The Anti-Routine Liar At The Beginning, The Other Party Was Scared And Wanted To Call The Police

Chapter 25 The Capital Is Counseled, And The Whole Ne2rk Apology Letter Is Coming

"Don't panic."

Ding Yongzhen gave his assistant a blank look.

"Just say something."

"Not long ago, the anchor named Yi Xiangze posted another video."

"He sent a video to admit that he was cowardly, right? Has the video been deleted before?"

Ding Yongzhen took a sip of tea, looking as expected.


The assistant's face was extremely ugly.

"He posted a video of the fight... countering our previous announcement."

"And... he sorted out the screenshots of 60,000 people and made them public on the entire Internet!"


Ding Yongzhen's hand trembled, and the teacup fell directly to the ground.

torn apart.

"What did you say?"

"Is there really 60,000 people who slashed at him?"

"And these 60,000 people still listen to him like this, saying that if you post screenshots, you will post screenshots?"

Ding Yongzhen had an unbelievable look on his face.

He looked at the phone, Lu Ze asked Pin Xixi to apologize publicly.

His face became cloudy.

"Is there such a thing in this world?"

"Can someone really summon 60,000 people?"

"Have you checked the screenshots he posted?"

Ding Yongzhen still seemed to want to struggle, "Is it made of PS?"


The assistant shook his head.

"After I downloaded the screenshot file, I immediately contacted the technical department."

"Those screenshots are all real..."

"And not a single screenshot is repeated."

"We also contacted the back-office programmers to reconfirm."

"I retrieved the data of Xiangze's participation in the activities that day."

"According to the data, 100,000 people participated in his bargaining that day."

"This kind of thing has never happened..."

"So the background automatically characterizes his account as malicious ticket swiping."

"As a result, the sharing link of help is blocked."

"As a matter of fact... we simply checked the IP of some of the facilitators."

"Those users who help Xiangze all the way are basically from all over the world..."

"That is to say... those helpers... are real people!"

Hearing this, Ding Yongzhen's body softened.

Almost collapsed.

This time...

It's a kick to the iron plate!

He couldn't imagine anything.

How can someone really... have such an influence?

"Mr. Ding... The leader just called..."

"Very bad tone..."

"Expressed very dissatisfaction with the handling of our PR department."

The assistant said cautiously, "Leader... let you talk to his office."

Ding Yongzhen shook his head regretfully.

Obviously, things are going to be big!

If the company wants to remedy it, it must find someone to take responsibility!

And as a PR person...

This pot, you can count yourself back!

Such a big stain.

My career...and it's basically over!

Ding Yongzhen's face was painful.

"It's over..."

"It's all over now."


one hour later.

Lu Ze took a shower.

I'm getting ready to start the broadcast, chatting a few words with the audience.

Jingle Bell.

A cell phone rang.

"Hello, Mr. Lu, I'm Shen Nana, the president of the Magic Capital E-commerce Alliance."

"you know me?"

"I watched your live broadcast."

"Li Changhong, who asked you to bring the goods before, used to be a member of our alliance."

Hearing this, Lu Ze's heart skipped a beat. E-commerce alliance?

Aren't the members below her all e-commerce bosses like Li Changhong?

I reported Li Changhong myself last time.

This is a big no-no for businesses.

She called herself, did she come to notify her to block herself?

In the future, I am afraid that there will be no merchants who dare to bring their own goods...

"Li Changhong called me before."

"I hope I use the power of the alliance to block you in the world of bringing goods."

"But I refused."

Shen Nana said: "I appreciate your courage to expose inferior products."

"After you exposed his product quality problems, we kicked Li Changhong out of the league."

"In my alliance, there is no need for such dishonest merchants!"

"Thank you."

Lu Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

Listen to what the other party means...

Do you still have the opportunity to pick up and bring the goods contract?

"We have a merchant here, after watching your upright video of bringing goods."

"She very much shares your values."

"And there is a delivery item in hand."

"I want to work with you."

"I want to push your contact information to her, so that I can discuss with you about the live broadcast."

There are actually merchants who want to bring their own goods!

Lu Ze's face brightened.

Live streaming not only enriches your live streaming content.

It can also bring you more popularity, traffic and income.

Why not do this kind of thing with the best of both worlds?

"no problem."

Lu Ze said cheerfully: "You can ask her to add me VX or Penguin."

"Okay, I believe you will cooperate happily."

Shen Nana hung up the phone.

Lu Ze started the live broadcast.

a few minutes.

The number of people online in the live room has reached 40w.

【Catch up again! 】

[The anchor is on the air again! 】

[The small road legion comes to report! 】

[Mr. Lu, I watched the video you posted, it's beautiful! 】

[This anchor can handle it, and if there is evidence, he will dare to confront the capital in person! 】

[Yes, such a company must not be tolerated! Make sure to let it apologize! 】

[The anchor is really awesome, in such a short period of time, he can sort out the screenshots of tens of thousands of people! 】

[Must be, the Path Legion is united! 】

[New arrivals report...I heard that the anchor shouted that 60,000 people cut down Pin Xixi? 】


A large number of barrages came alive in an instant.

Due to the large number of people online, the number of barrages is also dizzying.

Lu Ze couldn't reply one by one.

I can only pick the key points and take the initiative to chat with the audience.

While talking, Lu Ze suddenly found that the barrage of a certain topic swiped frantically.

[Have everyone read the announcement! Pin Xixi apologizes! 】

[The anchor is awesome, Pin Xixi is finally cowardly! 】

[Tears... We actually defeated capital! 】

[60,000 people... Really cut down on Pin Xixi! 】

[The anchor is too dick...Pin Xixi's apology announcement makes me so happy! 】

[Capital is cowardly! The anchor took our small road army to win this battle! 】

[Indeed, I have been pitted by Xixi many times before, and today it apologized to the whole network, and it is also an apology to me! 】

【The anchor is invincible! I will follow you later! 】


See the barrage flying all over the sky.

Lu Ze also shines.

He immediately entered Pinxixi's official website.

An official announcement came into view.

The title font is large and clear.

[A letter of apology to users of the entire network].


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