Chapter 48. Main Plan, Sub Plan

The ecosystem I gained from winning was similar to mine, so I just had to roughly double the size of my ecosystem and fit it together.

When the world is viewed as a sphere, there’s the Nectar Lake area at the polar region on the ceiling.

The desert area of the northern hemisphere surrounds that area.

Below the desert area, there are wetlands and mountainous regions in the equatorial region.

Below the mountainous region, the southern hemisphere area consists of grasslands and mining areas.

And at the polar region opposite the Nectar Lake, at the bottom, there’s the magic area.

The structure is such that nectar and syrup flow from the ceiling to the bottom, connecting the entire world.

The structure of the terrain is the core of the ecosystem, but honestly, what’s so great about a terrain that’s only as wide as ‘Seoul Special City’?

The mountains in my ecosystem are less than a kilometer high, and the rivers are narrow. It would be more impressive if it were as vast as Siberia, Africa, Australia, or the South American jungle, which are true ecosystems.

But still, with this much area, several unique aspects have emerged.

The biggest difference is the climate. It’s still enough to be called a desert, but fundamentally, there have started to be significant differences in sunlight and precipitation.

However, it’s hard to understand why the climate varies by region in this small world. It’s not a natural structure.

“From the 7th round onwards, the climate will probably stabilize.”

It must be due to the events that occur in the ‘Prime Number Round’.

Anyway, since there were many overlapping terrains between the enemy’s ecosystem and mine, after combining them all, there weren’t many special terrains left.

If I were to pick a few that didn’t exist in my world at all, there’s a terrain called 《Cloud Island》. It’s a floating terrain that can be reached from the mountains seen in Mihun’s world.

The clouds are not vapor but magical, so you can walk on them, and if there’s a wizard, they can help manipulate the climate, and there are also peculiar creatures that only inhabit this place.

There’s also an underground passage that can be combined with 《Valley》. I got the valley in the very early stages and had no way to use it, but they say a path to 《Underground》 has been created.

It’s a kind of hunting ground, where a few monsters appear, and the previous player seemed to have trained hero units there, but… I’m not sure.

The other magical terrains were not particularly developed in the enemy’s world either, but there were swamps that produced special substances, mines that yielded unique minerals not found on Earth, or high-magic areas where elemental spirits naturally formed. I didn’t know how to utilize them well, so I called Shuk-Rimuras and just covered them all with cream and connected them.

Life forms will naturally breed and survive in such places.

In particular, I like that the metal life forms [Bread] have become more aggressive and active under the influence of Shuk-Rimuras.

Yog-Tosos didn’t perform at all and didn’t receive a new territory, but instead, it raised the level of the terrain called 《Space-Time Boundary》 a few levels and learned some space-time magic, which is encouraging.

So far, I’ve roughly managed it, but if I win next time, 64 new terrains will be created. Can I manage them all? Of course, the enemy must have also combined and organized their 64 terrains to some extent…

The ecosystem editing is complete.

──At that moment, my consciousness shifts to the main build personality.

It’s a technique I learned while handling avatars. Instead of making everything equal, if I make one the main personality and treat the rest as subordinates (though I’m ultimately doing everything manually), it becomes more efficient and less confusing.

Currently, the most important terrains in the main plan are the grasslands and wetlands.

Since we are cultivating weeds to attack the enemy ecosystem. We combine the genes of those weeds with the genes of plants that grow tremendously with just the water present in the desert.

And we also need to control the livestock, wild animals, and insects that exist in the enemy ecosystem to make them natural enemies of the weeds. To naturally increase the reproductive power of the weeds, there must be creatures that threaten them.

The foundation is the desert, and there were only wild animals worse than camels… There were large herbivores similar to ‘cows’ and medium herbivores similar to ‘deer’. It’s a pity there are no small herbivores like ‘rabbits’.

Anyway, these guys are also transformed into a strong desert army like the camels that have already become monsters in my ecosystem and make them desperately eat the weeds.

I also need to create ‘hippos’ that live in swamps. This creature, which tears and kills everything in the swamp while also eating plants, will be quite helpful.

Although the diversity of the ecosystem is still lacking, and there are few types of weeds, the enemy will still come from rocky mountains, steppe grasslands, deserts, and swamps. In that sense, this level of weeds is sufficient.

The main plan is going smoothly. We just need to keep working steadily.

──The consciousness moves to the military operation clone.

After the 6th collision, it is the disembarkation section. The list of players disembarking is still being updated.

Most of the players who couldn’t withstand the disaster section seemed to be declaring disembarkation. In other words, only the lowest ranks are declaring disembarkation. At this point, they probably can’t change their lives with the points they’ve earned.

In other words, the lower ranks, who only lack penalty traits, seem to be devising cooperative strategies.

If there are no penalties, there is no reason not to accept surrender, so if the enemy is weak, they cooperate, and if the enemy is strong, they surrender and try to cling to the upper ranks.

It’s a strategically meaningful choice, and even the upper ranks tend to invest a lot of resources in military power to prevent potential disasters and gain an advantageous position in negotiations, as they would suffer significant losses if the lower ranks decided to build up military power and terrorize them (this is information gathered by the consulting clone who is diligently earning points).

In that sense, the vicious and ruthless predator strategy is still effective.

For now, most people still want to build cooperative builds while focusing on internal affairs rather than directly investing in military power.

Especially [Candy], who single-handedly destroyed the enemy world in the fourth collision, still has potential.

In fact, fundamentally, my military power is already at level 9. The main plan is to prepare for the situation where power drops in the mid-to-late stages, but for now, I can beat most of the enemy worlds to death before starving them with military power alone.

So, I inspect my soldiers.

[Killer Candy]. The one who brought victory in the fourth collision. Its form is similar to the round-legged ones at that time. Although it was helplessly defeated by the enemy world’s wizard unit in the fifth world, it’s different now.

[Syrup] and [Parasite], which have achieved complete coexistence within the body, and naturally developed [Poison].

First of all, the magic resistance has greatly increased, so it no longer falls helplessly to magic, and even if it fails to hunt, bacteria and parasites spread, gradually weakening the enemy ecosystem, and even if that doesn’t work, spreading [Syrup] in the enemy world makes it easier for the dessert army to invade later.

If the enemy world has weak military power, just spreading candy will kill them.

[Carnivorous Bread] An evolved predator with a metal body among the [Bread] with medium-sized carnivores. Its form is similar to a six-legged caterpillar, but the legs are not thin and muscular, with spiked horns and jaws on the head. It has a metal shell on its back. The metal body makes it difficult to grow large, so most are the size of wild dogs.

Their ‘attack power’ is only at the level of wild dogs on Earth. It can be stopped even at the prehistoric level, and Homo sapiens can easily fend it off with just their muscle strength.

But the key is ‘defense power’. The skin is metal. Syrup flows inside, so the magic resistance is very high. The internal structure is simple, so even if the limbs are cut off, it moves, and even if the head or abdomen is cut in half, it continues to hunt with separate ganglia.

To kill these crazy guys, you need to crush at least half of their body with a heavy hammer, which is very difficult.

[Carnivorous Pudding] Unlike [Carnivorous Bread], which only has legs and jaws, these guys have tentacles that act as arms and vary in size from wild dogs to lions or bears.

The spiked or horned tentacles can easily pierce a human body, and the instantaneous speed of the tentacle thrust is impossible to catch with reflexes.

The defense power itself is low, so it can be killed with a ‘throwing spear’ from a distance, but the key is mobility. These guys are incredibly fast, able to catch mice or rabbits, climb walls, and even survive a fall from a height of 3 meters.

[Eagle-like Creature] Literally creatures similar to eagles. They hunt pudding and jelly in the desert, so they can also hunt and eat humans. They fly in the sky, are incredibly fast, making it very difficult to catch them with a bow. And they are so temperamental that taming them is impossible.

[Yogurt] The direct subordinates of Yogurtosaurus. They are troops that can fly and use magic by adding syrup to a spirit called [Milk]. They have very high intelligence but strong instincts and no concept of using tools, so they cannot build a civilization.

These guys attack and destroy the enemy spirit world and change the structure to create yogurts like themselves. When the spirit world is destroyed, it becomes impossible to properly exert <Mystery> and <Divinity>, so they are essential forces.

These are the common soldiers of my world. They are the ones I am focusing on raising during the early dimensional gate stage to gain the upper hand. They will tear apart civilians, and even skilled hunters or hero entities can be killed if hundreds of them swarm.

On the other hand, the elite soldiers created to confront the hero entities of the enemy world are somewhat different.

[Dark Rim] The direct lineage of Shuk-Rimuras. They are the strongest, most ferocious, and largest. They devour everything in sight, including plants, animals, people, terrain, and even the spirit world, covering the surroundings with cream and syrup.

Their significance lies not in their direct combat power but in making it easier for other dessert legions to advance.

[Bisya Kit] The strongest taste. Attack power, defense power, mobility, ferocity—all are the strongest. Their current combat power can be said to be mass-produced hero entities. They require enormous maintenance costs, but the enemy has to bear those costs.

[Yokan] A hybrid of four types of jelly. The size of the yokans tends to grow gradually, and now they seem to be about the size of a rhinoceros. They just charge at everything in sight, ram into them, and tear them apart with their tentacles.

They have an incredibly hard shell, so to kill them, you need at least the impact force of a catapult.

If you scatter these creatures in the enemy ecosystem during the dimensional gate stage, they will naturally wreak havoc on civilization and humans.

Now, gaining the upper hand during the dimensional gate stage is important.

For the main plan of slowly destroying the enemy’s farmland to work, the enemy must think that ‘monsters’ are the greatest threat in my ecosystem.

So, I will further enhance their specs. There are limits to the biological methods I knew before, but now there is a new method.

Compared to the dessert legions that are gradually strengthened and synergized through various evolutions, camels, which are biologically disadvantaged and barely survive by chewing on cacti in the cactus forest.

Although they are still strong creatures, compared to the past when they used to go near the Nectar Lake and eat nectar, their numbers have significantly decreased, and they have been pushed out of the survival competition.

I will teach these guys a new method. It’s called ‘Yosu Technique.’

Jinseon Mihun, who taught me this, said:

“Yosu Technique is a technique that turns ordinary creatures into Yosu, or makes Yosu even stronger. What is Yosu? It is a creature that instinctively feels and uses the flow of spiritual energy (magic). It becomes stronger while maintaining its biological form.

I will teach you the main principles. According to this, twist the flow of the desired creature. Then it will develop spiritual roots and naturally pass on the technique to its descendants through its lineage.”

I recognized it as a magic that implants ‘magic genes.’ By teaching the Yosu Technique, they will now become powerful magical creatures and can pass on their traits to their descendants.

As Jinseon Mihun instructed, I poured divine power into a camel and taught it the Yosu Technique.

As a powerful flow settled within its body, the camel’s muscles and bones wriggled, forming spiritual roots based on its <Charm>, as Mihun called it, and attracting the surrounding flow and magic.

And the camel, which was already large, grew even taller and changed color. Its originally brown skin and fur turned dark brown, and its teeth and muscles qualitatively changed.

The dramatic appearance change due to the Yosu Technique is reminiscent of caramelizing sugar…


“From now on, you are Caramel Camel.”

“Wow, wow!”

“If a hero entity is born, I should name it Dalgona Camel. It sounds like a Fairy/Ground type.”

“Oh, the name doesn’t really matter…”

Regardless of what the angel says, the caramelized camel is now strong. So strong that it doesn’t care about camel-catching candy anymore.

The desperate body slam that once mercilessly pierced through the body now bounces off powerlessly.

The caramel camel has become too strong a creature to be caught by the weight class of candies.

It has forgotten its past life as a wretch in the cactus forest and now strides confidently to the nectar lake, eating the hard but nutritious gummy trees, picking fights with the quiet yokan and tearing their bodies apart, and even going to the nectar lake to drink nectar with bold moves.

Of course, it dies when attacked by the ruler of the nectar lake, Biscuit, but it was quite a struggle to kill it.

This caramel camel would be a terrible threat just by its weight class alone.

Originally, herbivores are not incapable of eating meat, but it seems to be quite actively carnivorous.

Camels are not small creatures to begin with, but after being caramelized, it has grown as huge as a giraffe, and it can be seen attacking and chewing on the branches where the persimmons sit with its long neck.

And perhaps because it has been tormented too much by the monstrous creatures of the dessert desert, it runs to trample anything nearby, and even uses magic to condense sunlight at the tip of its hooves and strike down with it.

Truly remarkable. I should caramelize a few more creatures that have been pushed out of the survival competition. Then they will become even stronger.

“You’re the only one who calls it teaching the art of beast manipulation, Mr. Bean.”

Once this is dealt with, this place will be finished.

──My consciousness moves to the consulting avatar of Sesaisa.

It’s only natural that this guy has messed up the ecosystem, but I’ve messed up the spirit world too, so let’s call it even.

“How is it, Bean? I tried to mimic your [syrup] and continued the flow with meat.”

But I don’t know how to evaluate this grotesque spiritual circuit made by cutting and lumping together the brains and nerves of creatures and connecting them to the ground and air.

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