The ultimate weapon against the Demon Lord?

Everyone in the cabinet had a spark of hope in their eyes.

Someone immediately stood up excitedly and asked, “Prime Minister, may I ask what type of weapon is the so-called ultimate weapon of the Eagle Sauce Country?” ”

“Can this weapon really pose a threat to that Demon Lord? How sure is it? ”

This question asked the doubts in the minds of most cabinet members.

What type of weapon?

Tojo-Hideki was silent for a moment and did not answer positively.

Because he didn’t know what the so-called ultimate weapon of the Eagle Sauce Country was.

The head of the country of eagle sauce only revealed two points to him.

First, this weapon has not yet come out, it is still in the experimental stage, and at present, the eagle sauce country has not perfected all the technology, only semi-finished products.

Second, this weapon is extremely powerful and has the terrifying lethality of destroying a city.

“Guys, this ultimate weapon is the top secret of the Eagle Sauce Country, and I know very little information. But what I can be sure of is that once this weapon hits that Demon Lord, it can definitely kill him directly! ”

Tojo-Hideki assured with confidence.

The ultimate weapon that can easily destroy a city, but it can’t kill that demon lord?

Anyway, Tojo-Hideki does not believe it.

The Demon Lord is powerful, and ordinary thermal weapons are basically no threat to him.

However, Tojo-Hideki found out from the latest information collected about the Demon Lord that this Demon Lord was still a little afraid of the power of thermal weapons.

Because I have never heard of him using flesh hard steel bombs or guns.

It is always a strange energy shield that prevents shells from entering.

Therefore, as long as this weapon of the Eagle Sauce Country can break through that peculiar energy shield, there is still a high probability that it can kill that demon lord!

“Your Honor, are you so sure? If this weapon hadn’t killed that demon lord, our empire would have ushered in his bloody revenge!” ”

Navy Minister Kiyoshi Hasegawa asked worriedly.

“Your Excellency Hase, even if we don’t use the ultimate weapon of the Eagle Sauce Country, can you guarantee that the Demon Lord will let our empire go?”

“Don’t forget, he calls himself a demon, are you expecting a demon to show mercy to the enemy?”

“Instead of pinning your hopes on the enemy, it’s better to give it a go!”

Tojo-Hideki looked sharply at Kiyoshi Hasegawa not far away and shouted loudly.

Anyway, the horizontal and vertical are all dead, anyway, they have already formed a hatred with Huaxia that cannot be separated, and it is estimated that there are so many why?

“Alright! I hope the Prime Minister’s decision is correct! ”

After Hasegawa said this, he chose silence.

At this time, Sugiyama Yuan stood up again and asked, “Prime Minister, what about our millions of soldiers in Huaxia?” Let them withdraw? ”

“Those who go deep into the interior of China have no possibility of withdrawing, so let the soldiers along the coast of Huaxia withdraw to the sea area first!”

“Moreover, if we want to hurt this demon lord, we also need a lure that is tempting enough!”

The secret weapon of the Eagle Sauce Country is not yet ready for the ability to strike from a long distance.

In order to kill that demon lord, someone had to make a sacrifice.

Therefore, Tojo-Hideki intends to let some of the little devils in the territory of Huaxia act as bait.


Sugiyama wanted to say something, but quickly held back.

In today’s situation, perhaps this is the best way.

If you can really solve that demon lord, the situation will be much better.

Although it will not be able to continue to invade China at that time, it can at least ensure the security of the mainland.

Of course, if he can achieve the position of army minister, he naturally will not put his eggs in the same basket, and he plans to continue to maintain contact with the Red Party after the cabinet meeting.

Be ready for defeat and surrender at any time.

At this time, the finance minister, who had not spoken much, suddenly spoke: “Prime Minister, I have a question!” The relationship between the Eagle Sauce Country and our Great Wakou Empire has not been very friendly, and even in the early days of the war, they sold a lot of weapons to the Yamashiro government, why did they suddenly decide to help us this time? ”

That’s right!

Both countries are important industrial powers, and there is a great conflict of interest in East Asia.

Although the two countries have not yet broken out into war, the situation has reached the point of saber rattling, why did they suddenly come up with their country’s ultimate weapon to help the country?

This is also a concern for many cabinet members.

“Oh, because they also dominate the world, they don’t want to see the rise of the Huaxia Kingdom~!”

Tojo-Hideki sneered and laughed disdainfully.

Between countries, there are no eternal enemies and no eternal friends.

Only eternal interests!

The state of China, although conservative and destructive in modern times, is considered synonymous with barbarism and ignorance.

But no country underestimates this ancient and mysterious country.

Because he has a long history and cultural heritage, the people of this country still have an indomitable will in their bones.

If you let this country rise, where is Eagle Sauce?

Moreover, the Eagle Sauce Country is only responsible for providing this ultimate weapon.

Even if this ultimate weapon can’t kill the Demon Lord.

Their relationship with the Huaxia Kingdom will not be bad!

Those who bear the wrath of the Demon Lord will only be the Yin Kingdom.

Although this feeling of being used as a gun makes Tojo-Hideki very unhappy, does he have any other choice now?

You can only take a risk.

“Okay, we get it!”

One by one, these cabinet members were as refined as ghosts, and quickly understood the intentions of the Eagle Sauce Country.

“Okay, since you have no opinion, then this secret mission called the Demon Slaying Plan begins…”

“I have a draft plan here, and I need everyone to discuss the details together…”

Tojo-Hideki waved his hand, and immediately someone took out a thick stack of documents and distributed it to each cabinet member.


Shandong, Qingdao.

Qingdao is located in East China, bordering the Yellow Sea in the southeast and east of the Shandong Peninsula, and the climate is still the same.

This city, once an extremely important port city in China, has a prosperous economy and many merchants.

But in modern times, the city has been devastated.

When the Tatar Qing government came to power, a piece of paper lost power and humiliated the country, and the entire Shandong Peninsula became a concession of Hanshu.

Qingdao has also become one of Hanstiger’s important overseas bases in the strait.

Subsequently, at the end of World War I, the Western powers barbarically transferred Germany’s rights and interests in the Shandong Peninsula to the Yin state, regardless of the interests of China, which was also one of the Allies.

Although Gu Weijun fought diplomats from many countries at the Paris Peace Conference and regained most of Shandong’s sovereignty, Qingdao eventually fell into a concession of the Yin state.

All in all, Qingdao is a city with a lot of fate.

For 45 years, ordinary people here have lived in the shadow of the great powers.

But the people of Qingdao have never forgotten where their roots are, and in these 45 years, they have never given up their struggle.

In the early days of the War of Resistance, due to the lack of weapons and ammunition, the anti-Japanese armed forces in Qingdao mainly relied on home-made weapons and improvised explosives.

They used simple materials such as bamboo and wood, earth and stone, and iron nails to make grenades, mines and other weapons, and carried out a series of secret underground activities.

In addition, the local anti-Japanese people also actively participated in the anti-Japanese struggle, providing rations, intelligence and other support.

In the past few days, the underground armed forces in Qingdao have received news from North China.

After learning that the Demon Monarch Lin Xun was coming to Qingdao, they were ready to plan a grand welcome ceremony.

In Qingdao City, because it has been occupied by the Wokou for a long time, there are still many Wakou merchants who come here to do business, so there are countless Wakou shops on the streets.

At this time, a squad leader of the Public Security Department was rushing with a group of vigilantes to the area with the densest concentration of Wokou shops.

“Brothers! It’s all good for Lao Tzu! ”

“On these signboards, as long as they are not written in the place of our Chinese characters, they all go in and smash them for Lao Tzu!” Anyone who meets someone who can’t speak Chinese will be killed by Lao Tzu! ”

“Lord Demon Sovereign will soon come to our Qingdao, and we Qingdao people must put on a good show for Lord Demon Lord before this, so that his old man can see our bloody nature!”

The captain raised his gun and pointed at a sign full of Wokou characters, and raised his hand to shoot a shot.


After a crisp sound, a large hole appeared in the wooden signboard.


“His mother’s, I have had enough of this little devil’s bird qi all these years, and the brothers smashed Lao Tzu hard!”

“Yes, these little devils of dog days, even if they encroach on our Huaxia’s land, and let these profiteers of dog days come to suck our blood and sweat, Laozi has had enough!”

“Smash, smash hard!”

More than a dozen vigilantes suddenly rushed up and began to smash the shop of the Wokou.

These vigilantes are all Qingdao locals.

After this land was occupied by the little devils, they swallowed their anger towards the little devils on weekdays, and dared not speak out.

Even sometimes, they have to help the little devils to oppress their compatriots.

To put it bluntly, they used to be traitors.

But the recent rumors about the Demon Monarch were dressed in this area, and some of them were afraid, afraid that like the two devils in other regions, they would be directly understood by the Demon Monarch Lin Xun. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So, with the efforts of some underground workers, they were ready to reverse.

Smashing the little devil’s shop is the first step in their rebellion.

“Yaga, Yaga-ya! Why are you lowly dogs smashing my shop? ”

The little devil in the shop heard the movement outside the shop and quickly ran out, cursing at a group of vigilantes.

“Eight, you’re a fucking bitch!”

A vigilante also didn’t talk nonsense with the little devil, and directly raised his hand and asked him to eat a grain of peanut rice.

“Damn, little devil of dog day, he is still so arrogant on our Chinese territory!”

“Brothers, continue to smash Lao Tzu!”

Once again, a group of vigilantes swarmed up.

Soon, the little devils in the shop were all killed, and the materials in the store were robbed.

The vigilantes then ran to the next shop again.


On the other side, Lin Yuquan, vice president of the Qingdao Public Security Maintenance Association, also rushed to the gathering place of the little devils and overseas Chinese, outside the Qingdao commercial port, with more than 3,000 people.

Here, there are more than 10,000 little devil diasporas gathered!

Little Devil has more than 200 factories, spinning mills, rubber factories, textile factories and so on.

The little devils surrounded this commercial port with a high wall, and also put up an insulting sign saying “‘Huaxia people and dogs are not allowed to enter'”.

As soon as he thought of that brand, Lin Yuquan couldn’t get angry.


In this commercial port, there was a whole small devil’s reinforcement squad, the number of which was about a hundred.

If you want to capture this commercial port, you must first solve these little devils.

“Fellow villagers, today is a big day for our Qingdao people to raise their eyebrows! This little devil has bullied us for decades! ”

“Today, our opportunity to take revenge has arrived!”

Lin Yuquan roared, took out a Wang Ba box from his waist, and charged at the forefront.

“Chong, kill these damn little devils and let them know how powerful our Huaxia people are!”

“Kill the little devil!”

Three thousand people rushed over like this.

They see death as if they were home, and they are invincible.

Of these thousands, only a few hundred had guns in their hands, and most of the others were cold weapons.

But in the heavy fire of a company of the little devils, they did not take a step back.

Perhaps, some people will think that this is silly and unnecessary.

Because, that legendary demon lord will soon be able to kill Qingdao!

With that person’s ability, killing these little devils is just a matter of snap of the fingers.

But these Qingdao people still chose to do so.

Previously, they did not dare to resist, or rarely resisted, because they saw no hope.

But the appearance of the Demon Lord ignited this hope.

With hope, there is an incentive to resist.

Although it is silly to do so.

But at least it can prove that the Qingdao people are not of the same race!

“Damn, are these guys crazy?”

“Beat Lao Tzu hard, let these lowly only people know the power of our imperial army!”

The little devils stationed in the commercial port desperately grabbed the trigger of the machine gun and fired wildly.

“Bang bang!”

Machine guns spewed tongues of fire and shot a member of the Sustainment Council who had one.

But the angry Huaxia people can’t be killed!

The people in front fell, and the people behind immediately rose to the top and continued to charge towards the entrance of the commercial port.

In the middle, some people kept shooting, or threw homemade grenades, knocking out several machine (Qian Nuo Zhao) gunmen of the little devil.

Let the firepower of the devils drop a lot.

“Rush, rush into the little devil’s commercial port, kill the little devil inside!”

Seeing that the firepower weakened, the members of the Public Security Maintenance Association suddenly charged more quickly as if they were beaten with chicken blood.

Soon, they rushed under the wall.

Hammers, shovels, against the wall is a greeting.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, the wall of the little devil soon collapsed.

Without the barrier of the wall, although the little devils still have a geographical advantage, the situation on the battlefield is no longer a one-sided slaughter.

Relying on the superiority of numbers and the spirit of not being afraid of death, the maintenance association even has a certain upper hand.

“Madmen, Huaxia people are crazy!”

It is clear that he still has the advantage, but the little devil is actually a little afraid.


Similar scenes continue to play out in Qingdao City.

The underground party, the guerrillas, the self-help association, the two devils of the uprising, the vigilantes, and the private armed forces established by wealthy businessmen were surprisingly united at this moment, and constantly launched a fierce charge against the strongholds and shops of the devils in various parts of the city.

The people of Qingdao have awakened at this moment.

The anger that had been accumulated for decades was ignited in an instant.

More ordinary people joined the resistance.

………………… Country…

In mid-air, Lin Xun, who was belated, looked at this scene staged in the city, and a rare trace of emotion appeared in his eyes.

Along the way, although he saw stories that could not be sung and wept, he also saw many heroic and righteous feats.

But this is the first uprising of such a magnitude as Qingdao City.

Seeing such a large-scale uprising, Lin Xun instantly felt that the hard work along the way was worth it.

Because, he witnessed the awakening of the people!

“However, this casualty is still a bit big!”

Lin Xun shook his head, but decided to help them.

(The second more, ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes, ask for self-order!) )。

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