【Wuhu! Copy it back, copy it back! 】

[Brothers, the Army has successfully cracked down on an extortion gang! 】

[Your boss is still your boss, fighting criminals is never ambiguous. 】

[New brothers, calm down, Mr. Lu sends punishments every day, everyone order a subscription, and there will be exciting programs every three or five in the future. 】


at the same time.

Chen Wenqiang watched Lu Ze's live broadcast.

I was moved to tears.

He is the owner of a southern grocery store.

He was also extorted by members of Du Feipeng's team.

He himself never thought of selling substandard products.

But let's be honest.

Sometimes it's really overwhelming.

an oversight.

There may be temporarily expired products forgot to remove from the shelves.

Or there is a problem with the goods provided by the supplier.

They will be found out by members of Du Feipeng's gang.

If an ordinary person buys the problem product.

Chen Wenqiang will immediately remove the problem goods from the shelves and actively compensate consumers.

But people like Du Feipeng came to the store.

Purpose is clear.

Almost never miss a single item.

Just figure out the problem.

He began to extort high sums of money from Chen Wenqiang.

Otherwise... report to the industry and commerce.

Of course... Chen Wenqiang knew.

The problem was found.

These are indeed their own faults.

As a merchant, it is necessary for him to ensure that every item on the shelf has complete procedures and is of qualified quality.

This is the minimum conscience of a businessman.

But Du Feipeng's gang.

A different person came to his shop with a different pattern.

Blackmailed him several times in a row.

Now the gang has been wiped out.

He was also very happy.

Since then, Chen Wenqiang has also been extra careful.

All the goods in our store will be double-checked to ensure that there are no problems.

It is clear.

It's true that fake people.

It can serve as a warning to these businesses.

But they are just afraid of fake anti-counterfeiters like Du Feipeng who have ulterior motives and use this to do illegal things!

He turns on the phone.

There are several recordings of Du Feipeng blackmailing him.

There are also several vouchers for withdrawing money.

Chen Wenqiang sent the information to Lu Ze.

Although I don't know if I can help.

But at least...

It can be regarded as an explanation for myself!


[Ding...Congratulations to the host for successfully cracking down on reporting false hangover drugs, the attention score is 250, and the reward points are 200,000. 】

[Ding...it is detected that the host's attention is overwhelming, and an additional 120,000 points will be awarded! 】

Lu Ze glanced at his system panel.

Total points: 1.01 million!


Million Points are finally here!

To get enough points.

Lu Ze has been hoarding reward points several times in succession.

The purpose is to wait until today to conduct more than a thousand times the superimposed lottery!

Take a deep breath.

Lu Ze started the lottery directly.

[Consume 1,010,000 points for a 1,010-fold superposition of the basic lottery. 】

[Ding... The lottery draw is successful, congratulations to the host, who has been overwhelmed with luck and won the top reward... an orange gift box. 】

as predicted!

What about a one in ten probability!

Under the circumstance that there is a luck BUFF.

rounded down.

The probability is 100%!

【Open successfully! 】

【Get 200 million funds】

【Obtain a third-party appraisal agency】

[Acquired absolute controlling stake in Magic Capital Hang Seng Private Hospital]

[Acquired Skill: Master of Disguise]

[Acquired skills: National Art Master! 】

[Acquired Skill: Reward Reset]

As expected of the orange legend!

This reward is quite generous!

He actually gave three top skills in one breath!

[Master of Disguise]: Gain master-level disguise ability, master all makeup and disguise skills, and can change your facial features slightly.

See this skill introduction.

Lu Ze's spirit was shocked!

good stuff!

Absolutely good stuff.

His fans in Douyin are getting bigger and bigger.

At the same time, its influence on various online platforms is also growing.

This will inevitably lead to many restrictions on their own actions in anti-fraud and counterfeiting or dealing with criminals in the future.

after all……

Who can guarantee criminals will not go online?

In case of any fraudster, he just likes to watch the anti-fraud live broadcast!

And this camouflage master skill.

Be able to make yourself change your face, so when dealing with criminals.

It will not be easy to scare the snake.

If the other party watched their live broadcast.

Know what you look like.

Then it is easy to add a small live broadcast!

In this way, Lu Ze will be much easier to operate.

In addition... this master of disguise can actually change his bones slightly!

Wouldn't this add the ability to automatically pinch your face for micro-plastic surgery?

But Lu Ze looked at himself in the mirror.


This face of himself has already combined the advantages of Wu Yanzu, Peng Yuyan, Hu Ge and others.


There is absolutely no need to change!

At the beginning, the popularity of Lu Ze's live broadcast was sluggish, and he almost ate a bowl of Xingxiu's rice.

In terms of appearance, it is absolutely against the fight.

[Grandmaster of Chinese martial arts]: Obtain all martial arts skills and reach the state of a grand master.

in short.

Is to master various martial arts skills.

Including fists, knives, guns, sticks, and even hidden weapons!

Originally, Lu Ze felt that he was in the aspect of force value.

Basically it's full.

After all... one power down ten sessions.

His own strength attributes are several times higher than that of ordinary people.

The power reaches this level.

Punch down.

Ali was directly admitted to the ICU.

Tyson had to lie down to get his lunch.

Elephants weighing several tons would have to die in situ.

These martial arts routines... It seems that their improvement is not very obvious.

But...after all, he is a well-known big anchor.

Slap without moving.

One punch knocks someone crooked.

Too violent... It will damage the image of his elegant boy.

At this time, acquiring the skills of a martial arts master is obviously in place.

At that time, a set of Wing Chun, Tai Chi, Xing Yi Quan, etc. will be played out.

Nice pose.

It can also promote national arts.

Kill two birds with one stone.

[Reward reset]: After each system reward is obtained, there is a chance to re-randomize a certain reward with reference to the host's certain thoughts.

This skill is also quite top!

If the system rewards something that you can't use.

You can have a chance to re-convert the reward yourself.

The reward for conversion is said to be random.

But the system clearly stated that it will refer to its own certain ideas!

Therefore, you will get the rewards you need after converting with a high probability.



In addition to giving itself a lot of money, the system.

He also rewarded himself with a third-party appraisal agency.

Even a private hospital!

good guy.

It will be convenient for Lu Ze to make identification in the future!

These institutions are rewarded by the system.

The source and all are compliant and legal.

The outside world can't find any problems.

Just like the funds rewarded by the system.

The system will automatically help Lu Ze solve the source problem.

These are the most basic functions.

The system doesn't even bother to explain.


What is the use of this system?

Reward yourself with a lot of money.

And then let yourself go in for a prison meal for the reason of the unknown source of a large amount of property?


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