ninth level cannot see through the fog at all.

Without the approval of the school, those who trespass into the lake island will be deprived of their strength at the least, or be directly killed at the worst.

That is the most mysterious place in Mingzhu Academy, so mysterious that less than one percent of the total number of students in the academy can enter this place.

S-class students also have the right to attend meetings and vote for the senior management of the academy, and their authority is much greater than that of ordinary teachers.

From the bracelet, it can be learned that D-class students need to have 100 contribution points to be promoted to C-class students, B-class students need to have 500 contribution points, and A-class students need to break through to 1,000 contribution points.

The S-class does not record the so-called breakthrough contribution points required. Mo Li only learned from the bracelet that this is unilaterally authorized by the academy.

According to the speculation of people in the forum, only those who have won supreme honors for the school can be granted S-class authority.

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