On the other side, on Cangyun Ridge.

Li Yunlong was leading a battalion of death squads to quietly touch the mountainside.

A hundred meters further, you will reach the range of the mortar, and then the pillar will have the opportunity to destroy the headquarters of the devil!

If it goes well, the new group can not only break through smoothly, but also take the opportunity to make a profit.

At that time, Li Yunlong will not only not be punished by the division headquarters, but may also be rewarded.

However, there is an advance party of devils stationed ahead, and if you want to go further, a white-knuckle battle is inevitable.

Lin Yunlong glanced back at the soldiers behind him, and suddenly got up and shouted: “All members of the death squad, immediately launch a countercharge and kill the encirclement!” ”

“It is said that the little devil fights the bayonet twice, and Lao Tzu does not believe in this evil! When the narrow road meets the brave, the brave wins, and our new group of people are not frightened! ”

“Brothers, rush!”


Zhang Dabiao’s blood in his body is also boiling now.

With dozens of soldiers of the first battalion, they rushed with large knives and bayonets.

“Pillar, we cover you, you find a suitable place to set up a cannon as soon as possible!”

Li Yunlong also took the lead and slashed at the head of the devil with a big knife.

But at this moment, the afterglow of Li Yunlong’s eyes suddenly glanced at the roaring blood flame on the opposite ghost headquarters.

The amazing explosion, as well as the gorgeous and enchanting fireworks, made Li Yunlong suddenly a little dumbfounded.

“Pillars? Who the fuck put the cannon on? ”

Li Yunlong looked at Wang Chengzhu beside him in confusion.

“I don’t know!”

The pillar was also confused, and before he rushed within the range of the small mountain cannon, why did the devil’s headquarters suddenly explode?

Moreover, the movement of this explosion does not look like the power of shells in this world at all!

“Brothers, kill the little devil, kill me!”

Li Yunlong didn’t have time to think about it, and immediately beckoned the people of the death squad to continue to charge, and then turned his head to the pillar next to him with a confused look and said: “Pillar, call the trumpet officer to blow the charge trumpet, and the whole regiment will break through!” ”

Take advantage of your illness to kill you!

The command of the devil inexplicably exploded, and it was better not to take advantage of this time to charge!

Soon, the sound of the stormtrooper sounded.

Everyone in the new regiment rushed towards the position of the Sakata Coalition like a tiger descending the mountain.

But Lin Yunlong, as the commander, uncharacteristically did not charge together at this time, but found a safe position and picked up a telescope to observe the situation on the opposite side.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t look at it, it’s scary when you look at it!

I saw that in the headquarters of the Sakata Wing opposite, a young man in a black robe stood in the air, and a dark banner in his hand was constantly waving.

With every swing, a large number of devils fall.

And that’s not the most important thing!

What’s even more evil is that the devil’s machine gun was fired at the youth, and there was no!

In addition to hitting some Mars seeds, it didn’t hurt the youth at all!

“I’m fucking blind!”

Li Yunlong took the telescope away unconfidently, rubbed his eyes, and looked at it again.

This time, it’s still the same!


This is an encounter with a fairy!

This kind of great power can only be described as a god!

“I’m dripping obediently, who is that person, so fierce!”

“Lying in the trough, killing devils is the same as cutting wheat… God! ”

“However, this man’s means of killing people look a bit evil, you look at the black banner in his hand, it doesn’t look like a good thing!”

Some sharp-eyed new soldiers also noticed the movement on the opposite mountain and exclaimed one after another.

“Regiment Commander!”

Zhang Dabiao also suddenly rushed to Li Yunlong’s side, and said with a panicked expression: “Regiment leader, the guy injured on the opposite mountain… What a fucking evil door! ”

“No, it’s the devil in Mr. Storyteller’s mouth!”

Saying that, Zhang Dabiao remembered some mythical stories that he heard told by Mr. Storyteller in a teahouse when he was a child.

There are some murderous devil heads dressed in black robes!

The scene in front of him was exactly the same as the scene of the demon head killing people in his imagination.

“Devil your mother’s size!”

Li Yunlong suddenly gave Zhang Dabiao a chestnut pop on his head, and roared loudly: “Which demon head have you seen kill a devil?” ”

“As long as he kills the devil, Lao Tzu doesn’t care what kind of devil he is, and he is a good person in Lao Tzu’s eyes!”

After speaking, Li Yunlong picked up the binoculars again and glanced at the opposite headquarters.

This time, he saw the young man’s face.

It was a pale, enchanting face that exuded a strange charm at the same time.

On that face, Li Yunlong saw the happy revenge and saw the casualness!

In general, the face is attractive and handsome!

Even though Li Yunlong prides himself on being a famous junior in ten miles and eight towns, he can’t help but feel ashamed in front of this face.

“This fucking … Is it possible that there are really immortals in this world! ”

Lin Yunlong swallowed a mouthful of spit, and he couldn’t help but feel a little fascinated in his heart, and he also gave birth to a heart of friendship.

“Brothers, rush with me! Kill the past! ”

This time, Lin Yunlong’s confidence was much stronger, and his voice was even louder.

With the help of a killing god, I am afraid that I will not be able to take down the small Sakata United?

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